Lloyd's Birthday

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When the next day arrived, the Sons of Garmadon were getting prepared to crush Lloyd's birthday. Harumi tried to stick to her plan. After 5 minutes, they went to the palace and had a conversation on the way there.

"I can't wait to see the face on the Green Ninja once we ruin his little birthday." Ultra Violet said with evil excitement.

Harumi ignored the S.O.G's conversation and kept concentrating on her plan.

Meanwhile with Lloyd.

Lloyd was still sleeping until Haru cried. He woke up and went to the kitchen with Haru to get Haru's milk.

"Here's your milk,my little prince." Lloyd said and started feeding Haru.

Haru drank the milk and went back to sleep. Then Lloyd went back to his room to put Haru in his crib, but Nya called him and took him to a dark throne room.

"Nya,what's going on?Why is it so dark?" Lloyd asked confusedly.

But no voice was heard, Lloyd became very confused and held Haru closer to protect him.

The light turned on and everyone including the guard yelled, "SURPRISE!!!!"

Lloyd was surprised but Haru was not, he was scared and cried.

"Oops." Cole said.

"Sorry,Lloyd." Kai apologized.

"It's ok.He'll calm down." Lloyd said.

Haru just kept crying and he tried to reach Lloyd's hair.

"It's ok,Haru.Don't worry,everything's fine." Lloyd said as he was trying to calm Haru down.

Haru started to calm down and looked at Lloyd.

"Were you guys up all night setting all of these?" Lloyd asked.

"You can say it like that." Jay answered.

Cole yawned and said, "But don't worry.We're ready to celebrate your birthday."

"You sure?You all look so tired,even the guards." Lloyd asked.

"We've been waiting all night to do this,Lloyd." Kai said.

"If you say so." Lloyd said.

Haru looked at Lloyd confusedly and made some cute baby sound, everyone in the room laughed and Haru giggled.

They started celebrating Lloyd's birthday. They were having a blast, until,...

"Time to crush the party!!" Killow shouted.

Haru cried and Harumi looked at him.

"Haru." Harumi said to herself.

"Trying to ruin everything again,I assume." Lloyd said.

"Exactly!" Ultra Violet answered with a wicked tone.

Harumi attacked the S.O.G and went to Lloyd. But unfortunately, the ninja blocked her way.

"Leave them alone,Harumi!" Cole shouted.

"But I-" Harumi said but Kai just cut off her sentence.

"Go away,Harumi!" Kai told Harumi to leave.

Harumi looked at Lloyd and Lloyd looked at her back but with an upset expression. Harumi looked down with sadness and Haru looked at her. Harumi left and everyone was confused.

"Oh,I can't wait to tell Lord Garmadon about this." Ultra Violet said.

"Yeah,he's gonna be very disappointed." Luke added.

Haru was the only one who felt bad for Harumi, but he didn't know who Harumi was. Lloyd put Haru in his crib and immediately fought the S.O.G with his friends. They fought for 5 hours and the S.O.G left.

"Finally that's over." Nya said.

"Yeah." Kai replied exhaustly.

Haru crawled to Lloyd and Lloyd held him.

"Dwadwa." Haru said.

"Did anyone also felt weird when Harumi didn't fight us at all?" Zane asked.

"Yeah,that was pretty weird." Lloyd answered.

Haru looked very confused. Lloyd put Haru in his crib and he went to sleep. And suddenly Haru said the word, "Mwamwa."

Lloyd sighed and rubbed Haru's head.

Meanwhile with Harumi.

"You have FAILED me!! I told you to ruin Lloyd's birthday but you did NOTHING!!" Lord Garmadon yelled.

"I am sorry,Lord Garmadon. I had to because...." Harumi apologized but she stopped talking.

"Because WHAT?!?!" Lord Garmadon asked with frustration.

"Because.......umm....I...Lloyd and I......uhh....." Harumi started.

"You and Lloyd WHAT?!?!" Lord Garmadon asked again with frustration.

"Lloyd and I are.....m-m-married." Harumi said nervously.

"WHAT?!?!" Lord Garmadon replied with more frustration.

Harumi was crying and Lord Garmadon grabbed her by the neck.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Lord Garmadon asked with an angry tone.

Harumi did not answer and Lord Garmadon became angry.

"WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!?!" Lord Garmadon asked again with frustration.

"B-Because......I....didn't want them to get hurt." Harumi answered nervously.

Lord Garmadon threw Harumi to the wall pretty hard and sat down on his throne.

"Leave me!" Lord Garmadon told them.

Harumi went to her room and stared at the mirror, she cried so much. She wished everything would end up well at the end for her and her family.

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