Hands in the Dark

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NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!! Do not read if you can not take strong language, gore, and so on. Thank you.

Inspired by a true event...

She sat huddled near a musty wire bedframe her left side and back pressed into a crumbling plaster wall, her brown hair stuck to her face with sweat and blood which was and wasn’t her own. A right shoe was missing, as her jeans were ripped in slight places, it wasn’t a choice in fashion, her body shook and her teeth chattered out of fear. Heart pounding in her ears as she let in and out her breath as if she was running a marathon.

He was following her for days. That much was only a guess on her part, the body of a young man lay slumped motionless in the middle of the room, blood was all around him, his face was slashed, an eye was missing and so was his right arm. The young man was from the police course here at the college, cocky and arrogant, now lay dead from blood loss. His face was tilted back towards a large open window letting in the clouded moonlight. Another had been ripped in half, his torso was at one end of the room his legs at the other his innards flowing out from both ends. The third lay half way in the room and in the hall, multiple slash marks throughout his body. The fourth and last of the men was a body with no head attached.

The room itself was filled with blood and gore and if she were able to move she’d probably witness more of the same but with the three girls.

She didn’t want to look over there, she knew if she did then that man would be there, even though she did not turn her head, she could feel his dark gaze on her, those eyes, eyes as dark as night, black as ink, eyes that could take hold of her soul if he wanted.

That man was there, looking down at the lifeless body, his face blank before a twisted smile came to his face. Even though she didn’t look at his face, she looked to the rest of him, he was tall, with a slightly thin build, but not too thin, he merely appeared to not be able to protect himself from someone with a much thicker build.

The four men and three girls that were with her, the men tried to attack the one who was standing there, the woman, but her tried to escape, she didn’t know what had happened to them, all she heard where the screams before fear over took her and she remained huddled near the bed frame and wall.

Why did I go with them anyway? Why didn’t I just go home like I should have? And why, why the hell is he staring at me?!? Mom… Mom help me… I’m scared… please…

She refused to look at him, she couldn’t look at him, she just couldn’t. If she did then he would kill her next, but then those other girl’s didn’t, they just ran for it, calling for help which fell short on deaf ears.

Her blue eyes cracked opened, wanting to take a glance over to where that man is, and the first thing she saw where bear feet and slightly worn white pants, her eyes went wide, she didn’t want to look up, her body shook with refusal, but she felt a hand with long fingers resting ideally on the top of her head, running through in a soothing motion, but to her it felt less than relaxing.

It made her feel sick, she wanted to run away, but her legs wouldn’t budge.

Slowly, she raised her head, eyes moving upward when she wanted to keep them closed from his gaze.

As he lowered his head to her’s she finally found her voice and whispered so softly since no one could hear.

“Help me…”

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