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"so where is this place exactly?" hyunjin asked as he linked arms with changbin who was leading him outside for the first time. he was relieved that he was able to finally inhale the fresh air after being locked in the prison cell for long, he needed to go out.

changbin didn't say anything for a moment, too focused on taking him outside. that was when hyunjin pouted once again, unable to accept being ignored. "officer??" 

"what?" changbin eventually replied, not being able to ignore him any longer.

"how long have you been a police officer?" he asked, completely changing the question. it wasn't like that previous question was important anyways, all he ever wanted to do was have a normal conversation with the older.

he waited as changbin took a few moments to think before briefly turning around to face him. "about... 2 years?" he answered in uncertainty, his voice sounding more like a question.

"woah, really? then what do you do in your spare time?" hyunjin questioned as he continued to bombard him with countless questions. the more he interact with him, the more he was becoming interested and curious about the officer.

"nothing much, i just hang out with my friends and go shopping sometimes." changbin replied, eyes still set on the front before them.

"me too! maybe we can hang out some time after i get released!" hyunjin excitedly exclaimed, causing changbin to stare at him in confusion.

"listen here... we're not even friends so why should i?" he asked to which he smiled wider.

"why not? it'll be so much fun!" the taller happily declared, just imagining the thoughts of seeing the older outside work excite him even more.

changbin stayed silent as he said nothing, not wanting to argue any further. "why are you being so casual towards me?" he almost mumbled to himself, hyunjin managing to hear it.

"because i like you officer! i wanna be closer to you." he didn't hesitate to answer, just smiling so brightly at him. changbin turned his head to look at him for a moment before shrugging it away, his attention still focusing on the surroundings.

"i'm afraid we can't, like me as much as you want but know that we can't cross the line here." changbin bluntly explained, not wanting to push their relationship further than it already is.

this made hyunjin pout in response, he didn't wanna agree to that; he just wanna be close to him like how he'd always wanted. "i don't like that, why can't we at least be friends? me as a convict and ex-convict, there's no harm in that." 

"but that's against the rules i'm afraid, we're not allowed to be in touch with our ex-convicts or even try and further the relationship with them as prisoners. i'm sorry to say but we can't be even closer than whatever this is right now." changbin explained while opening the door.

"so, you're basically saying the moment i get arrested and put in jail, this relationship between us can't develop?" hyunjin responded after listening in to his explanation.

changbin sighed heavily as he nodded, already leading hyunjin outside. "yeah, i guess." 

"but i like talking to you, don't you feel the same?" he questioned while staring steadily at him.

"well, i find you quite annoying most of the time but i guess it was better than before." changbin replied, making hyunjin smile widely. "now enjoy your time here like what you've complained so badly about. i'll be back in a few hours." 

"i know you like my company." hyunjin smirked in a teasing tone, watching as changbin turn around to walk back inside without saying any more word.

he watched him disappear from his sight, making him pout once more. "he could've said something back. oh well, he's cute." he quietly muttered to himself before shaking it off and walking around to explore.

as hyunjin continued to wander around with curious eyes, it didn't take him long when he soon landed his eyes on a mysterious male, just sitting there as he read his book. raising his eyes in confusion, he unknowingly started walking towards him cautiously.

who was that unknown male that instantly caught his attention? he didn't know who it could be, neither did he seem to find someone who was also reading like himself.

"hey, what are you reading?" hyunjin questioned in curiosity as he stood in front of the male, wondering to himself who he might be.

but to his dismay, the male continued to read, entirely ignoring hyunjin's question. this made him pout in frustration, immediately sitting down beside him. "why do people like to ignore me so much?" he irritatingly mumbled to himself, making the male suddenly stop reading.

 "and why are there so many annoying people here?" the unexpected voice abruptly interrupted hyunjin's silent question to which he looked up to face him, the male's eyes still set on the book.

"oh! you're finally talking to me." he happily exclaimed, smiling in relief.

however, no matter how many times he tried to converse a conversation with the unknown male beside him, he never stopped to turn around to face him. "really? i wonder who they are." hyunjin then spoke, soon answering his question.

as the taller continued to talk without stopping, the male didn't pay any attention towards him nor did he even say anything else afterwards. "this place is hell right? i mean, how do they expect us to stay in this unhygienic place for months, we're not some animals being kept in some cage. also, how long have you been here? you've probably suffered here longer than me, i've only been here for a few days but it's already terrible here, i'm sure we can get through this together, also is the book you're reading interesting? this officer gave me a detective book and it's okay so far but i bet yours is better, like why sherlock holmes-"

"you really don't know how to shut up do you?" the male interrupted all of a sudden, his voice filled with irritation. he annoyingly shut his book in response, cold eyes staring hardly at him as he finally looked up from his book.

"what do you mean? i just wanted to talk-" hyunjin reasoned back seconds later before he was interrupted once again.

"can't you see that i didn't wanna talk to you? can't you use your brain to figure that out?" he slightly raised his voice, each words sounding like sharp knives. 

hyunjin widened his eyes in slight shock, instantly putting his hands up in the air as defense. "i just thought you were lonely or bored so i decided to talk to you."

"well, i didn't ask for you to do that did i? i was just simply trying to read my book in peace." he argued back, eventually opening his book.

"sorry about that, i just wanted to talk to someone." hyunjin calmly reasoned.

"and it just so happens to be me you annoy." he replied while turning his attention back to the book.

rubbing his neck at his words, hyunjin nervously chuckled. "yeah... you just caught my attention and i was curious. what are you reading though?" he questioned, leaning a bit closer to him.

the male said nothing for a moment before sighing heavily, eventually showing him the book. "the sound and the fury by william faulkner, it's a philosophical book." 

the moment he heard the words come out of his mouth, his mouth was soon left in agape. "woah, you like philosophy? isn't that like complicated to read?" 

"only for people like you." was all he said before standing up moments later, not even sparing him a glance. "also, don't even try and get close to that officer. there's no use in trying." 

"what? you saw?" hyunjin confusingly asked, watching as he start to walk away without answering. "wait! what's your name-" 

but before he could finish his sentence, the unknown male had already left. sitting down while dumbfounded, hyunjin sighed heavily before turning to mutter to himself.

"what a weird guy." 


loving the personality lmao, who do you think it is?

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