The End of Llorumi

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Harumi and Crystal were taken to the Monastery with their eyes blindfolded and they were both tied up, they both were very confused. Crystal tried to find Harumi's hand but she couldn't see.

"Lloyd,if this is you're doing,this isn't funny!!" Harumi shouted.

Lloyd took off Harumi's blindfold and looked at her in the eyes.

"Why did you bring us here?" Harumi asked.

"I need to talk to you." Lloyd answered.

"About what?The secret I had been keeping from you?" Harumi asked.

"Yes and this girl." Lloyd answered.

Harumi looked at Crystal with anxiety because she didn't want Lloyd nor Crystal to know about each other.

"Who is she?" Lloyd asked.

Before Harumi got the chance to open her mouth, Crystal's feet started turning to stone. Crystal freaked out.

"Lloyd,you gotta let me go!She's turning to stone!" Harumi shouted.

Lloyd touched Crystal's shoulder and her feet turned back to normal.

"I'm her father,aren't I?" Lloyd asked.

"No!" Harumi shouted.

"Then how could I stop her stone transformation by touching her?She said only her parents can undo it." Lloyd asked with suspicion.

"I don't know and she's just being silly,she's a 4-year-old girl.Her imagination was just playing." Harumi answered.

Lloyd didn't want to believe it, but then Crystal yelled.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!WHERE AM I ANYWAY?!?!" Crystal yelled.

"Somewhere,sweetie.But we'll get outta here." Harumi answered.

"Okie." Crystal replied.

Lloyd held Crystal and was about to leave with her.

"Hey,where are you taking her?!" Harumi asked with anger.

"To my mom." Lloyd answered.

"Why?!" Harumi asked with anger.

"You'll see.Just wait." Lloyd answered and left with Crystal.

Harumi kept trying to break free, but the rope was too strong. Meanwhile Lloyd went to Misako and took the blindfold off from Crystal and untied her. And after Lloyd did it, Crystal immediately recognize Lloyd.

"Wait,you're the guy who attended my mommy's birthday party." Crystal said.

"Yep,that's me." Lloyd replied.

"Why does mommy seem to hate you so much?" Crystal asked.

"I'm not sure." Lloyd answered.

Lloyd left to Harumi and Misako sat next to Crystal.

"Who are you?" Crystal asked.

"I'm his mother." Misako answered.


"I'm back." Lloyd said.

"Oh,like I'm glad about that." Harumi replied unhappily.

Lloyd sighed and sat next to Harumi and released her. He touched Harumi's hand but Haruni hid her hands in her pockets.

"Harumi,I just want to talk." Lloyd said.

Harumi just stayed quiet and looked away.

"I want to talk to you about us." Lloyd said.

"What about us?" Harumi asked.

"Well,you could've told me you were the Quiet One in the first place,y'know." Lloyd told Harumi.

"Why?So you can hate me even longer?" Harumi asked.

"No.So that the problem could be fixed faster." Lloyd answered.

"I guess." Harumi replied.

"So umm...." Lloyd said nervously.

"What?" Harumi asked.

"Since...well...I'm trying to....keep Haru save...from you.I think we should...." Lloyd said nervously.

"I know where this is going." Harumi thought.

"Divorce." Lloyd said.

"I knew it." Harumi said.

"You knew?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah,I saw it coming." Harumi answered.

"Oh." Lloyd replied and looked down.

Harumi stood up and Lloyd immediately grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" Lloyd asked.

"Back home." Harumi answered.

"But I haven't done talking to you." Lloyd said.

"I think you've said enough." Harumi said and got her hand away from Lloyd's hand.

Lloyd sighed and Harumi left. She took Crystal with her and Lloyd was really sad.

"How did it go?" Cole asked.

"Harumi saw it coming." Lloyd answered.

"Oh." Nya replied and they all felt really sorry for Lloyd.

"Let's go back to the palace." Lloyd said and they all went to the palace.

"Daddy!!" Haru shouted and hugged Lloyd.

Lloyd held Haru in his arms and went to his room with him. Meanwhile with Harumi in the S.O.G Basement.

"Here you go,sweetie.Some cake for you." Harumi said and put a plate of 2 pieces of cakes on the table in her room.

"Thank you,mommy." Crystal thanked Harumi and started eating the 2 pieces of cakes.

Harumi lied down on the bed and sighed. Crystal saw the gift Lloyd was supposed to give Harumi before he left and took it.

"Mommy." Crystal called.

"Yes,sweetie?" Harumi asked.

"There's a gift.From..umm....L-loyd?" Crystal said confusedly.

"Lloyd?" Harumi asked and stood up.

"Oh,that's how you pronounce his name." Crystal said.

"Yes." Harumi replied.

Crystal gave the gift to Harumi and went to sleep. Harumi kissed Crystal's forehead and stared at the gift.

"Don't open it,Harumi.You hate him." Harumi told herself.

She put the gift away and went to sleep with Crystal, she held Crystal really close because she was afraid someone might try and take Crystal away from her, such as Lloyd. Lord Garmadon entered the room and saw that Harumi was already sleeping with Crystal.

"Looks like they're asleep already." Lord Garmadon said and left the room.

Meanwhile, Lloyd was trying to put Haru to sleep but Haru kept begging Lloyd to play with him while jumping on the bed.

"Haru,it's time to go to sleep." Lloyd told Haru.

"I don't want to go to sleep,I want to play!" Haru complained.

Lloyd sighed and finally managed to grab Haru and put him to bed.

"You need to sleep,Haru." Lloyd told Haru.

"Ok." Haru replied.

"Goodnight,Haru." Lloyd said and kissed Haru's forehead.

"Goodnight,daddy." Haru replied and went to sleep.

Lloyd stared out of the window and sighed.

"Harumi." Lloyd said and looked down.

He went to the drawers and saw the photo of him and Harumi, it was the day of their wedding. Lloyd smiled for a minute and looked down, he decided to forget about it all and went to sleep. Haru hugged Lloyd while sleeping and they slept so peacefully.

Without My Parents' Touch,I Will Turn Into StoneWhere stories live. Discover now