
478 26 43

Friday December 17th / 9:37pm 🕰


"It hurts." Lucky was balled up in her bed crying, she was now four months and the baby found her way into lucky rib cage. "So bad."

Ye' was rubbing her back trying to ease the pain away, he became use to her crying and hurting. This pregnancy was really eating her alive, a few months ago he would've called 911 but stopped when he was paying thousands of dollars in hospital bills just for them to send her home. "Relax your body so she can move."

It's been three months since Ye' came clean about everything, he was now seeing Dr.James three times a week and sometimes because that Lucky felt like she was doing everything alone but didn't complain because he was getting the help he needed. Ye' still had still days when he would flip the fuck out but he controlled himself better. He kept his word and moved his family into a nice home downtown and got lucky that lime green JEEP she wanted so bad. Him and Ryan was inseparable everything for Ye' was trying to fall in place.

Lucky on the other hand was still fighting for love she wasn't going to receive because Ye' was now so much in love with his wife and that was also hurting her feelings. She felt like he completely messed up her life, he trapped her and told everyone and now she's going to raise a another child coparenting and that's not what she had in mind. Anytime she would have a friend Ye' would run them away and didn't see a problem with it. So the friend she got now she's keeping him low key. She wasn't looking for a relationship or love, she just wanted somebody to keep her attention, tell her Goodmorning and goodnight and how pretty she looks. To her it takes a grown man to deal with a pregnant woman.

"I want her out now, my son never gave me this much."

"Well sorry but you got five more months champ she's just trying to get comfortable don't do my daughter like that man."

These months didn't come easy for them right after Ye' said he was keeping his marriage going Lucky tried her best to stay strong but fall short. She was about to do one of the worst things a mother could do and get a abortion. Sky end up telling her brother what time and where, he went and pulled her clean off the table dragging her out the door in nothing but one them ugly ass dresses they give you. They called the police on him but once they understood what was going on they let him go and they never talked about it again and Lucky end up thanking Sky.

"I'm not but she likes hurting me Ye' every chance she get she's hurting or making me cry. And that damn Ryan oh my gosh, he make me cry more than anything. He don't like his own sister."

Ryan was growing up on her, he wasn't a fan of his mommy having another child so he gave so much attitude towards her that his grandmothers keep him Monday through Friday. Ye' had so many talks with him that he was done taking only thing Ryan wanted to know why was his mommy having another baby. Little did Ye' know when he was hurting Lucky he was hurting him as well, from the fighting, moving so much and now seeing him with Mya had his little mind confused.

"That's an L I gotta take and make right, he seem to much to be so young. He should've never seen me beak doors or y'all keep moving. Now he see me with Mya so I know he confused and that's my bad I know how much he mean to you."

"Yeah that's true, he always asking why we don't live together no more I never told him you married and with Mya but I think I should."

"Let me talk to him first."


"Feel better ? Want something to drink or eat ? Wellllll." He looked at the time on his phone. "It's to late for food but something to drink ?"

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