Chapter 40

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You don't say much during the cab ride back, occasionally nodding or murmuring in agreement as you stare out the window sadly. You wonder whether you should discuss your concerns with Jungkook, but you're not sure how he will take it. Your thoughts are interrupted by the cabbie saying, "We're here, love."

Jolted back to reality, you pay the driver and lead the way to Jungkook's residence. Jimin manages to find his house keys and lets you all in. You direct the boys to his bedroom, leaving them to get him into bed (a job you would have rather done instead). You wait in the piano room and soon you can hear them running down the stairs, oblivious to whether the other housemates are home or not. Taehyung speaks first, "Jungkookie was talking in his sleep, something about Thor being Men in Black and how chocolate ice cream was the best when fed by Noona?"

You stare at him, and quickly reply, "Oh, you know Jungkook, he loves his food. He was probably dreaming about IU feeding it to him."

"Ahhh, ok. Makes sense," says Taehyung innocently. Jimin looks less convinced but lets it go. You wonder if he also knows about you and Jungkook. You make a mental note to ask Jungkook about Jin and Jimin.

Jimin asks, "So Noona, did you have to spend a lot of time with Jungkook to practise for the performance tonight?"

"Yes, we would practise in here twice a week, but he was already so talented, he didn't need my help much," you reply.

"Mmm, our maknae really is golden, he can do anything. But you know, Noona, he didn't say much about your practise sessions to me, so I thought maybe he didn't have many," says Jimin. Damn this guy, he's fishing.

"Oh, is that the time, I have a trip tomorrow that I still haven't packed for. I really must get going. Will you guys be able to get back ok?" you ask, looking at Taehyung more than Jimin.

"Sure, Namjoon hyung is on his way now to pick us up. We can drop you home too if you want?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh no, that's fine, I don't live too far. I'll see you guys soon then," you say as you make to leave.

"See you soon Noona," pipes Jimin as you walk out the door.

As you walk, you send Jungkook a text to remind him that you will pick him up around 1 pm tomorrow. You want to give him enough time to sleep in and pack if needed. By the time you get to your apartment block, you feel your phone vibrate. You are surprised to see it's a message from Jungkook whom you thought was asleep.

/// Noona, why aren't here in bed with me???? ///

You laugh at his straightforwardness.

/// Oh, I thought you were sleeping and your hyungs were there, that's why I didn't stay. But we have the whole weekend to ourselves, and you'll need your stamina for what I have planned, so rest for now! 😉
btw you did some frickin' amazing job at your recital, I can't even begin to explain how superb it was. And the surprise performance! It sent shivers down my spine, but I will sing your praises more tomorrow xxx ///

His reply is short but enough to excite you.

/// I......can't.......wait 💖💕💞///

The next day, you arrive at 1 pm as promised and ring his doorbell. You have come by car which you rented for the short trip and can't wait for Jungkook to see it. As if on cue, he opens the door, all dressed and ready holding a packed bag.

"What?! You are actually ready to go?" you ask in surprise, pretending to fall back in shock.

"I didn't want to waste a single moment of this precious time together," he says. He comes out the door and gives you a tight hug followed by a long kiss.

"Mmm, you must have missed me," you say.

"I really did. I couldn't even talk to you properly yesterday and I was so excited to see you there. I was knackered by the end of it though," he explains.

"I can imagine! I can't believe you did that extra performance as well, and you got everything ready for the members. Do you ever rest?" you ask.

"I do when I'm with you," he answers.

You smile as you say, "Well, as a treat, I rented a car for the weekend, so no public transport for us!" You point to the black Audi right in front of him and hand him the keys.

"No way, we have a car? And I can drive?" he asks, not waiting for an answer as he opens the boot to put his bag in. He then politely opens the passenger door for you and gets into the driver's side. He clearly looks so excited as he starts the engine and pulls out. "I'm an excellent driver by the way, so you just relax and enjoy the ride," he instructs as soon he's on the main road.

"Oh, I will," you say as you wink. You then put the satnav on to direct him where to go. Once you're on motorway you settle back and enjoy the smooth ride to Southend.

"I've rented a beach house for us for the night with our private bit of beach," you say.

"Private beach eh? Just go easy on me tonight Noona, I'm still recovering from the recital," he teases.

"Oh, so you don't want any of this then?" you ask as you place your hand on his crotch. He swerves slightly in surprise, but recovers quickly. He then says, cool as a cucumber, "Leave it there Noona, that way my body can be ready for our activities later."

You both laugh at this playful flirting with each other and you stroke his soft face, keeping your hand cupped on his cheek. He takes your hand, kisses it and holds it with his left hand on his lap, all the while keeping his eyes on the road. As the journey continues, you praise him for his performance at the Academy and say how all that hard work paid off. You also praise BTS, saying how impressed you are with how quickly you all pulled off a faultless performance. He replies that the guys were singing your praises the whole time since you left the practice room. He thanks you for getting them the gifts, which they are besotted with. "I have to keep an eye on them, Noona, they might steal you away from me. Some of them clearly already like you a lot," he says.

"Really? What do you mean?" you ask with interest.

"Well, I noticed how Jimin hyung called you Noona straight away even though he'd only just met you. Usually he would call a new person by their surname until he becomes comfortable with them." You remember how Jimin had called you Noona at Jungkook's home too.

"Oh, well that's ok, he's just comfortable since you're comfortable with me. By the way, do Jin and Jimin know about us?" you ask before you forget.

He shakes his head, "Jimin hyung, definitely not. He saw me texting you the night they arrived, but I don't think he saw your name on my phone. I didn't tell him anything. I confided a bit with Jin hyung, but I didn't tell him it was you. Why?"

"It's just that they were both acting a bit differently towards me compared to the others. I think they realise we are more than just tutor and tutee," you warn. You continue, "But let's not worry about them for now and just enjoy this time for ourselves. Hey, it says we're only 5 minutes away."


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