No Place Like Home

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 Waiting in the storage closet the cons called my room I groaned. They had made this room when I was a kid and to say my style had changed was an under statement.

 Kicking a fuzzy blanket through the canopy surrounding my bed I checked my phone for the millionth time hoping that the autobots or kids had called. SoundWave had hacked it so I could only calls the cons, if any other phonenumber was used my phone would turn itself off for ten minutes and when it turned back on I got a >:C emojii from SoundWave along with a text message lecture. My phone had turned itself off multiple times now.

  Laying down on the bed staring at the black screen I huffed. Throwing my phone to the side with a loud whine I bury my face in pillows bored. They had to be close right??? Sneaking my hand under the covers I tap the tracking device. Come on Ratchet. Come on Arcee. Come on anybody. Please notice the reciever so you can find the tracker. So you can find me!

  P l e a s e.

 Staring at my phone hopeful a loud knock came from the door. Launching myself under the bed not wanting to be dragged around by a con the door opened after a minute of no responses. I watch from under the bed as the door opens and someone walks in. 

 "(Y/N). (Y/N) where are you?" Staying under the bed I ignored Knockouts calls. I didn't want to talk to him. Or any of them. They lied to me. They betrayed me. And now they wanted me back? No.

 I still cared about them. I still wanted them around but they weren't good for me. I needed to keep them away...

  I didn't want to be here so I was going to make this as difficult as possible until the autobots found and rescued me or the cons gave up and dropped me off some place. I didn't want to be here and I'd be loud about it. 

  Scooting further under the bed Knockout walked towards the shelf I was on. Bending slightly he pouted putting his face on the shelf that held my bed and room.

 "I can see you." He whines. Damn thermosensors in mechs and femmes. "Please come out. It's been hours. You have to be hungry by now (n/n)." Sticking my tongue out at him before retreating under the bed he rolls his eyes playfully. "I made you some food. Please come out." He begs. Glaring at him I stay where I am nestled in a pile of blankets under my bed.

  "You made food?" My nose crinkles thinking of Knockout in the kitchen. His holoform couldn't exactly taste and I doubt his cooking skills had gotten much better since we'd last met. The taste of pure charcoal still lingered on my taste buds sometimes. 

 "Yes I did. Don't be rude." He huffs playing with the silky canopy above my bed. "Will you please come out? please..." He begs. Sighing as my stomach rumbles I crawl out from under the bed. Crossing my arms seeing his wide smile his talons reach up and thread through my hair as he hums happy. 

 "I'm only agreeing to this because I'm starving." Standing in front of him Knockout just smiles like a fool. Straightening he stands tall. Holding out a servo I stare at it unsure. He waits patiently and eventually I get on. He smiles softly and slowly raising me up he held me to his chest as he left the room. 

 "Only for the food hmmm?" He teases softly. I sit in his servo and glare up at him. Yes only for the food you prick.

 "I can and will jump from this height and hide back in my room." I sass back sharply. Knockout chuckles and nuzzles me making me recoil.

 "Just teasing love." Giving my head a small smooch I bat his helm away. He smirks and pulls me close. "I missed your spark." He mumbles softly. Fussing at him trying to squirm away he chuckles nuzzling me again.

 Taking me to the med bay he puts me down on his desk before turning to get the food. Kicking my feet over his desk he comes back a minute later with a large paper bag.

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