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hyunjin couldn't help but shriek in joy, watching as changbin left the room to get another set of food. he wasn't joking right? changbin had actually said that they were friends, he didn't hear that wrong right? he heard it loud and clearly.

the one thing that he'd wanted the most, and now that it had actually happened, hyunjin couldn't help but burst out of happiness. 'omg, officer and i are friends! i can't believe it!'

it was at this point hyunjin didn't seem to realise, how his head was constantly being filled with only changbin himself. the only thoughts and desires of being friends with the older, had actually came true.

and hyunjin finally receiving that, knew that he couldn't lose this chance. he mustn't mess up, the bond they had was unbelievable; it was almost unbreakable. as hyunjin continued to wait for changbin to come back, he decided to read his book with a massive smile.

too lost in thoughts of what he'd just said moments ago, hyunjin couldn't get rid of it. changbin was everything to him and he was sure the older felt the same way as well.

despite having deep feelings for changbin, there was possibly nothing more he'd wanted but to be friends. this should be fine right? if he so happened to like someone, as long as they were friends right?

'it doesn't matter right? we're friends now.' hyunjin thought to himself, unknowingly denying his feelings.

would this be okay? was this all he'd wanted?

it wasn't long when changbin finally came back, a tray held in his head as he walked in. "i'm back."

hyunjin instantly whipped his head towards changbin, a massive smile displayed on his face. "officer! i was waiting for you!"

"yeah, sorry. i had to check in the other prisoners on the way, i can't just watch over one." changbin answered, placing the tray beside him.

"it's okay! i'm almost finished with this book." hyunjin said with a widen smile, picking the tray soon after to eat his breakfast.

changbin softly smiled at his words, now stood beside his bed. "that's good, i'm glad that you're enjoying it. after what you've said about it."

"sorry, you're right. i shouldn't have said that, i didn't know what i was thinking that day." hyunjin apologised while rubbing his neck, looking up at him with a guilty smile.

"it's fine, the most important thing is that you're getting comfortable with your stay here. your attitude seem to have changed a lot since." changbin responded.

"you think? i think i've actually grown to like this place. is that bad?" hyunjin questioned, causing him to slightly chuckle.

"not really. i guess it's because you have company? maybe you've gotten used to it here." changbin reasoned with a smile.

this made hyunjin smile even more, relieved it wasn't crazy at all. he was right, maybe he had grown to like it, was it possibly because of changbin? had he actually grown to like being with him? despite also wanting to leave?

maybe this prison wasn't as bad as he initially thought. as long as he had changbin by his side, nothing really bothered him; maybe spending 8 months wouldn't be torture. 

that was when a thought ran through his head, causing hyunjin to pause for a moment. what if spending the next couple of months made him not wanna leave? what if he wanted to stay here for the rest of his life? no, it was impossible. 

he knew that he had to leave here someday, despite growing to like it or not. does this mean he couldn't see changbin anymore? after all, that was part of the rule right? for polices not allowed to be in contact with the convicts once they leave the place.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 | changjin ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora