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"Tsk!!Lovey dovey!!" Lord Garmadon scolded and was about to take a step away, until..


"Lloyd.." Lord Garmadon murmured and he suddenly got a flashback of when Lloyd first called him with the word "Dad" after a while not seeing each other.

~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~~

Lord Garmadon just got back from the journey he had with Wu and the other ninja and went straight to Lloyd's room.

"Lloyd,your old man's home!" Lord Garmadon greeted while walking to Lloyd's room.

But as he opened the door, he saw that his little boy was not in his room.

"Lloyd?Where are you?" Lord Garmadon asked as he looked around the room, trying to find his missing boy.

"Is everything ok,brother?" Wu asked as he was walking in front of the room.

"Not really,I-" Lord Garmadon answered but was cut off by a kid sound.

"Dad..?" A kid asked as he came out from under his bed.

"Lloyd,what did you just call me,son?!" Lord Garmadon asked in joy and disbelief.

"Dad.." Lloyd said again and Lord Garmadon was so happy to hesr his little boy call him "dad".

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

After the flashback, Lord Garmadon hesitated for a minute. He was confused whether he should keep going to search for his granddaughter or help his son and daughter-in-law.

"DAD,HELP US!!" Lloyd screamed once again and Lord Garmadon decided to help them.

"LLOYD,DON'T LET GO!!" Harumi screamed.


But Lloyd couldn't hold on to the edge of the cliff anymore, his hand started slipping and they both held their breaths and closed their eyes, preparing for a fall. But it never happened.

"Hold on,you two!!" Lord Gamadon shouted.

"Dad?!" Lloyd asked in disbelief.

"Quit it with that face!" Lord Garmadon demanded and pulled both of them up.

"Thanks,dad." Lloyd thanked and smiled.

But Lord Garmadon just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hurry up!We have no time to loose!" Lord Garmadon told them and ran, followed by both Lloyd and Harumi.

While they were walking, Harumi decided to start a conversation.

"So,why did you help us back there?" Harumi asked.

Lord Garmadon was silent for a second, but then he decided to speak up.

"I didn't do it for you.I only did it for my granddaughter.When we find her,she will probably be a stone already.And only your touch can turn her back,my touch has never been strong enough to stop,let alone reverse the stone transformation." Lord Garmadon answered.

"So you're gonna let her go home to the palace with-" Harumi asked but Lord Garmadon cut her off.

"We'll just see who she chooses.And don't forget,you're the one who chose to abandon her." Lord Garmadon reminded.

"I didn't choose to abandon her!I just got so caught up being reunited with my first child again and I was actually trying to protect Crystal!!" Harumi shouted.

"And you just forgot about your second!' Lord Garmadon scolded.

"Just zip it,Garmadon!You only have 1 child so you don't know what it feels like to have more!" Harumi shouted.

"Let's just put the arguing and scolding aside!We're here to find Crystal and bring her home,not to argue with each other!" Lloyd reminded.

Everyone was silent after Lloyd reminded them why they were teaming up in the first place. They continued walking and then,..

"Wait.I-Is that..?" Harumi asked as she walked closer to..

"What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"It's..It's Crystal's necklace!" Harumi answered.

Lord Garmadon ran to her and saw that it was indeed his granddaughter's necklace. 

"We're getting close!" Lord Garmadon said.

Lloyd and Harumi's hands started glowing and they were excited. They ran and they reached the mountain where the Temple of Light was located.

"Temple of Light?" Lord Garmadon asked.

Lloyd and Harumi's hands started glowing even brighter and they assumed that Crystal must have been in the Temple. So they climbed up the mountain until they reached the Temple of Light. 

"This place sure brings back memories." Lloyd said.

"Before the Final Battle?" Harumi asked and Lloyd nodded.

"Alright,enough talk.Let's go inside." Lord Garmadon said and they all walked inside.

"I really hope Crystal is here." Harumi said.

"Me too.But.." Lloyd said and they both stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" Harumi asked.

"Nevermind,let's just-" Lloyd answered but Harumi cut him off.

"Enough of this,Lloyd.Tell me what's wrong.Aren't you excited to see your daughter?" Harumi asked.

"I am.It's just...she's been seeing me as an enemy.And we're gonna have to get rid of this disguise,how will she react?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm just as nervous as you are.I'm also scared myself,she now sees me as an enemy too.But we both know that..the time will come when the truth will be revealed.And it has started,first the truth about me came to our son,now is the time for the truth about you to come to our daughter.She will accept it one day,but not if we don't find her and keep the truth from her longer.So let's keep going and we'll-" Harumi said but stopped herself with a gasp when she saw..

"Rumi?What's wrong?" Lloyd asked and looked at the same direction Harumi was looking.

What they saw....was devastating.


Without My Parents' Touch,I Will Turn Into StoneWhere stories live. Discover now