New Town New Start

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 Transformers Prime X Techno Organic Reader

    You're P.O.V

   "New start old town..." I grumbled frustrated. Getting out of the taxi walking to the car’s trunk I grabbed the little bags I had before waving at the driver as they drove away. Taking some deep breaths, I slung my duffel on my back preparing for disappointment. The Fosters hadn't shown up at the airport for pick up, so I doubted they wanted me. Rolling my eyes turning to stare at where I'd be living until my new foster parents decided to dump me, I stepped up to the front door. I'd be officially moving into my 'new house' today. Not like me being here would last long, that's just how the foster care system works. At least in my case...

   I thought of my old life and how all this happened. How I lost my family and how someone I cared about betrayed me taking away the ones I love. How after seven years of my twisted life I was somehow back here. Back in this hellhole of a town, where I grew up before the incident. Before everything in my life changed.

  Jasper Nevada. This dirtball of a place was technically my hometown, but it didn't feel like home... not anymore, not after what happened. Huffing out a deep breath I waited for my foster parents to open the door. I'd seen their records and even gotten a couple phone calls and skype messages from them, but this was the first time I was meeting them in person. I hoped they didn't turn me away the second they saw me.

  Trying to get my mind off the negatives I stared up at the observatory attached to my new house. Well it would be my house until I opted out of the foster system or my new parents got rid of me. Swallowing I shifted my bags. Hello new life as long as you may last, I don't plan on staying long.

 Straightening up and pretend smiling the door opened. There was no turning back now.

  ~Time skip~

  That was a month ago. My foster parents were nice and for the most part it'd been an easy adjustment. My new parents Mr. And Mrs. Something or other were gone a lot off doing science excavations for work but they were good people and trusted me a lot considering they barely knew me. Though they are the people who started the problem I'm currently in.

  "Stupid decepticons..." I muttered leaning forward so my motor bike would go faster zooming me outside the town limits of Jasper Nevada. Dust trailed behind me as I wove in and out of oncoming fire. I had told my adoptive parents not and I mean not to get me that purple blue motorcycle with pink trim they had been eyeing when they offered to buy me a motorcycle. They had been looking at that model and as pretty as it was, I knew it'd cause problems because of that Autobot Arcee. I guess they thought I was using reverse psychology and they were trying to be nice. Like some welcome to the 'family' gift. Bleh.

  Some family we were, they were never even home. Sure, nice fosters were awesome, but it was lonely never having anybody to talk too. Honestly it felt like I was more of a free house sitter than an actual Foster kid. My foster family were decently wealthy so as I "house sat" they sent me lots of bribes like this bike. A "nice" gesture sure, I mean looking at it from their perspective was sweet but from mine I was driving for my life from my ex friend and ex-team mate. Watching the desert landscape pass my speedometer began to increase as they chased.

  I was already on the cons radar because I quit the cause a couple years ago. I really didn't need all this extra attention from the cons. Not now of all times. Two years I'd been on the down low, two! That was impressive hiding from a robot species a thousand times humanity's better.

   Megatron and the rest of the Nemesis I'd grown to love once upon a time were a bit pissed when I figured out their deceptive nature and left. I didn't knew when Knockout brought me aboard the Nemesis but they wanted to cyberform my planet. I had to stop working for them and leave. But this, this was crazy. Why don't any of my host parents ever listen to me? Guess I knew way more about the universe then my foster parents ever would. With the autobots and decepticons and the war that's been going on longer than our planets been around. But you know small things in life.

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