Groundbridge Malfunction

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  Now that the groundbridge was seemingly okay I look at my cybernetic arm. Should... Should I ask Ratchet for some help. To look at it? Sitting quietly on his desk I watch him tinker and work. He... he seemed pretty busy. I didn't want to bother him.

  Sighing as the nerves in my arm cramped I looked away. Ratchet had his own problems he didn't need me messing up his schedule. Feeling unwanted with the kids I sit on the corner of Ratchets desk and open my backpack. Taking out my sketchbook I begin quietly sketching and writing letting the old medic work in peace. I'd missed this. Maybe not the feeling alone part but being apart of something. Looking over at the pipes proud I felt better. Smiling as I sketched Ratchets background noises helped soothe me. This what it was like on the Nemesis.

  Sometimes I'd sit as Knockout walked around the med bay and we'd talk as he worked. He was always gushing about how he won another race and was excited to take me to the next one. When his paint got scratched I'd buff and wax him while we talked. Breakdown would come in and we'd all tell stories and laugh. They always took such good care of me.

  Other times I'd listen to music and sit with SoundWave in silence enjoying the Nemesises quiet. If a firewall was to simple to solve I'd help and he'd always give me headscratches as a reward. When I was bored he'd eject his cassettes for me to play with or put a movie on his screen so I could watch while he worked.

   Starscream was always intresting to spend time with, he acted like he didn't care but he was a real soft guy once you earned his trust. He was always taking about his newest invention or asking me to go on a fly with him. He was a scientist and other than Knockout he was the most curious about my cybernetics. He even stood still for hours letting me sketch his wings when I was working on my proto type jetpack. He always supported my scientific endeavours and did his best to help me when I was sad. He wasn't very good at being kind or apologizing but he always took me on long quiet flights when I couldn't sleep until I dozed off.

  And Megatron. Megatron was the most intresting con. It wasn't often I was left alone with him but when I was it was always amazing to see how everyone listened to his commands. He was truly someone everyone respected and lostened too. And if I was lucky he would tell me stories of his time in Koan and fighting as a gladiator. How he fought bloody battles and always won. How he rallied his people to fight against a corrupt caste system and take their freedom. Even rarer still was when Megatron would reminisce about his miner days. He always had an intresting story to tell and I was always eager to hear more. I remember how his claws would scratch my hair and I'd fall asleep to his amazing stories.

  "(Y/N)." Blinking I was back at base sitting on Ratchets desk, harsh glare of his computer and the overhead lights blinding me. Standing and looking up at the doctor he was staring at me. There was a weird look on his face. Shifting nervously I frown.

 "Yeah Ratchet?" I question confused.

 "Your... your leaking." Bringing my hand up to my eye thick wet coolant was dripping down my face. Shit. "Are you alright? Is something wrong? Are you in any pain?" Going into doctor mode Ratchet leaned in concerned. Embarassed I backed up feeling stupid. The cons... Closing my eyes I wiped the tears off my face.

  "No no I'm..." I was thinking about some things. "... My arm kind of hurts." I admit. My grip tightened on my pencil and I was shaking a bit. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth either.

  "I'm not a human doctor but from my understanding you have cybernetics. May I take a look?" Hesitating briefly Ratchet smiled sadly nodding. He would never force a patient to do something that was uncomfortable unless he absolutely had too. "You don't have too. If you think your alright I trust your judgement." Swallowing down fear as the room spun I slowly rolled up my sleeve.

 "N-no it's fine." I state shakingly. Ratchet watches me looking suspicious. He seems like he's about to say something but seeing that I've exposed my arm and droped the holoform disgusting the robotic appendage he nods grunting. Pulling over his stool he sits down and scoots closer to the desk. 

 "What's hurting?" He questions softly. Sniffling I unclick the top panel of my arm and reveal all of the wires under my skin. His eyes widen looking in amazement. I chuckle softly smiling a small anxious smile.

  "My arms just been really sore." I explain as he looks closely. "I thought I pinched a wire but all of my wires seem to be in order." 

 Ratchet I assume curses something quietly under his breath as he looks at my cybernetics closer. Scooting closer he stares optic center dilating as it zooms in.


  He stays silent as he carefully uses a small blunt scapel to push around and look at nerves. Remaining still as he roots around for whatever he's looking for he pauses. Poking several nerve endings gently I watch as he watches my fingers for a reaction. Taking out the scapel carefully his optic returns to it's normal size. "Try moving your fingers and hand now." Humming I move each finger, bending them one by one before creating a fist. I open my hand again and don't feel any pain. "What do you feel?" He asks. Closing the panel I zip my hand around.

 "It's... it's better. Thankyou." Smiling up at him Ratchet gently rubs my hair before stopping. His audial fin twitches and it looks like he got a comm. Getting up he types frantically into his computer. Panicking thinking I did something wrong I watch in horror, a feeling of dread coiling in my stomach like a snake ready to bite. After a couple minutes of this the kids start asking frenzied questions as he seems to calm down. A groundbridge opens and the bots zip in the base one by one. However before Bee can make it into the groundbridge it shuts down leaving him with an unknown amount of cons.

 "NO!" Ratchet begins furiously typing but the bridge malfunctions and shuts down. I stand in shock. Bee Bee was in trouble? 

 "BEE!" Raf starts to panic and freak out.

 "WHERE HE IS???" I demand. Ignoring me I look at Ratchet's computer. Seeing the coordinates I jump down from the desk. Grabbing my groundbridge remote I open a portal.

  "(Y/N) what are you-" Optimus questions but I'm already running through the portal. One family had already been taking from me I wouldn't let the cons take another.

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