Chapter 6

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You agree to meet Jungkook outside Oxford Circus station at 11 am. You suggested a time that you hoped wasn't too early as you weren't sure about his sleeping schedule, being a famous idol and all. He arrived a few minutes after you, looking a bit bleary-eyed.

"Bit early for you is it?" you joke.

"I was up until 4am working on the assignment you suggested. Sorry Noona."

"What? Why did you stay up that late? Oh my goodness, you must be shattered! You should have called me, we could have re-arranged," you mildly chastise him. You can't believe this guy's dedication, is he for real?

"Oh no, it sounded too fun to miss! Don't worry I'll be awake soon," he reassures you.

You decide you can't hold in what you're about to say, "Jungkook what's with the all-black get-up? Are you trying to be inconspicuous? Don't worry about it, I don't think your fans will think it's you hanging around with an old biddy like me,"

"Biddy? What does that mean?" he asks, looking very confused.

"Oh sorry, that's a British way of saying old woman," you explain.

"No way you're not an old biddy! Far from it! And who cares whom I hang around with," he exclaims, fully awake now.

You blush slightly and laugh it off.

"I usually wear black back home because there are so many ARMY and scary saesangs, and sometimes I want to go out without being recognised, you know?" he says.

"I actually I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm the least famous person here, but sure, I can understand why you choose to wear black. Looking at your music videos and interviews, I don't blame you for going in the opposite direction with your own clothes." Looking at his astounded expression, you continue, "Yes, you should be impressed that I know what 'ARMY' and 'saesang' mean. And that I've seen some of your videos. Understanding the K-pop world is like having to learn a whole new language you know. Oh yeah you do know," you tease.

He scrunches his eyes and laughs open-mouthed as he throws his head back. You are surprised at how easily you can ribJungkook and how he doesn't take any offence. You're also pleased with yourself for making him laugh. What you held back from saying, however, was how sexy he looked in his tight black jeans, grey t-shirt and black leather jacket. His head housed a fitted black baseball cap and his feet were protected by thick black boots. It took all of your effort earlier to not scope him from head to toe. Had he been any other regular guy walking down the street, you wouldn't have hesitated in giving him a good long second look.

All these thoughts are too dangerous and you battle between being allowed to enjoy his company and wondering whether it was a good idea to spend this much time with him alone. You finally decide that you're not doing anything wrong and you're just being a good teacher looking after the wellbeing of her student. Sure, that works.

"So, where to Noona?" he asks. You point ahead and lead Jungkook towards the nearest tourist bus stop. You then spend the next two hours on the top deck of a double-decker London tour bus. Thankfully the weather has stayed dry and isn't too cold. A couple of times Jungkook freely offers his jacket to you when you visibly shiver, but you tactfully refuse. You both enjoy each other's company, laughing and joking as you admire London's monuments and architecture. He has brought his camera with him and is happily taking pictures of everything and everyone. You, however, manage to skilfully avoid being in front of the camera.

Both your insides can be heard growling when you finally step off the bus and you look at each other sheepishly. "Ok, so what kind of food do you fancy JK? Is it ok if I call you that by the way?" you ask.

"JK? Of course you can, I love that nickname. Erm, honestly, I could eat anything, I'm always in a perpetual state of hunger," he replies.

"Why didn't you say sooner? Blimey, you must be famished. And good use of the word 'perpetual' by the way," you say. Jungkook giggles in appreciation. You take him to a nearby family-run Japanese restaurant where, luckily, the Sunday queues are not too long and you are seated almost immediately. You get a couple of quizzical looks from other diners, probably wondering what someone your age is doing with someone like Jungkook. It doesn't really bother you though.

You both slide into the same side of a bench, ending up seated snugly by each other's side as there's no room elsewhere. You look at Jungkook awkwardly, hoping he doesn't mind being in such close proximity to you.

"This is so cosy, and mmm, the food smells so good. I think I'm going to order everything on the menu," he says, almost in response to your thoughts. You laugh, saying you won't be ordering quite as much, but he should go ahead. The food arrives quickly and you enjoy cheerful banter with each other. You can't remember the last time you laughed so hard and thoroughly enjoyed someone's company this much. Jungkook is very easy to talk to and has a light-hearted way of looking at life. It makes a refreshing change from the guys you usually meet or know. They don't seem to know how to handle life but looks like Jungkook does. How is he only 21 years old?

Jungkook practically inhale his food and you joke that he's not competing with anyone for it. He grins at you with his mouth full. The whole time you're eating, you take great pains to make sure your arms are firmly pinned to your sides so that there would be no accidental contact with Jungkook. It certainly makes eating your food a bit trickier to do, but it is a necessary precaution. Having said that, your eyes weren't quite so disciplined. While he concentrates on his food, you take a good look at this strikingly handsome guy. This boyish-looking man who catches you off guard and gives you knots in your stomach. This man who scares you because you recognise this feeling which you haven't felt it in almost ten years. Is it possible that you could be falling for Jeon Jungkook?

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