Chapter 8

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You text him back as you continue to walk.

/// Hi JK, omg that's great news! I'm not surprised Mr Brown chose you for the performance, you're a very talented pianist! You deserve it!
Thank you for saying that I would be able to help you prep for the performance.............///

You pause at this point as you try and decide whether to agree to help or not. You would love to help him shine at the performance and deservedly get recognised for his talent. But spend more time with Jungkook? The plan was to keep contact with him to a minimum. Besides, you'll soon be too busy with the Christmas recital to give him extra lessons. Having said that, the recital wasn't until after half term and you'd still have enough time to prepare. Sod it.......

/// ....................I'd be honoured to help you however I can. Let's plan more on Friday when to have our extra sessions.
Hope everything is going well at the Academy. Have a great evening!
Noona ///

You sign off with what's now becoming a familiar name. You're almost home now and are just about to enter your apartment when your phone buzzes again.

/// Are you free now at all Noona??? ///

Wait, what? Now? Does JK think I have nothing else to do?
But it's kind of sweet he doesn't want to wait until Friday......right?

You look at the time (7:30 pm) and remember that the girls said they would come over at 8 pm. It's not too late to cancel on them, you decide. They'll understand as long as you don't tell them the real reason for bailing on them. You quickly text Mia and Layla and say that they can't come round after all. "Last minute work thing."

You feel a bit guilty about lying to the girls, but technically it isn't a lie. You do have a last-minute work thing, you just don't say that it has nothing to do with school. You text Jungkook back saying that you can be there at 9 pm if that isn't too late. You can't believe you've just dropped everything to spend time with him. He replies saying how excited he is and he's sorry for asking you to come out so late. He then asks if you'd like him to send you a taxi. Why does he have to be so sweet and considerate?

Once home, you hurriedly kick off your shoes and drop your bag on the corridor floor, almost stumbling over them. You strip off as you run into the shower. You are so excited about seeing Jungkook, that, for the first time in ages, you actually take time to consider what to wear and what to do with your hair. Last Sunday you had your hair tied back and put on the most comfortable clothes you could find for a day out in London city (without looking too drab). However, this time, you decide to style your mane properly and leave it loose. You also decide to go with black jeans and a soft cardigan; a conservative-enough look so as not to attract unhealthy attention from Jungkook, but still presentable. You look at yourself in the mirror and think, 'It's been a while since I've wanted to look nice for someone. Have to say, I do scrub up well with some effort'. You laugh at yourself and the feeble attempt at self-jest.

You had politely refused his offer to call for a taxi, but you grab one yourself since it's late and you don't want to walk around London by yourself in the dark. You reach his house in around 15 minutes but decide against ringing the bell as a housemate might answer, so you text Jungkook instead to say that you've arrived. You have barely hit 'send' before the door is flung open and Jungkook is standing there, beaming at you.

"Noona!" he says and pauses for a split second before quickly continuing, "Wow, you're right on time again. Please come in!" What was that millisecond pause about? Was he surprised at how you looked? You are starting to regret your choice of attire.

You follow Jungkook, who is practically running to the piano room and you have to quicken your pace to keep up. This time, you notice his whole body from the back. He's wearing a very thin white shirt and dark baggy jogging bottoms. Nothing given away there. Hey, what happened to keeping it professional? They're only thoughts man, I'm not doing anything.

The room seems a bit darker than you remember. Maybe one of the bulbs has gone out, you think, looking around.

"Would you like something to drink, Noona?

"No thanks JK, by the way where is everyone? This is the second time I've come into a quiet house," you ask curiously.

"They're all in their rooms either gaming or doing other things online," he says cryptically, but you understand what he means and stifle a giggle.

"Ok, let's start and work for about an hour. Why don't you play me your performance piece so that I can hear if any adjustments are needed."

There is a chair next to the piano stool which you instinctively move a bit further away. You sit on it, leaning back, and wait while Jungkook adjusts his seating position on the stool. He is always quiet before starting to play, giving himself a moment to tune into the mood of the song. He starts to play and you catch your breath in surprise. He has chosen one of the most complicated Sonatas by Beethoven (Pathetique).

The first movement begins with an almost angry sense of urgency that continues throughout, with there being only rare moments of what seem like retreat. Your eyes automatically close as you get lost in the near-perfect rendition by Jungkook. It is such a highly challenging piece and he masterfully captures the mood of this movement. A few minutes later, he continues onto the gentler second movement, when you put an arm out to stop him.

"Jungkook, stop."

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