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as chan just silently stood there for a moment, no words were exchanged between the two. hyunjin, on the other hand, continued to stare at him with eyes filled with nothing but hope and determination, hoping he would listen.

after what felt like forever, chan finally turned around to glance over at hyunjin. "what?" he asked in a steady voice with an expressionless look.

"well..." hyunjin began, not knowing how to tell him. 'this is for felix!' he thought to himself, eventually taking the courage to open his mouth again. "i have a favour to ask of you."

"a favour?" chan asked in slight cautiousness yet curiosity, while raising his eyebrow at him. "what is it?"

only gulping slightly from the look of his face, hyunjin continued. "i want you to meet a friend of mine. you see... he really likes you." he finally confessed to chan, having felix in his mind.

"so?" chan questioned. 

"i want you to meet him and give him a chance!" he answered back rather boldly. "you can at least do that right?"

this made chan walk closer to his prison cell, standing right before him. "and why should i? who even is this friend of yours anyways?"

"he's," hyunjin paused for a moment, debating if he should tell him about the fact his friend is literally in prison as well. "he's... in..." 

"what?" chan only urged him to reply.

no longer wanting to waste any more time, hyunjin thought he should just spill it out. "he's in prison... like me."

the moment chan heard that, his eyes slightly changed. "and why the fuck would i meet with a criminal? are you crazy? don't you know the rules here?"

"yeah, i know! and," hyunjin tried to reason. "i thought maybe you could-"

"no." chan cut him off almost immediately. "tell your friend to choose someone else. i'm not even suppose to have a conversation with you here."

he was about to turn around and walk off, hyunjin not wanting this opportunity to bypass. he just couldn't, especially when this is the only thing he can do for felix here. 

"what about changbin hyung?!" he then raised his voice, this making chan stop on track.

instantly turning around again and walking towards him, chan's stern eyes glared hard at hyunjin. "what did you say?"

"changbin hyung." hyunjin repeated back nonchalantly. "you know we're dating right? and yet, you're not telling on him or anything. in fact, you're supporting us."

this made chan freeze, unable to say anything to argue back. it wasn't like hyunjin is wrong or anything, he was just speechless, to hear his friend's name mentioned. well, seeing as it's from his partner, should he really be surprised?

"so what?" he finally said. "what's that gonna do with anything?"

"well..." hyunjin continued, hoping it would work. "if you're fine with changbin hyung and i dating, then why not give it a chance too? please? at least do it for changbin hyung."

chan didn't say anything for a minute, trying to process what hyunjin is saying. is he serious? is he gonna end up secretly breaking the rules too?

"why should i?" chan questioned once more. "it's different, changbin's my friend, of course i'd support him or wouldn't tell on him. but this, doesn't apply to me either."

"it could also," hyunjin tried to convince him. "who knows? maybe you'll find yourself in the same situation as well, just at least give it a try."

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