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Arjun was sitting in his chair, eyes closed, holding onto a photo near his chest.  Suddenly, someone entered his cabin and took the photo from him.

"Shubha" exclaimed Arjun, getting up from his chair. He turned to his left, just to see his eldest brother sitting in the couch, with the photo he had a minute ago.

"What's up, Arj?? Yash asked Arjun before turning his eyes to the photo.

"Bhai, what are you doing here?? And give me the photo back" Arjun said in an annoyed tone walking towards Yash and sat beside him.

"Ok, ok, calm down Arj" Yash said patting Arjun's shoulder, the photo still in his hand.


"You pretend like you hate her but you still love her, even after---" Yash was speaking looking at the photo when Arjun cut him off saying, "Bhai, there is nothing like you think"

Yash:"Then why are you keeping her photo?? You are the one who told ma to remove her photo from your room and here you're....secretly keeping one with yourself"

"What are you trying to say bhai?? Arjun asked facing Yash.

"Just keep your ego aside and go talk to her, it's your anniversary today" Yash replied in a calm tone.

"No need of that!! Arjun said turning his head away.

"It's an order Arj!! Yash said sternly.

"Sorry bhai, I'm not going to follow this order of yours" Arjun said walking back to his chair.

"Ok, just call this person then" Yash said getting up from the couch and placed a paper slip containing a phone number and name in arjun's table.

Arjun:"Who is this??

Yash:"I don't know, this peron said it's important and wants to talk to you only, nothing more nothing less"


Yash nods.

Arjun:"But how did this person get your number??

Yash:"Called on the company landline number, my secretary informed me a while ago as he couldn't get to you"

Arjun:"Oh, ok bhai"

"Ok then, see you later Arj" Yash said and went to his cabin.

Arjun took the paper slip and dialled the number, the other person picked up.


"Hello, is this Arjun Kapoor??

Arjun:"Yes, and I heard you wanted to talk, what's the matter??

"It's about your son!! Can we meet??

Arjun:"About Abhimanyu??

"Yes, about him"

Arjun:"Ok, where should I come??

"I'll send you the address in a sec"


The moment Arjun cut the call he saw a message pop up in his phone. So he quickly took his car key and went to meet the person.


"Are you sure it's maths period now?? Abhimanyu asked Uttara, walking towards their class.

Uttara:"Yes and he's not going to let us in. I can bet on that"

Abhimanyu:"It's not like I'm dying to attend his class, maths sucks"

Parth Shubha - A Saga of Love and Sacrifice [ ON HOLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin