The New Member of the Family

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3 years had past since Harumi were separated from Lloyd and Haru. Because of what Lloyd and the ninja did to her, she started to seek revenge. And once she found out she was pregnant, she decided to teach the baby to be just like her when the baby was born.

Meanwhile at the Palace, Haru was playing with the ninja because Lloyd was very busy taking care of his duty as an Emperor. Haru always wished his father would have at least 1 day off from being an Emperor so that they both could spend more quality time together, and he always wished he could meet his mother. The ninja and Lloyd told Haru that his mother passed away as a lie to keep him safe. None of them enjoyed lying to Haru, but it was the only way they saw to keep Haru out of trouble.

"I wish daddy can have at least 1 day off.I really want to spend more time with him." Haru said.

"Your father wishes the same.But as you know,Haru,Royal Duties are always a lot and hard.Especially Emperor and Empress duties." Nya told Haru.

"Speaking of Empress,who is my mommy?How is it possible that I don't know her at all?" Haru asked.

"She passed away during your Christening,Haru.That's why you never met her." Kai answered.

"Is it because I was born?" Haru asked.

"Of course not.It's no one's fault,no one is responsible for anyone's death." Cole answered.

"Ok.Wait,shouldn't there be a family photo of me and my mommy and daddy?" Haru asked.

"Uhh....." Jay said because he wasn't expecting the question to come out of Haru's mouth.

"I'm gonna ask daddy!" Haru said and ran to Lloyd.

"Haru,no!!" Zane shouted and went after him with the ninja.

"Daddy!Daddy!" Haru called while running to Lloyd.

"Hold on for a few minutes,Haru.I need to concentrate on the issues people are having,we'll talk later,alright?" Lloyd told Haru.

"Ok." Haru replied with a sad tone.

Zane held Haru and took him back in his room. But before they went in, Haru ran to the palace library and saw a huge picture of his parents. He walked towards the picture and stared at it.

 He walked towards the picture and stared at it

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"Mommy?Daddy." Haru said to himself.

He tried to reach the picture of Harumi and fell, but thankfully, Nya caught him.

"Haru,are you ok?" Nya asked.

"I'm ok.Thank you." Haru said.

"Don't mention it,little prince." Nya replied.

Haru giggled and stared back at the picture.

"Is that really my mommy?" Haru asked.

"Sure is." Kai answered.

"She's so beautiful." Haru said with so much admiration.

"You want to know when your parents took this picture?" Kai asked.

"Yes,please." Haru accept politely.

"Kai,he's still too young for that." Jay told Kai to prevent him from telling the story.

"In that case,...I think I will wait until I'm old enough to hear the story." Haru said and smiled.

"You're such a good little prince." Cole praised.

"Thank you for teaching me about being nice and kind." Haru thanked them.

The ninja smiled as a 'you're welcome' and they played for the whole day.

Meanwhile with Harumi. She finally gave birth to a little girl named Princess Crystal Warrior Garmadon.

"You will be just like me and your grandfather,my little princess." Harumi told Crystal while Crystal is sleeping in Harumi's arms.

Harumi kissed Crystal's forehead and put Crystal in her crib next to Harumi's bed, then Lord Garmadon came in.

"How is my darling little granddaughter?" Lord Garmadon asked while walking towards Crystal and Harumi.

"She's asleep right now.And soon,she will be the most evil queen in ALL of Ninjago." Harumi answered and laughed evilly with Lord Garmadon.

"Perfect." Lord Garmadon said with an evil tone.

"Don't worry,father.She will never disappoint you because she will learn how to be bad once she is a little bit older." Harumi told Lord Garmadon.

"How about we give her a complete lesson starting when she turns 2?" Lord Garmadon suggested.

"Perfect,I will do it." Harumi accept.

Crystal woke up and looked at Harumi and Lord Garmadon and she cried.

"Shh..Crystal,sweetie.Don't be scared,he is your grandfather." Harumi said while lifting Crystal  up to her arms.

Harumi gave Crystal to Lord Garmadon and he smiled at her.

"I'm your grandfather and I promise I will protect you." Lord Garmadon said.

Crystal stopped crying and giggled. Lord Garmadon put Crystal in her crib and left the room. Harumi sat on her bed and was shocked to see what happened to Crystal's feet.

"That's not the color of the socks I put on your feet." Harumi said and held Crystal.

Suddenly, the grey color on Crystal's feet disappeared and Harumi became very confused.

"What's going on?" Harumi asked confusedly.

Crystal looked at Harumi confusedly and yawned. Harumi decided that Crystal should sleep with her on her bed.

"Time for bath,sweetie." Harumi said and gave Crystal a fun bubble bath.

Crystal giggled and splashed so much. Harumi giggled and suddenly remembered the time when her and Lloyd laughed together on their first date. She looked down with sadness, until Crystal splashed her and shouted, "Mwamwa!"

"Crystal,you said your first word!" Harumi shouted with pride.

Crystal giggled and Harumi put Crystal's pajamas on her.

"Time for a nice sleep,my little princess of darkness." Harumi said and put Crystal on her bed.

Harumi put the pacifier on Crystal's mouth and she went to sleep, Harumi tucked her in, kissed her forehead, and went to sleep with her.

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