Chapter Nine A Murderous Plot

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Chapter Nine A Murderous Plot

Ruth sat near Tara’s bed, her head beginning to bob, due to the lack of sleep, had been a day since this happened yet Tara showed no signs of waking up. Tara’s father had gone back to the house to get something else for his daughter to wear; he didn’t want to see her in a hospital gown since she was only sleeping. Lee came over and placed a hand on Ruth’s shoulder.

“Why don’t you go and take a nap, you’ve been awake for a long time, did you even get any sleep last night when we left?”

She yawned and removed her glasses to rub her eyes. “No… I couldn’t think straight, sleep wasn’t really on my mind at the time.”

“You should go get some rest.” Natalie said pulling the curtain back so she could see them. “Hilary and I can keep an eye on her while you nap. She’ll be okay.”

Why do I have trouble believing that…? She thought before she yawned again and stood before looking down to her still sleeping friend. “Okay… I’ll sleep in the waiting room down the hall, come get me if something changes, I don’t care if I’m asleep, if anything and I mean anything come get me.”

Lee nodded. “I will, go get some rest, I’ll stay with Tara.”

Ruth took her bag and walked out of the room and headed down the hall to where the waiting room, only to stop in her tracks when she saw someone standing at the end of the hall. A nurse, her back facing Ruth as she walked to the last door in the hall, her uniform looked very old fashioned, as if from another time. The nurse stopped her head tilting slightly to the side as if to tell Ruth to follow her before continuing down the hall and turning right into another hall.

She followed the nurse, not fully sure where she was going, but something about the woman told Ruth that she should follow. Ruth walked to the end of the hall and turned in the direction the nurse had gone, she suddenly no longer felt tired, strange but that didn’t bother her, she wanted to know where this woman was going.

A door was there in the small corridor, the top of the door said Documentation, Staff Personnel Only. But the door was open.  She glanced over back in the hall to make sure no one was coming by, normally she would have ignored it, but then this wasn’t normal, her friend was hurt and still sleeping, there might be something in there that she could use for information, thankfully, she had a camera with her and she’d take quick images of what may be needed, she and Tara were both the same height, though Tara could quiz into thin places and climb like no damn tomorrow and being extremely quite when sneaking around, Ruth would be able to find a place to hide in the most oddest of places, a place a normal person wouldn’t think of, it’s why she was always the queen of hide and seek, the other thing she seemed to do best was find things a person normally couldn’t. Useful as hell, unless it was something she couldn’t get in a small place, then she’d ask Tara to get it.

 Friends, amazing in much more ways than one.

When Ruth saw that there was on one around she went through the door and closed it behind herself, it was dark, the lights completely off, where was that nurse that came in here? But looking for one woman didn’t matter right now; she needed to find some kind of clues into what was happening. Taking out her cell phone she flipped it open and began to use it as her instant light source, she had no intention of getting caught in the room with all the lights on.

“Alright, let’s see what we can find here…”

She began searching the file cabinets, the ones that were left unlocked at least, only she didn’t find anything involving what was happening, she something fell out of one of the files she was looking at, with a grumble of irritation she went down to pick it up, it wasn’t anything of use, until she found one thing, something underneath the file cabinet, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull it out so she did something else. A quite as she could be she pushed the cabinet slightly to the side, to see what it was. It looked to be a really old file, back from 1976, the name on it said Susan Carmichael.

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