Chapter Twenty Waking a New

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Chapter Twenty Waking a New

“Time never waits. ~ Persona 3

            Lee remained where he was in his chair, something about what he was drawing seemed different than before, for starter’s his body was now compelled to use colored pencils, even though he was blind his other senses could tell him what the colors were, it seemed that Tara was in some other far off place, like almost being in outer space with the different galaxies that were possibly out there in all different and vibrant colors. He stopped and tilted his head left slightly, trying to figure out for himself just where this place was but could come to no definitive conclusion.

            “Well that’s something interesting.” Michael said to his as he stood by Lee’s side. “Kind of looks like outer space.”

            “Yeah… I’ve never drawn something like this before so it’s… new to me, but it’s interesting none the less, if I were to make copies and sell it I’m sure there’d be a few people out there who’d like this kind of thing.”

            “How long have you been drawing?” he asked.

            Lee paused, and then frowned, this should have been a regular question for him, but since of his “disability” not many would ask, in fact very few did. “Since I was eight years old.” He said, trying to recall when he really did first draw something.

            “Has Ruth seen this yet? I’m sure she’d like something like this with everything going on in her life.”

            Again Lee frowned. “You mean with Tara or her family?”

            “Her family mainly, it was one of the reasons as to why I was pulled away from here not that long ago, while Ruth is trying to figure out what happened to her friend, her mother comes harping to me about what a bad influence Tara is on her.”

            “Ouch, my condolences on the insult, but may I ask why Ruth’s mother hates Tara so much? It seems left and right there’s someone out to get your daughter.”

            “We’re used to it by now, which goes without saying that it’s not a good thing. Even her own aunt Rose, god forbids that they meet, blames Tara for my wife’s death. But Ruth’s mother thinks that the more Ruth spends with Tara, the more likely she’ll end up like Tara, that woman think’s my daughter is some kind of hoodlum. While Ruth’s father on the other hand doesn’t see Tara as that, in fact he sees her as brave, and Ruth courageous for sticking by Tara’s side through all of this.”

            “Sound’s complicated.”

            “It is.”

            “You removed her jewelry I noticed, I could hear it being taken off her.”

            “Yeah well the doctors told me that I had too, better to be safe than sorry when it comes to radiation, besides she’ll put it back on when she wakes up.”

            Lee was about to add something else when the alarm in the hospital went out; both jumped and quickly turn in the direction of Tara. The heart monitors beeping widely as nurses and doctors suddenly rushed into the room pushing everyone else out of the room; Michael rushed to the nearest phone and dialed.

            “What happened?” Andrew demanded as he rushed back into the room.

            “I… I don’t know.” He then glanced to see the same nurse as before he then headed to where she hid as everyone seemed to be stuck on the commotion of Tara’s condition. “What did you do?” he demanded, but the nurse said nothing.

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