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8 months later. .

Friday, December 31st, 10:20pm


Lucky was walking around the mansion house that her & her friends had rented out for their New Year's Eve party

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Lucky was walking around the mansion house that her & her friends had rented out for their New Year's Eve party. The house was packed everybody invited people then people invited people so the house was popping. Lucky made her way into the kitchen to get something more to drink she was on her 4th cup and was feeling herself. It was a kid free weekend and she was ready to enjoy herself.

The DJ had the house off the walls and onto the dance floor the girls who still worked at their old club had came out to get some money. Money was flying in the air for them as well everything was a vibe. "Here you wanted write ?" Zara Lucky sister nodded her head. She took the red cup and start drinking from it. "So let's play a game y'all."

"What's the game and do we have to drink ? Because I can't." Sweetie said smiling and everybody eyes got big she removed her jacket and her little stomach was just pocking out. They all but Zara went to feel on it. Zara was on a whole different level of grown. Her and Block was still together and she knew that was his baby. "I'm so small but I'm six months it's a little boy in here."

"Wow that's why you been missing in action. I'm so happy for you." Cardi said. "We have to get back close so we can help and be a family to him. We don't have much but together we are a Village."

"I like the sound of that but come on let's play the game."

"Everybody need a cup in their hands." Lucky looked around at her girls and some other friends and everybody had a cup. "We taking out back do never have I ever. If you did it take a drink if you didn't you good. Let's not be boring with it."

M's started the game off with "never have I ever did it in the ass" Everybody start taking shots like ten minutes in the game cup needed more. Some men had came over yo watch us play. "Never have I ever got pregnant by somebody else man." Zara said they was all drunk and started laughing.

Sweetie took her shot of water so proudly and ended that question with a smile. "Never have I ever slept outside a bitch house to see if her nigga would come out." Nobody took a shot and Sweetie smacked her teeth. "Okay game over people lying now."

"What I never was outside a hoe house." M's said and everybody agreed. "That's so embarrassing but whatever some people do that."

Zara looked at sweetie and start laughing and still nobody was hip to them throwing shade towards each other. The situation was so old to everybody but was everyday with them, they knew of each other well but nobody knew. "Next game sister this was getting me drunk and hot ready to come out my shoes and earrings."

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