37-Truth or dare

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"Alright Toru truth or dare?" Asked Mina.

"Dare! " Said Toru.

" Sneak into Ojiros room and stroke his tail!" Said Mina.

"W-what!? I can't do that!!!" Said Toru blushing but nobody seeing it.

"Well you can always pick the punishment... But that could be much worse" Said Mina with an evil smile.

" Okay I'll stroke his tail!" Said Toru.

"And I come to make sure you do it! " Said Mina.

They walked all the way to Ojiros room and Mina held the camera in her hands.

"Go on. I'm right behind you" Smiled Mina devilishly.

"You will pay for this Mina!" Said Toru.

She opened the door slightly and looked inside to see him sleeping.

She opened the door fully and tiptoed inside walking over to the side of the bed.

She was really glad Mina couldn't see her blushing.

She reached over to his bushy tail and began to slowly stroke it.

She heard Mina take a picture as proof.

' Damnit Mina! ' Thought Toru.

She was about to stop but then she heard Ojiro moan in his sleep.

"Mmmm... T-toru... Please... Keep stroking me" Said Ojiro in his sleep.

Toru ran out of the room, past Mina who was laughing her ass off on the ground, and went into her room shutting the door and locking it.

After Mina finished laughing she went back to the living room and sat back down.

"Toru did it. But she quit. I will go for her instead... Kaminari. Truth or dare?" Asked Mina.

" After what you just made Toru do, I pick truth" Said Kaminari.

"Hehe. Tell everyone what was the last thing you looked up online was"Smiled Mina.

" Well last time I was on the internet, my phone autocorrected and searched up sextant" Said Kaminari.

" What's a Sextant? " Asked Asui.

"It's like a compass that can help with navigation and help with angles" Said Izuku.

" Shut up nerd! " Said Bakugo.

" Hey be nice to Deku! " Said Ochako.

" Hey wait a second. Your computer searched sextant, but what were you trying to look up?! " Asked Mina.


" But- anwserd

" Mei! Truth or dare!" Said Kaminari.

"I'll take dare" Said Mei.

"Here is a choice. You must do one. Either destroy one of your babies, or kiss lida! " Said Kaminari.

" That's too much! She does not have to do either of those!" Said lida.

" Okay" Said Mei.

She immediately kissed lida on the cheek surprising him.

"You go girl!" Said Mina cheering.

"Mei! Y-you didn't have to do that!" Said lida.

" It's not that big of deal. And besides it's a win win for me anyway" Said Mei.

" Wait what? " Asked lida.

" Alright who should I choose... Uraraka! Truth or dare?" Asked Mei.

"Um... D-dare!" Said Ochako.

" I dare you to sit on Midoriya's lap for a whole minute" Said Mei getting an "ooo" response from most of the people still in the room while Izuku and Ochako were trying to stay conscious.

"The rules were nothing sexual Mei!" Said lida after recovering from earlier.

" It's not sexual. Couples do that all the time" Said Mei.

" WE'RE NOT A COUPLE! " Shouted both and Izuku pink in the face.

" Still a dare is a dare. Y'all can take the punishment if you want to" Said Mina.

That made both Izuku and Ochako feel a shiver down their spine.

But they didn't know if the dare was worse or the punishment.

"W-we don't have to do this." Said Izuku to Ochako.

"I-i know. But the punishment c-could be worse" Said Ochako.

They agreed to do the dare.

They did it pretty quickly. Izuku sat down with his legs crossed and Ochako quickly sat down in his lap.

"And time starts now" Said Mina using her phone as a timer.

Izuku and Ochako didn't even blink. Their faces were starting to steam res and it seemed like their veins would burst.

"Ek!" A little noise came from Ochako.

"Are you alright?" Asked Jirou.

"Y-yeah I'm fine! " Said Ochako waving it off.

Izuku looked shameful.

"And time!" Said Mina.

Ochako immediately jumped off and ran away.

"I think it may have been a too much" Said Mei

"You think!? " Asked Izuku running off after her.

" Well Ochako was next so I'll go instead. Todoroki Truth or dare?" Asked Mina.


" Uraraka.. are you alright? " Asked Izuku outside her door.

" Yes... You can come in if you want" Said Ochako.

Izuku opened her door and stepped in to find her sitting on her bed with her hands buried into her face as it was filled with shame.

Izuku closed the door behind him just plopped down right beside her.

"I-im sorry. I think we should have just picked the punishment instead" Said Izuku.

" It's not your fault. I'm the one who sat on you" Said Ochako.

" I'm the one who had the bon-

"It's not your fault you can't control that! " Said Ochako.

" True... But still we were both forced into doing it" Said Izuku.

"Yeah. And I know it was pretty bad for you" Said Ochako.

" Well. I-i wouldn't say it was all bad..." Said Izuku.

" W-what? " Asked Ochako taking her face out of her hands.

"N-nothing! Forget about it!" Said Izuku.

"I only thought it was bad because I thought you thought it was" Whispered Ochako.

" Hm? Did you say something?" Asked Izuku.

"N-no nothing!" Said Ochako.

" Well do you feel better now?" Asked Izuku.

" Yes. I guess we should go back now" Smiled Ochako.

"Sure" Smiled Ochako.

They both left the room and went back to everyone else.

"Oh Midoriya and Uraraka are back" Said Kaminari.

"What's going on?" Asked Izuku.

"Bakugo ended up cursing so he failed his dare and I gave him the punishment" Said Mina.

" What was it? " Asked Ochako.

" He has to steal Aizawa's sleeping bag" Said Mina.

Bakugo got detention for three months.

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