The Base

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  A/N: One of my favorite chapters! You get a lot of background information about reader and her past. But there's still a lot you don't know. Enjoy.

  Skating hom after school I took deep breaths in. Okay. You're okay. Miko had dropped hints but hopefully she wouldn't blow my secret. Almost home lost in my thoughts I finally saw the house. Letting out a relieved breath I stopped.

  No. He found me.

  Fowler stood in front of my houses doors making me incredibly angry. He had no right to be here, he had no say or effect in my life. Not anymore, not ever again. Frowning I pushed past him walking into my garage calmly ignoring him.
   "I want you to join Team Prime." He deadpanned. I stiffened. No way in hell.

  Standing in the autobot base I crossed my arms, frustrated that Fowler had somehow dragged me here. Seriously? He couldn't just leave me alone?! 

    "(Y/N) welcome to Team Prime." Fowler said gesturing to the bots. Huffing out an agitated breath I glared as best I could with my helmet on.

    "~No. I...~" The helmet scrambled my voice in a bad way making me sound staticy. "Ugh dam glitchy vocalizer... stupid fight screwing it up..." I took off my helmet showing my identity. Not much of an identity if the kids knew anyway. Shaking my (h/l) (h/c) out I looked back up glaring.
  The autobots looked surprised that the cons were following a teenager about the same age as Jack and slightly offended in response to my answer. So Miko had kept her promise. They didn't know about me at least they didn't knoe until Fowler reared his ugly head.

    "Look it's cool, it's awesome. They're sentient beings made of metal that are from another world billions possibly trillions of light years away from our own planet, that we could never reach in our whole life time. But I don't do decepticon or autobot alliances. I left that fight a long time ago. It just gets people hurt. Innocent people. People that don't deserve to get hurt." Huffing out a breath I looked at Team Prime. "It's a great offer but I do what I want and this... Is just something I don't want. Sorry but I can't help you." I stated crossing my arms.

    "(Y/N) I advise you to think about this decision wisely." Optimus warned. "We will not force you to stay with us but it's dangerous with the cons now possibly targeting you." I laughed at that a little they've been targeting me since I left a couple years ago and I'd done just fine. Other than a... couple 'incidents'. The cons had nothing on me. I was fine.

   "(Y/N) please... This is probably the safest environment for you away from those cons. Just consider the offer..." I turned around facing Fowler and glared. Fowler had no idea what was safe and wasn't safe. What was okay and what wasn't okay. He wasn't me. He didn't know what it was like to be a freak.

  "Cut the scrap Fowler!" I yelled frustrated. "They don't need me or want me and I don't want them! And we both know I can take care of myself!" Yelling made me feel a little better since Fowler was seriously an alt sometimes. He was a demanding scraphead who didn't know how to handle me ans whenever he tried he made the situation worse. "We both know who's been taking care of themselves since they were a kid." Glaring at him he glared back.

  "That's besides the point. Look (Y/N), I know I've made mistakes. I know you regret your mistakes but this is a chance to start over." He tried to persuade me. Rolling my eyes I looked away. I could seriously give less than a scraplets ass about this whole damn Prime project. It was his problem not mine. I wasn't going to be another governments little secret. I had my own issues.

    "Fowler... I'm done. That part of my life... it's over. Bye because I'm not doing this again, I'm not coming back." Frowning I pushed Fowler out of my face  as I started to leave following the tunnels Fowler took me in from.

TFP X Techno Organic ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora