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I hope you're here after going through my announcement. 

If then, Please share your opinions. 

1.Just edit the original story, don't change much. 

2.You can add or keep the changes you have made. 

3.Would like to see the changes before deciding. (Even if you choose this option, I'm not sure If I can upload that version soon. Please be patient) 

And I don't think you should vote this announcement coz I'll be deleting it later. And feel free to share your opinions rather than leaving after reading and voting, it's important for me to take a decision. 

You can comment your suggestions if you have any,about any of my story, I'll consider it if I like it. 

And I hope you people show some appreciation to my work first,before commenting to update. There are some people who are silent readers and  comment in the last part to update while some people comment in all the parts but don't vote and the last category, voting some chaps in between and at the end which makes me sad as well as confused. I never made any target votes or reads in the beginning of my story writing coz I didn't care about it but now I have understood how much time and effort I have done to write those parts back then.My mother scolded me yesterday saying' You back to story writing?? I'm going to beat you up if you skip meals  staring at the phone without much break" That's when I realized I updated those stories  without much break during the holidays (Lockdown time as well)  when I should be visiting my maternal and paternal grandparents and cousins.I admit there are mistakes as I was new to writing but that doesn't mean it's worthless.

 I would like to tell people who have just commented in the last part,to show some appreciation as you read all the parts of my story till the end it means a lot to the writers and to people who have voted or commented in between some parts do tell me if you didn't like the story or the reason why you did that. And to the people who just commented through all the parts, every writer out here isn't here to participate in awards and all some are just here to show their love and respect to the characters they love, if you have read their work show some appreciation and support if you have liked it before just commenting please  update in the last part. Silent readers, it's not a bad thing you're doing,if you have read all the parts and are waiting like other supportive readers to read the next part show some appreciation.I'm not compelling the people who have read my story to vote and comment but telling the ones who have liked it so far, to show some support which encourages and motivates writers like me. 

And, I feel sorry to the supportive readers of my both story. I'm trying my best to update, thanks a lot for being supportive and encouraging!! 

Have a nice day :) 

Parth Shubha - A Saga of Love and Sacrifice [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now