Chapter Four Article Copycat

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Chapter Four Article Copycat

            The next few days passed without much difference, Tara still stopped to look over her shoulder to see nothing following her. But even that began to make her become increasingly worried, for what she had seen in that last little bit of that video.

            Four point fifty five seconds to be exact.

            It bothered her…

            Though now she began to question the whole integrity of this college, she dug deeper online, finding more and more things involving “incidents” or “strange” accidents leading to death or suicide. And still none of it made any sense to her.

            The only thing she did find were some of the survivors and even a few decedents from the asylum, but all refused to talk about it and hung up or slammed the door in her face when she tried to meet them face to face, one went so far as too throw her out into the street.

            But none of that was the worst of it.

One she would remember very clearly for the rest of her life, a decedent of one of the patients of the asylum became enraged in one single question.

“There was an article about your great aunt online; she went to the asylum in where it’s been turned into the college that I now go too, could you please tell me if your family knows anything about that place? I’m trying to dig into the history…”

The man’s face has suddenly contorted into absolute rage. “NO!” he bellowed. “That has nothing to do with a little fucking bitch like you! Get out of my house woman!!”

The word was very much uncalled for, for just one question like that, something really bad must have happened to his aunt.

“Alright I’ll leave…” she opened the door and stepped out to go over to where Ruth was waiting. “Sorry too have bothered…”

But her sentence was cut short when the man picked her up and actually tossed her away from his house, she landed on the sidewalk and into nearby garbage, knocking boxes and trash everywhere before she rolled to a stop in the street.

Blood dripped, she pulled her hand away from her face to see that she was bleeding from a now cut lip.

“Tara!” Ruth screamed in horror.

Tara gasped as she raised her head with wide eyes, a car was coming right for her and she found herself in shock, unable to move. “Oh God…”

She expected to be hit, thrown into the air like a worn-out ragdoll, all twisted and broken, with blood, it made her wonder, would she still have a few moments left when she’d hit the ground? Or die on impact?

But just as the car came close, something had been pulled out of the way just in time.

            It was much like that time, when she had been pulled to the floor in the middle of the class, at first she thought that maybe someone had kindly pulled her out of the way, but no one was near.

            “Did you see that?” someone muttered. “She was pulled by nothing!”

            “It’s a miracle the car didn’t hit her!”

            “God… how did she get out of the way in time?”

            “An angel must be protecting her…”

            Tara stayed where she was as people began to whisper words of luck, God and angels around her, but she didn’t hear a single word being said, she was in too deep of shock. The man in the car came out and ran to her to see if she was okay, the passenger of the same car got out and began to scream at the man who threw her.

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