A Close Call

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   It was the next day and Miko was rambling about random things while I stared out the window in Home Room. I liked that about her. She didn't mind if I spaced out because she knew I was still listening. Maybe I wasn't responding but she didn't need me to if I wanted her to shut up she would. Talking about her love of our shared interest Slash Monkeys I watched clouds glide across the sky. I huffed bored. There's nothing going on. Class was droning on forever and the material was just so bland. Miko was interesting but it was all so boring.

  Seeing a reflection of light through the window I turned towards it curious. Looking carefully I caught a flash of red making my eyes widen.

   "... Knockout?" I questioned seeing the red Aston Martin E round around the street in front of the school corner. What were cons doing here? Why was he here? What was going on? 

   "Did you say something?" Miko asked looking at me curiously as she paused. Glancing at her I shrugged nervous.

   "Uhhhhh Knockouts a killer you know Slash Monkeys? The song just popped on." I mumbled continuing to stare out the window. Why would he be here? What was he doing here? "Miko hold on I have to go to the bathroom." Getting up in a daze I ripped out my earbuds putting them on my desk before speed walking out of the classroom. 

  "(Y/N) you need a pass!" Ignoring my annoying home room teacher I left the classroom. Once I was out of eyesight I took off down the hallway. My feet pounded on the tile ground as I ran through the long halls. What did Knockout want? What did the cons want? Why were they here of all places? Was it a coincidence? Or were they after me? 

      Miko's P.O.V

  "That was weird..." I mumbled staring at where (Y/N) disappeared out the door. Looking at her stuff I noticed she left her phone. She never left her phone. Ever. I knew I shouldn't snoop but she was acting strange. Looking around to make sure no one noticed I grabbed her phone typing the password I'd seen her use before opening her music. I stopped almost dropping her phone. It was playing classical music. Why would she say Knockout from Slash Monkeys then? My heart stopped. Was she... was she mumbling about the actual Knockout? The decepticon Knockout? Like the sketch I thought I saw her draw? 

  Was (Y/N) a decepticon spy? Looking at their phone I bit my lip. What else were they hiding? And what should I do about it? 

  You're P.O.V

 Leaving the classroom and rushing down the hall ways I run outside. Where was he? Why was he here? Looking for another flash of red I saw a glint of metal behind a building. Getting my arm gun ready I jumped out in front of where the glint came from. There was a light pop and a faint green glow disappearing. So he had been here he just ground bridged away before I arrived? What should I do now? What had he been doing? Was it even him or was it all just a coincidence? Was I just crazy?

  Maybe Knockout thought I was going to ruin his 'lustrous' finish or something like that so he sped off? Snorting at the thought I covered my mouth laughing. Knockout speeding away from a young kid with keys suddenly popped in my head. Dam it K.O I should not be laughing (or snorting) at funny memories of you. I was supposed to be mad at you. Rolling me eyes I checked the empty alley. There had to be a reason he was here or had been here. So Why?

   Seeing a small red box with a black bow I stopped. Knockout was always the one to avoid confrontation and be 'mysterious'. Rolling my eyes again I thought about old times smiling before shaking my head. No. NO! That time was over. never again! But... the box could be important. Stepping closer slowly I saw a note. Picking it up with began to read.

  ' You left without saying goodbye doll so I guess I'll do the same. Everyone misses you (Y/N) and no ones mad that you left (that much). Come home and if not these visits will become more and more frequent til the auto-pests leave you alone. You we're ours first and whether you like it or not we care about you still. We miss you and we worry. We know we screwed up but we were trying yo protect you. You'd already been through so much pain. We just wanted to make it go away. We were going to tell you when you were older but then you found out. I'm sorry you figured it out that way.

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