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"Crystal.." Harumi murmured.

"We were just-" Lloyd tried to lie but Crystal cut him off.

"STOP LYING!!I SAW EVERYTHING!!" Crystal yelled.

"Crystevil,calm down!We-" Lord Garmadon said but Crystal cut him off.

"I'm not evil anymore,grandfather!And never will ever again!" Crystal shouted.

Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what to say. They knew Crystal would only think everything they say was a lie.

"In fact,...I don't want to be good either." Crystal said and they were shocked.

"Crystal,what are you talking about?What do you mean by that?!" Lloyd asked.

"I don't know which side I'm on,alright?!Now leave me alone!!" Crystal cried and ran away.

"Crystevil!!" Lord Garmadon called.

"Leave her alone,dad.She needs some time to herself." Lloyd said.

"We're almost at Primeval's Eye anyway.She'll get over what happened." Harumi added.

On the bounty deck, Crystal was running to the front of the ship and cried on the gunwale near the two dragon heads.

"Why would they argue?!What is wrong with my family?!First it was secrets now argument?!Is this what family is?!" Crystal cried.

"Crystal?" A voice asked and Crystal turned to see..

"Are you ok?" 


"Oh,y-you.I'm..I-I'm fine." Crystal answered.

"Your eyes show otherwise." Sky said.

"Just leave me alone!Please!" Crystal pleaded.

Sky walked to her and placed his hand on Crystal's shoulder. 

"If you need someone to talk to,I'll be here for you." Sky said and walked away.

Crystal watched as he walked away and sighed. She wished she could ask him to come back and talk to her, but she knew she couldn't. She wasn't even sure of her own feelings about being evil or good. She couldn't choose a side. And she never ever wanted to.

"My grandparents but my grandfather are good,my grandfather is evil,my father is good,my brother is good,my mother...was evil and now good!What about me?!Am I evil or am I good?!" Crystal asked and was about to break the gunwale, but a hand stopped her.

"I said to leave me alone!!" Crystal shouted.

"You are a good person,Crystal.You are only blinded by the education you have only had." A voice said.

Crystal turned to look to see that..it was Harumi who stopped her hand.

Harumi sat beside Crystal and wipes her tears.

"All your life,you have only been taught to be evil and it was all you had ever known.Good and the light are new to you.You felt....unfamiliar with it.And this confusion you are having,it's because you have only started to feel the good things.You will get used to it soon." Harumi assured.

Without My Parents' Touch,I Will Turn Into StoneWhere stories live. Discover now