Meeting New Friends

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   The autobots watched as the human disappeared. Arcee had almost grabbed them but then they slipped away.

 "SCRAP!" Arcee yells transforming back into a motorcycle and bringing her holomatter Sadie back up. Whoever that human was they knew way too much!

 ::That was the human from before!:: Bee beeps and Optimus hums. If that was true they were in grave danger. Staying here was a waste of time and left them vulnerable to decepticon attack. It would be best to return to base and figure out a further plan and to inform Fowler of these recent developments.

Optimus commed Ratchet. A groundbridge appeared and Arcee zoomed towards it frustrated. She'd been so close to knabbing the human. The others followed Arcee, returning to base. Miko stood in front of the groundbridge smiling ear to ear.

 "RATCHET SAID THERE WAS A FIGHT! WHAT HAPPENED? TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Miko yelled excited. Bulk sighs and transforms. Bending down he holds out his servo. Miko jumps on it as he places the jumpy teen on his shoulder. "Tell me everything Bulk!" She repeats.

 "We know not the fate of your friend Miko." Optimus says as Bulk nods. "We encountered a human who we think saw us this morning. Whoever they may be they know more than they should." He informs. 

 "Wait. What do the know?" Jack questions as he walks over to the staircase bars. "What happened out there?" 

 "We ran into a human. One who possessed some serious firepower cybertronian tech!" Bulkhead answers. Miko looks amazed.

 "They did? Sweet! What kind of tech? A space gun? A blaster? Some kind of grenade launcher?" She questions.

 "Not sweet Miko. They somehow knew all our names. And our battle positions. Their dangerous." Arcee responds looking angry. Bumblebee begins beeping throwing his hands around. 

 "Mech?" Raf asks scared as he looks up.

 "No not Mech." Ratchet repsonds. "At least not to our knowledge. Mech works in groups. They strike quick and clean taking cybertronian parts. From what Optimus commed me this person was alone and they didn't engage. The decepticons did. Once the decepticons were beaten the human ran." Ratchet informs. "But that still begs the question. Who are they? And how do they know of our kind and our tech?" Bee begins beeping conspiracies as Optimus and Rachet exchange worried looks. Was this another enemy they shoulf be concerned about? Or a possible ally? 

   They'd have to comm Special Agent Fowler and find out.


  Waking up to my blaring phone I yawned. 7:30 a.m.

  Getting up and stretching I walked into the house and went upstairs getting ready for school. Looking in the mirror seeing my outfit I nodded, good enough. Rushing downstairs grabbing my backpack I shoved a granola bar in my mouth for breakfast. Putting on my sneaker skates and pushing off my garage door beginning to skate to school I let out a deep breath. Something tells me it's going to be a good day. 

  Making it to school staring at the building I sighed. Maybe not so good. Tapping my sneakers to the ground the wheels retracted leaving me in normal tennis shoes before I walked inside.

  "School a place of hell..." I muttered starting my descent down the hallways ignoring everyone around me. Moving through the busy hallways making it to my locker I shuffled through it. Grabbing the books I needed for second and third period I plugged in my earbuds. Getting everything I turned only for Miko to stop me.

   "Hey (Y/N)!" She greeted making me pause pulling one of my earbuds out as she walked up to me. She looked cheerful this morning. This was an ungodly hour for cheerful. Her behaviour was suspicious. 

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