Chapter 31

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You wake up on Monday morning with the usual lack of vigour associated with the start of the working week. But this time, you wake up with flashbacks to your dream from last night. Why were Jungkook and Captain America arguing over whom the Hulk liked more? Hang on, am I the Hulk here?? Who is Cap meant to be? Maybe it has something to do with BTS. Or maybe I'm Captain America and BTS are the Hulk. Geez, why am I even trying to analyse this? Bloomin' JK and his misguided loyalty to Iron Man.

After getting ready and having a strong cup of coffee, you're now alert enough to process what happened yesterday. It was yet another wonderful day spent with Jungkook, who continually manages to amaze you. Is this still the honeymoon period? Will something happen that will throw us off course? Where is this all going to lead? If things carry on as they are, then who knows......but if things get really serious, I'll probably have to tell Jungkook about....

You don't finish the thought since it's not relevant now. Instead, you think about the nearer future and the upcoming date. Then you remember that you want to go for a weekend away with Jungkook and make a mental note to book a hotel for an overnight stay. Maybe Blackpool or Southend-on-Sea would make a nice change of scenery. And the beach is always smile at the possibilities. Once you leave your apartment and walk to the bus stop, you hear a message come through on your phone.

/// To infinity.....and beyond! ///

Your face says it all as you reply, /// erm JK, was your text meant for me??? And Buzz Lightyear? Really? ///

/// Hehe, yes Noona. Just reminding u how far I can take u wen ur with me 😉😏😏///

/// 😳😳😳 ///

/// 😂😂 btw, buzz lightyear is awesome ///

/// we really need to talk about your fictional character preferences JK. Just on my way to school now, will text you this eve xxx ///

/// cool, love u 💘 ///

You stare at his last message for a few seconds, but decide there's no need to reply. Putting the phone away, you get on the bus that has just arrived and make the twenty minute journey into school. Once there, it's back to the usual Monday haste. It's almost half-term and your students are getting excited about the Christmas recital. You've decided what songs to perform and have already started some light rehearsals during lessons, planning which kids will play instruments and who will be singing. You're almost glad you won't have extra piano sessions with Jungkook after half term since you really need the time for after-school rehearsals.

The day carries on as normal except for a random fire drill interrupting your third period and causing the students to cheer the subsequently shortened lesson. You mentally curse the over-enthusiastic Year 10 Chemistry students who didn't keep an eye on their experiment. What with dealing with this disruption, and the Monday evening staff meeting, by the end of the day you are ready to go home and put your feet up. You send a text to Jungkook telling him about your day, the trappings of being a teacher and joke about how lucky he is that you are able to spare him some of your precious time. You finally grumble about how a fire drill messed up your teaching plan for the next few days. When you're done updating him, you realise how nice it is to offload your daily, unexciting thoughts onto someone else again after so long. When you reach your apartment, you see a young man standing outside your door, holding some brown paper bags. "Hi, can I help you?" you ask cautiously, since this is London and a stranger waiting outside your door isn't always a good thing.

"I've got a food delivery for Anna," he replies succinctly.

"Oh, that's me, but I didn't order any food," you say, suspiciously.

"Someone called JK placed the order about ten minutes ago and said we had to deliver it immediately," he says as he hands the bags to you. He declines your offer of a tip, "No worries love, your guy paid that too, well generous he was. He told me to wait for you and make sure I gave the food to you personally," and with that, he jogs down the stairs. You quickly go into your apartment and place the bags on your kitchen counter, enthusiastically checking to see what goodies await you. The aroma coming from the food is making your mouth water. Bless Jungkook and his kind heart. You call him straight away.

"Noona, did you get my surprise delivery?" is the first thing he says.

"JK, I can't believe you got this for me! Wow, I feel so well looked after, thank you so much. Oh man, I was so dreading cooking as well tonight, you're just amazing, aren't you?" you gush.

"Awww Noona, you know I'd do anything for you. After your very challenging day, I knew you'd be hungry and probably hadn't got any groceries yesterday, so I thought I'd treat you!" he says, happy that he did well.

"You, my dear, have just elevated your status from boyfriend, to boyfriend Supremo. Anyone who can tell when I need food is definitely a keeper. But, hang on, I'm just looking and I see it's missing dessert," you say.

"Oh no! Shall I order some for you? What would you like? Mochi? Ice cream? Cake?" he asks, completely oblivious.

"No......none of the above, JK, I need something that tastes much, much sweeter, and is way more satisfying," you say, devilishly.

"Huh? What tastes sweeter than......oh! Noona! Oh ma gaaad, I'm so slow," he says. "Well, in that case, let me know when you're done and I'll be right over to make sure to you get it, on the house."

You laugh and tell him you'll be sure to do that if you're still hungry later. After further praising each other's talents, you hang up. You're looking forward to tomorrow's date even more so than before. You finish your dinner and jump into bed, hoping to dream of Jungkook wearing nothing but whipped cream and a cherry on top.

 You finish your dinner and jump into bed, hoping to dream of Jungkook wearing nothing but whipped cream and a cherry on top

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