Chapter Fifteen Battle With the Dead Part 2

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Chapter Fifteen Battle with the Dead Part 2

Everybody fights, bearing their scares. ~ Deadman Wonderland.

“What the hell do you mean she could die!?” Ruth demanded hitting her fist against his chest; Lee didn’t even flinch when Ruth hit him. “She’s not going to die, no way in hell; she’s not going to die by the hands of these Wandering Souls or those bastards who are trying to kill her… she’s stronger then that…”

Lee just held her to him, not bothering to move from where he was.

Then the same nurse that had helped Tara re-bandage her sudden bleeding wrist. Her expression on her face showed worry as she looked to Lee. “Hold still okay?” she placed a bandage on his right temple. “You should probably see a doctor about that injury just to be on the safe side, you might have a concussion.”

Lee didn’t respond he just glanced away, turning his head in another direction as if he were trying not to hear the woman. “I’ll be fine; it’s only a slight nick, nothing to worry about.”

“Yes but…”

“I said I’m fine!” he snapped, his grip suddenly tightened on Ruth, practically pressing her into his body.

Geez I didn’t know he was this strong! If he keeps doing this I won’t be able to breath. “Um Lee? Maybe you should go, just to be safe? If you want I can come with you or something…”

Lee slowly became less tense, his facial features softened as he turned to Ruth. “Alright fine… but I’m not going to like it.”

They headed to a solitary treatment room and waited for someone to come in and make sure that there would be no after trauma, Lee looked on edge, like he did not want to be in this room at all, his hands gripped the table so tightly Ruth started to think that the thing would snap from the sheer force of his hold.

“Could you get me something to drink from the vending machine?” he said finally. His voice sounded on edge, he really didn’t want to be here.

“Are you sure you want me too?” she asked with slight caution. “I know you don’t want to be here…”

Lee gave her a wary smile. “I just don’t like getting examined when I feel totally fine, but on the bright side it’s free health care so that’s okay, but I really could use a can of pop. So would you?”

“Sure.” She turned to leave as she opened the door she looked back at him. “I saw one at the far end of the hall, I’ll grab you one and be back as quick as I can.”


Ruth left the room, but left the door open, Lee glanced over to the door, there the same nurse from before stood all that was seen was her back.

“What did you do to Tara?” he asked the ghostly nurse.

Tara lay on the watery ground, eyes wide as she looked up at the woman that she had seen before, and who had jumped her before.

How could she be here?

Why was she here?

Tara couldn’t move, it was like her body was frozen, it wasn’t good, she needed to move to get away from the woman, somehow…

The woman continued to cry but then her hand began to run along Tara’s body making her flinch but still unable to move, then the woman stopped crying, instead she began to giggle, the sound was unsettling. The woman’s hand stopped at Tara’s left breast, right over her heart. What was this woman doing?

Then the woman’s hand began to press down on Tara’s chest, it didn’t hurt in fact she wasn’t even pressing down to hurt or to harm, Tara tried to figure out why but then she felt something happen.

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