Stop running away

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You stare at Jungkook for a good few minutes with your mouth slightly agape, wondering if the rush of oxygen in the hotel room previously was now causing you to see and hear things.

"JK?" you say in disbelief.

He keeps grinning and sits next to you. "Miss me?" he asks.

You blush slightly, your mind racing and wondering whether he has psychic abilities or whether there are cameras in your room. Suddenly your brain decides to switch on after shutting down the moment you saw Jungkook. "Hang on, why are you here when I just saw pictures of you all landing in Seoul? And what's happened to my tour group? How did you know I was here?"

He laughs out loud, throws his head back (that damn neck again!) and then looks at you. "You thought you could run away from me, Noona? Why don't we go to your room and I'll explain everything then," his suggests very assertively.

"No.....I think we best talk here JK," you say as you flash back to images of him next to you in bed. Those internet pictures did you no justice, you are so fucking hot, is the main thought running through your head. But instead you say, "Listen, I'm completely thrown right now and questioning whether or not you're just a figment of my imagination. So you'd best start explaining or I'll have to get myself checked in at The Priory."

He can't stop smiling as he looks at you, making you blush even more. Then he gently holds your hand and leads you to stand up. "I promise I'm really here in front of you. Let's go to your room so no one can disturb us. You won't regret it," he says innocently.

You cough involuntarily at those words, but allow yourself to be led to the elevator and back to your room by Jungkook. You both don't say anything, and it's all you can do to not take him right there. How you long to stroke his cheeks, his chin and his lips. But for now, you just allow his hand to be clasped in yours, and wonder what crazy story he's going to tell you. Holy shit, the guy you've been trying to avoid has materialised in front of you!

You open the room door in a daze and look at Jungkook waiting for instructions. He lets out a small laugh and ushers you inside, telling you to sit down on a chair. He sits on the bed opposite you and scans the room. "Hmm, not bad," he says as he looks around, "Holy shit, they put a glass there?!"

That knocks you out of your trance and you bellow in laughter to the point where tears come out of your eyes. Jungkook smirks to himself, happy that you look more like yourself now. After a minute, you say, "Sorry, not long ago I inwardly judged the person that came up with the design and you just said what I'd been thinking."

"Well, Noona, you know always we've always been in sync with everything. You cough involuntarily again. "Ok JK, spill. What the hell are you doing here?"

He drags his hair back away from his face and looks away from you. "Oh man, I thought I knew what I'd say when I saw you, but you're making it very difficult for me to think straight Noona." He takes a deep breath and continues, "I asked PDnim to tell the press that we landed today when we actually landed a few days ago. I told him it was to avoid all the paparazzi, but really it was cos I needed time to fly out here. About a month into our tour, I found you'd taken the job at BigHit. You're so sneaky Noona, I couldn't believe it, I just wanted to jump on a plane back to Seoul. Obviously I couldn't abandon the guys, so I carried on as normal, but you were always on my mind and I didn't know what to do. I told Jin hyung and he suggested an amazing idea. Was anyone at the company particularly attentive to you Noona?" he asks mischievously. You frown at him in disbelief. "What? Are you telling me that Taehyun was your spy?? You mean, I didn't manage to capture the heart of yet another sapling and make him fall in hopelessly in love with me? I'm shocked. And to think I almost went out with him," you say, pretending to be offended, but also a tiny bit sad that Taehyun actually hadn't fancied you. You immediately berate yourself for even thinking that.

"I'm pretty sure he actually did have a crush on you 'cos he kept telling now happy you were and how you didn't seem to miss me at all. He said I should just give up on you, the cheeky git," replied Jungkook. 'Git?' Jungkook clearly picked up some London lingo.

Jungkook continued, "Anyway, long story short, I threatened him to keep himself to himself and he told me about your plans to leave BigHit and about this holiday."

"And the tour I was supposed to go on?" you probe, although you can guess the answer.

"Oh," he laughs, "that was easy. I came early and stood outside the hotel saying the tour has been cancelled and just paid the guide. He was more than happy."

"I'm so confused about how to take this whole situation, JK. You still have feelings for me?" you ask tentatively. At this point, he leans forward and clasps your hands. "They never left Noona! I don't know what you thought I'd do after you said goodbye to me in London, but every day my mind was full of thoughts of you. Every moment we spent together, every time we were with each other, every time I kissed you. I thought at first I'd have to wait six months before seeing you, which was fine, I knew I could do it. But who knew whether you felt the same. I was convinced you'd move on, as you deserved to. I was ecstatic when Taehyun said you pretty much worked all the time and didn't have a boyfriend." (You raise an eyebrow) "You know what I mean. It meant I still had a chance." He pauses for a second or two. "I do still have a chance don't I?" he asks, hesitantly.

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