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I always have my best work in my books maybe a chapter or two and I think this chapter is my best work in this book thus far. This chapter made me cry a little. Enjoy 💕

14 days later . .

Friday, September 16th / 11:39am 🕰


Ye' woke up next to Mya this morning and was now unhappy, he haven't seen Ryan in three days it just seem like all these people was making his life hell. It seem like everything was falling apart one minute he care the next he don't he was confusing himself. He been out the hospital for a whole 14 days and nobody's was really talking to him but Mya and Block. His sister even throw shade and that's what's hurting him the most. He wanted the truth to come out he was sick and tired of fighting demons and this feeling. He wanted everybody close to him to know he wasn't doing anything purposely. He was being controlled by three people, he wanted to hurt people before they could even hurt him.

"Mr.Wilson I haven't seen you in two years what bring you here ? Last time you told me you'll do something to my car if I told you, you had NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder) again."

Ye' nodded his head because he in fact said that a few years ago and meant everything he was saying he took a seat on the black couch and looked at him

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Ye' nodded his head because he in fact said that a few years ago and meant everything he was saying he took a seat on the black couch and looked at him. "What do NPD mean ?"

"Okay so NPD is not an easy thing to deal with, you can tell someone you love them one day and the next you treating them so bad that they don't know who you are. The good news is that most people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are very predictable. They tend to follow the same relationship pattern again and again. And, contrary to common perceptions about narcissists, most are not especially devious."

"How do I get better ? Any medication ?"

"Taking to me, Treatment consists of therapy. You should trust me now I have seen you good and bad. I have let you say what you was going to do to me countless number of times and didn't report you. I don't want NPD to take over your life."

"It has already."

"Wanna talk or not ? You already paid so I think you should I'm not refunding you." They both laughed. "Go head kick your feet up and I'm all ears I know you don't like me writing so I'm all ears last time it was only Ye' and Tony."

"Add Izzy but I only wanna talk once so ima tell you what's going on now you know my pass then I want a family meeting with everyone."

"I can do that for you."


"Progress, I love it go head start talking."

Ye' went on to talk about his parents dying again, Dr.James already knew about them but he listened to him. Ye' told him how his cousins would pick on him so bad growing up they even would beat him up they hated him so much. He went on to talk about how his own family wanted to put him up for adoption so bad and that's when his aunt stopped everything at 19 and took him in. He talked about the sleepless nights, the hungry days and how nobody wanted him, how he felt useless all his life. He talked about giving his love to Ruby and she hurt him, his old friend telling lies on his name and how his grandmother hated him and all he did was love her until he got older. Dr.James wasn't dumb he talked about everybody hurting him and they all came up dead even his grandmother but he job wasn't the police so he didn't say anything. He then went to talk about Mya and how she always showed love no matter what, how she wasn't with nothing until he talked all the crazy things into her head and send her off to college, he talked about Lucky and how he wanted to hurt her bad because he thought she was going to hurt him first but that wasn't her intensions. He now wanna know how to love and keep loving not love one day and hurt them next.

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