Chapter 17

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You could be content just staring at his beautiful face all day, but suddenly remember something. "So, erm, have you retreated down there then?" You look pointedly downwards at Jungkook's crotch.

"Noona!" he jerks backwards, "It's your fault, you caught me off guard! Although, I was almost in trouble the last time I was here," he smiles sheepishly. "Actually, we should talk about this too," he looks a bit uncomfortable and considers how to begin this conversation and then just goes for it. "Ack, Noona, whenever you're near me, it's so hard for me to concentrate. I know what we have is more than just physical attraction, but sometimes I see you and I just want to, erm, show you how much I, erm, like you," he says, scratching the back of his neck shyly. "But," he continues, "I don't want to rush into anything that you're not ready for. Kissing you is mind-blowing, but I don't want to move onto anything more if you don't want to."

Lustful liaisons with Jungkook have crossed your mind every time he dresses to kill and makes any part of his body visible to you. Making love to Jungkook is something you've only thought about more recently and it is something that doesn't need to be rushed. You are happy to wait for the moment to naturally present itself to express your feelings for each other. Right now, the only thing you are sure about was how much you like Jungkook and that you are happy to spend more time together to see how these feelings develop. You lean in to give him a peck on the cheek. "Why don't you go shower while I make us breakfast?" you suggest, without discussing what he'd just said. "I've worked up quite the appetite," you wink knowingly.

He sniffs his top and says, "Ugh, I stink! How could you bear the smell Noona? Yup, I'd better take a shower and freshen up to smell better for you," he grins broadly and returns the wink. He kisses your forehead and gets up. Pointing in the direction of the bathroom, you say, "Towels are in the cupboard, but don't feel like it's compulsory dress code," you tease.

"Want to join me?" he cheekily asks, but you give him a stunned expression. "Next time then," he chuckles as he goes into the bathroom. Your head reels at his proposition, why the hell did I hesitate? Damn, he caught me off guard. Touche, JK.

You head into the kitchen with a big grin on your face. When was the last time I felt this happy? Wondering what to make for breakfast, you decide on toast with a variety of eggs since you don't know what he prefers. Should be filling enough and there's not much else available by way of ingredients. Your cooking technique is a swift one and soon there are lots of types of garnished eggs laid out on the dining table; scrambled, sunny side up, over-easy, boiled, poached and finally an omelette. Will that be enough for JK's healthy appetite, you wonder.

Twenty-five minutes later and JK is still in the bathroom. I wonder what's taking him so long? You mischievously guess that he probably needs to take care of unfinished business. You see your upright piano and are reminded of the last time you heard JK playing. You decide to play a short piece, Fur Elise, while you wait for him. It's a childhood favourite of yours and easy to fall back on when you need to relax. You close your eyes as your fingers flow over the keys with familiarity. A few minutes into it, you jump in surprise when you feel strong arms surrounding your shoulders.

"Finally done with your shower then?" you say, turning to look at him, but he hugs you from behind and nestles his head next to yours so you can't move.

"That sounded lovely, Noona, I guess we both love Beethoven," he says. He smells so nice so you turn around to rest your head on his abdomen as he hugs you close. Damn, he has a towel on. This is the first time you're making contact with his bare-skinned body and yes, it did feel as good as you'd imagined.

"Woah, did you make all that? I'm famished!" he suddenly runs towards the dining table. What just happened?

Jungkook and his food are never apart for too long. Or maybe he needs to break contact with you before his body involuntarily reacts again. Sighing, you join him. "I didn't know what you liked, so I made every type of egg dish I could. What are you going to have?" you ask.

Already tucking into he scrambled eggs, he replies with a full mouth, "Oh, I was going to have everything! Is that ok?" You laugh and reply in the affirmative. He is sexy while he eats too, and it really doesn't help that the only clothing he has on is a towel that barely covers what it's meant to. You decide to go cool yourself down and so you say, "Ok I'm going in for a shower too, but I shouldn't take as long as some people," you joke. You watch Jungkook as you leave. At least all the eggs are going to a good place.

After a quick shower where you spend the whole time fantasising about the things you want to do to Jungkook, you run into the bedroom gripping a towel tightly wrapped around you. You are just about to close the door when you see Jungkook standing by the door. "How the heck did you even....?!" You look at him, not sure what to expect. He walks into your room with a dangerous look in his eyes. You grip your towel even more tightly around you and step back. "Erm, JK, what are you doing? I'm not dry yet, or even dressed," you say hurriedly. What are you saying? Why are you so nervous?

"Actually, Noona, you didn't answer me before about not rushing things, so I just wanted to know.....(he inches closer) what....(closer) still).....want."
His tone has changed and his voice has gone deeper. He's so close to you now that you're frozen on the spot and all you can do is stare into his lustful eyes, keeping your hands tightly clasped to your towel.

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