Chapter Two Bruised Mystery

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Chapter Two Bruised Mystery

“Ruth, there you are!” Tara called while walking down the aisle of the train to where her friend was sitting. “How did you’re classes go?”

“It was alright.” Then she spied Hilary staring at her intently. “Uh… who is this?”

“Oh, she’s a student from my class, there was an issue with her original way of getting home so she’s taking the train and a family member is going to pick her up at her stop.”

“I see, it’s nice to meet you.” Ruth held out her hand to greet Hilary only to be stared at for another long moment, then having her hand shook.

“Nice to meet you too,” she sat down and continued to stare.

“Is something the matter?” she asked as Tara sat down next to Ruth.

“No I’m fine just admiring your body’s form and structure is all.” She said matter-of-factly with her index finger in the air.

“Uh… thanks, I think…”

“Don’t worry.” Tara said patting Ruth’s shoulder. “She did this to me too when I first met her, she has this thing with woman’s chest sizes…”

She made a face at Tara. “But yours are bigger, my would she think that.”

“Technically if you put it in perspective we are the same size.”

Ruth gave Tara a droll stare. “How did we get on to this subject anyway…?”

Tara glances at Hilary who was just giving a beaming smile before looking back to Ruth and shrugged. “No idea, anyway was there issues with the script that I gave you?”

“Not that I’ve noticed, your writing has improved pretty well over time.”


“Yeah it’s looking pretty good so far….”

“You guys are working on a comic?” Hilary asked interrupting Ruth.

Both paused before Tara answered. “Yes, we are, but it’s not finished yet.”

“How far are you guys into it?”

Ruth spoke this time. “Uh about, almost done now right?”

“Yeah it is.” Tara agreed.

            “That’s awesome, what’s it about?” she seemed really interested in what the comic was about, so Tara explained a little bit about the story as the train moved down the tracks until they reached her stop, they said their goodbyes before the train began to move again.

“She was… interesting.” Ruth said finally as Tara went to sit across from her. “Though she kept looking at our chests, what was up with that?”

“Yeah… she dose that when she first meets someone, she did that to me in class, don’t worry it was only a onetime thing, besides I think she became really interested in what our comic was about. She even talked about what she was working on next.”

“Speaking of that…”

Tara looked at her friend and waited for her to continue. “How much do you really know of your school?”

“You mean other than the fact that a student died while reading up on something about its history and that there are rumored to be ghosts in the place that used to be an asylum along with the fact that one buildings which just happens to be in the center of it all, and hasn’t been used for anything?”

She looked at Tara waiting. “Well?”

Tara shrugged. “That’s all I have really, I didn’t go looking into it as of yet, but I did scope out that building…”

Hands in the DarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora