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"changbin stop, you're drinking too much." chan reasoned worriedly, both him and jeongin watching as the other carelessly slip another shot of soju.

they were currently at a nearby meat place, unable to digest what just happened earlier. are they actually serious? firing a well respected and trained policeman who worked harder more than everyone else, one who was filled with nothing but determination and passion.

but now, that was all gone. the spirit, that was lingering in changbin's body, had left him; he was just lost, the passion and determination disappeared in him. the hopes and dreams that he'd desired for, was simply gone.

and what can chan and jeongin do in this situation? nothing really, changbin had just given up on everything. the moment he heard that he was fired, the world around him had already ended, all that was left was his helpless self.

"hyung," jeongin worriedly called out, hoping it would snap changbin out of his sense. "it's okay, we know how hard it is for you right now, but you need to stop doing this to yourself. it's not good for your body and health."

"jeongin's right, what's more important is that you look after yourself." chan sighed heavily, reaching over to grab his small cup before he could take another shot.

changbin frustratingly groaned at the action, now banging his head against the table. "it's not fair!" he wept, hiccupping in between words. "w-why does this have to happen to me?!" 

his friends didn't say anything for a moment,  carefully listening in to changbin's crying words. "i've always wanted to be a detective! a-and now, it's being taken away from me! why?! why does minho hyung have to get it instead?"

"changbin," chan gently called out, reaching over to place his hand on his shoulder. "you've drank too much, you're drunk now."

"i-i don't care!" changbin sniffed, currently throwing a tantrum right now.

only sighing guiltily in response, chan turned to jeongin from across the table. "i'll take changbin home, you can head home too." he smiled.

"but hyung..." jeongin replied, unable to hold back in his worry. "will changbin hyung be okay?"

"he'll be fine, don't worry about him. i'll take care of him." he smiled reassuringly, only making jeongin sigh and nod.

getting up from his seat moments later, he took his credit card out. "i'll pay for the food." he eventually volunteered, causing chan to just smile at him.

"thanks, sorry about that." he answered in guilt to which jeongin only shook his head reassuringly. 

"it's fine, don't worry about it. you've treated us a lot of times anyways, time i return the favour." he smiled softly at him. "i'll see you guys later, let me know how he's doing."

chan nodded in response to his words, watching as jeongin leave the table to pay for the food. soon shifting his glance over to changbin, he sighed once again. "come on changbin, let's go. we're causing a commotion here."

"i-i don't wanna! i wanna stay here!" changbin whined, chan not taking that as a no. he grabbed onto one of his arms, wrapping in around his neck.

as he guided changbin out of the place, the other assisted no cooperation whatsoever. chan sighed at this, struggling to handle his drunk friend. "come on, don't make this harder for me." he told changbin.

"l-let me go!" changbin continued to whine at him, "i need to tell the boss i won't break any more rules!"

chan took this as a signal to stop on track, placing both hands on his shoulder to snap him back into sense. "look, that's not possible. once the boss fires someone, he's not gonna hire them back, no matter how much you plead."

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