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Saturday, August 20th / 12:05pm


Today was the day Ye' been waiting a few days for, picture day with his sister and her best friend a few days ago he told he had a family and she understood and didn't text him no more unless it was business

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Today was the day Ye' been waiting a few days for, picture day with his sister and her best friend a few days ago he told he had a family and she understood and didn't text him no more unless it was business.

"So you think she's your sister ?"

"Yea bay I had the man looking for her, for years and this who he came up with. She look smack like me but older."

"Ye' I just don't want you to be hurt at the end, are you sure this your sister ? You have facts to show her ?"

"Yes look in my bag down there by your foot."

Ye' was driving ten minutes away from her center where she take all her pictures at. The family had their gray color going on in each outfit. Lucky got her hair done last night and this men got their hair lined up this morning.

"Wow that man is beyond our time, he got the time she left from the hospital and all her adopted families names."

"Yeah as much money he wanted he better gave me something to go off."

"So I have a question." Lucky said thinking of something as she was reading over all the information. "Y'all had money why didn't your mother get her back ?"

"Huh ? Oh because she could'nt find her it took me all these years just to find this. I had to follow her best friend on IG just to get her to take our pictures today."

"I just hope it works out for you I know how much this mean. So you need me to say or do anything ? Like say your name over and over ?"

"No." He laughed. "I think I got it baby."

"Okay just let me know."

When they got their they walked inside, she schedule her parties with a nice timing so it won't be two sets of people in one. The family was on time so her assistants helped them with everything. Like pepper work and payments after ten minutes it was action time.

His sister came out and introduced herself as Sky, she was a professional woman who came off super sweet. She explained the background she thought was good. She also said she think Ryan should take pictures with just him. She kept looking at Ye' and Ryan kept looking between the two they looked so much alike.

 She kept looking at Ye' and Ryan kept looking between the two they looked so much alike

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