Chapter 45

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It's early evening now and both you and Jungkook come out of the bathroom after 'cleaning' the results of the preceding activity off each other. Actually, once you both go into the bathroom, it is essentially more of the same; in the bath and then in the shower, but you do eventually manage to get clean. You put on a bathrobe and sit on the bed cross-legged. Jungkook does the same next to you. Without saying anything you grab your phone and start googling "Perfect Man BTS performance".

"Oh no Noona, I thought you were done with all that," Jungkook says, falling to his back in despair.

"Hang on, hang on, last Friday, someone in the audience said, 'oooh have you seen Jimin in Perfect Man performance, he looks hot' and it piqued my curiosity," you explain. You scroll through the results on YouTube and find what you're after. You don't take away your attention from the performance once, aware that Jungkook is watching your reactions. "Woah, that Jimin can really move, did you see how quickly the jacket came off? And that growl, ooof," you say, knowing full well the effect your teasing will have on Jungkook.

"Oh my god, Noona, I knew this would happen. Army watch this and go crazy over Jimin hyung. I'm there in the dance too you know," he says sulkily.

You put the phone aside and say, "It's too easy to wind you up JK. Actually I've seen this once already and that time I couldn't take my eyes off you. I was kind of annoyed that the camera was mostly on Jimin! I don't know why you're so worried about Jimin. Girls would be cursing me right now if they saw me with you. You are so much fucking hotter than Jimin. Literally and figuratively speaking."

"Hmm, well, guys envy me too when they see me with you, Noona," he replies. You kiss affectionately and then you suddenly remember something. "Hang on, I can't believe I've just thought about this, but where do the guys think you are, this weekend?" you ask.

He grins and says, "Well, Mr Brown knew I was coming away with you and so he offered to take hyungs away on a weekend excursion to Cambridge. And he told them that I couldn't join them because I had extra classes at the weekend. Smart, eh?"

"Why would you have extra classes when it's the end of term? You know what, never mind, as long as they bought it," you say. That crafty old man, Mr Brown. I have to keep an eye on him, you think. "Anyway, haven't any of the guys text or called you since Friday?" you ask.

"Good question," he replies and looks for his phone. "Geez, there are like a gazillion messages in the group chat."

Mochi: Jungkookah really has weekend lessons? Who believes that everyone?
WWH: Why is it so cold in Cambridge? Ack, my bones
Panda porn star: Omg the architecture though 😍 I will look so cool in my beret here
Rrrrrap Mon: Museums open at 10 am everyone!
The Rock: .........zzzzzz
Our ☀️: I'm gonna practise my British accent.....Be-er not bedder
Panda porn star: ooooh can we check out punting?
Rrrrrap Mon: Erm that's in Oxford Tae.
WWH: what's punting? Is it gambling? Omg Tae! Don't do it!
Panda porn star: No Jin hyung, punting is where they put lots of flags to celebrate the Queen
The Rock: that's bunting 🤦🏻‍♂️
Our ☀️: oooh is the queen gonna be in Cambridge? Does she live there? I haven't practised my bow!
Rrrrrap Mon: 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ she lives in London Hobi
WWH: and why would the 👸 see us? I know we're unicef ambassadors but come on....
Our ☀️: oh that's a shame, I could have said, I'm your hope, you're my ho.....
Panda porn star, WWH, Rrrrrap Mon, The Rock, Mochi: NO!!!!  No more, pls, we get it.......
Mochi: Jungkookah you're missing all of this, I hope you're not too sad being indoors
Mochi: btw we're all in the same van, why are we texting each other?

You and Jungkook both fall on the bed, laughing heartily. Jungkook says, "Jimin hyung doesn't know how much I'm enjoying being indoors."

You say, "You should probably text them to say how much you're struggling to keep up with the indoor activities."

"Haha, good one Noona, I'll do that," he says.

/// GC Maknae: Hyungs! How can you be having so much fun without me??? 😭😭 I'm struggling being indoors, they're making us work so hard....///

WWH: [falls off chair] wow maknae actually sent a msg! He's aliiiiiiiive!
Panda porn star: Simba, he's......he's alive?
Rrrrrap Mon: huh who's simba? JK hope all is going well there, thanks for suggesting the trip it's been great. We're on our way back now
Mochi: what have you been up to JK? 😉 stayed indoors the whole time???
Our ☀️: ahhh no queen here, but food was great! Had tea and scones.
WWH: so what's the plan tomorrow, we all still going out with you and Ms Murilo, right?
The Rock: what! No one told me we were going out again! Why won't you just let me zzz
GC Maknae: @The Rock, you didn't fly all this way to sleep! Come on, let's geddit! 😉
The Rock: ok, ok, but I'm not getting out of bed earlier than 12
Mochi: come on Yoongi hyung, Ms Murilo, will be there, we have to be early!
Panda porn star: awww she's sweet, you're lucky she was your tutor JK!
GC Maknae: ok guys see you tomorrow!

Jungkook looks at you, but you're too busy watching him slow body drop during their blood, sweat and tears performance. "I'm glad you all decided to just sing for us last Friday and not do any of this," you say, indicating to the screen. "I'm not sure the Chairwoman and her committee's hearts would have survived. Or mine for that matter."

"So, I told you that we were all gonna hang out tomorrow right? You, me and hyungs?" he asks.

You jump off the bed in surprise, "What? Me? Spend the day with all you guys? Do you think I have nothing better to do with my one week off? Well you'd be correct, abso-fucking-lutely, just tell me when and where, I'm there! Oh my god, I'm gonna be spending a whole day with Yoongi, I mean, BTS! Do I need to get security checked? Do I need to be in some disguise? Hey there won't be like bodyguards around will there?"

Jungkook shakes hand, "Er, no, I'd better cancel. I've never seen you so excited about anything like this before, and you just said Yoongi hyung for like the 10th time so far. What is it about him?"

"It's A to the G to the U to the STD man! What's not to love?" you laugh. "I think I'm hyped up because of all the, erm, physical attention you've been giving me. So much blood and oxygen rushing everywhere, my brain is fully engaged. So it's your fault really, JK, for being great at, erm, increasing my serotonin levels."

Jungkook grins and then laughs at your playfulness. "This is why I love you, Noona, you don't take the wrong things seriously. Ok, let's see, I don't actually know what we're doing tomorrow, so why don't we both plan for the day, and then I'll see how high your serotonin levels can actually go."

You blush at the proposition.

You blush at the proposition

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