Finding The Truth

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    Warnings: There is cursing. Some mild violence. Reader gets hurt.

   Yesterday had been emotionally traumatizing and annoying. It left me with a ringing headache that wouldn't go away and unanswered questions. I'm just glad today's a Saturday. I forgot it was the weekend and that was a nice surprise. I could fix cars all day with no interruptions and stay in my shop. That meant relaxing around machines that don't transform. Finally some normal shit in my messed up life. Happy to have off time I continued some previous work on a broken motor engine. To much sand got in the motor, which was causing problems for the car. Easy fix.

    Wiping out sand from the gears using a wet towel I began filtering the oil out of the engine. Humming as I worked I heard beeping. Turning my computer showed one of my alarms going off. Seriously more decepticon attacks?

  "Ugh...!" Groaning in frustration I stood up from my work bench. I'd been so close to fixing the motor for a customer but I guess it could wait. Grabbing my helmet I slipped on my motorcycle suit getting ready for a fight. Better tell the decepticons to frag off before they got any ideas about staying around. Hopefully knockout wouldn't be there...

  ~Time skip~

  Skating to the clearing where my sensor went off I saw vehicons drilling into a canyon. Hiding behind a large rock l I watched as the drill stopped. Using my helmet to zoom in I could see the drones were pulling out energon. I didn't know there was a mine this close to me! Wait was that 5-T-3-V-3? Haven't seen Steve in forever. 

  Smiling to myself I paused. No. Stop. Not a con. Not a con. Not a con. 

 Hitting my head against the rock I decided to see if I could take a closer look and maybe close off the mine. The cons were not welcome here and I didn't like them this close to my new home. Plus I could use a new energon cite.

   About to push myself forwards and skate into the mine I heard oncoming blasting fire. Looking over at the commotion I saw autobots advancing out of the mine blasters at the ready before they started firing. Oh scrap. Autobots firing means a con fight. A con fight means someone might see me.

   Going to skate away scanning the battlefield I saw Megatron arrive and transform. Watching him smirk he turned plasma cannon aimed at an undefended Miko! What was Miko doing here?! She wouldn't survive that? Looking at the battle everyone was busy or too far away to do anything. They wouldn't be able to help her. Fists clenching I hopped over the rock I was hiding behind and charged towards her. Making impact I shoved her behind me bringing up my cybertronian shield to block the incoming hit.
  Screaming the energy shield shattered forcing us backwards. Rolling from the blast I hit and dented my cybernetic arm. Staying down for a minute catching my breath I felt energon dripping in several places and knew if I didn't get out of there now my systems would shut down and I'd be defenseless. Defenseless? Miko! Where was Miko?!

   Looking around wildly I saw her a bit banged up but otherwise okay. 

  "Bulk! Bulkhead!" Miko started shouting. Wait. What? "They're hurt they need help!" Damn it Miko.

  "Ugh..." Groaning in pain I forced myself to stand with my good arm before looking around. Jack had dragged Miko off to safety but Bulk was now coming towards me. Smiling under my helmet seeing Miko and Jack safe steadying myself I pushed off a canyon wall and started skating away, I'd let the autobots handle this one. I needed to get home, now.

  ~Time skip~

  Making it to the edge of town getting away from Bulkhead I noticed energon staining the ground from my arm wound still dripping. Tired and exhausted not wanting to be seen I slipped in an alley breathing in deeply. "Al-almost home..." I muttered typing coordinates into my groundbridge remote. Hearing a cars engine rev nearby I jumped through the portal. Going through to my garage ground bridge shutting off I starting making a list of what was wrong.

TFP X Techno Organic ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora