Happy Birthday PERCY!!!

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I was in the fifth grade when I first read this beloved series. Ever since, I fell in love with the series and I treasure it so much. It helped create such wonderful memories in my life. From my imagination and even to my real life.

No other fandom has made such a great impact on me and I can't believe it because I usually don't socialize with fandoms(My best friend does that. Yeah I'm looking at you, zewujun). So thank you for accepting me into this family.

I guess you could say this is definitely one of my greatest achievements. Having received above a hundred thousand views is such a big achievement and it would not have been possible for you readers.

I was expecting very few people to read it, no joke. This is because I was only writing what I wanted to write, and not exactly...targeting an audience. But then you all proved me wrong and I nearly died of happiness.

As a tribute for this long journey I've been in, I have decided to share to you guys some of my inspirations for some of the characters involved and some memories I made. It doesn't sound fun, but this all held special places in my heart.


These are the people that inspired some of the characters

1. Joana May: Omg this girl. I admire her so much. My inspiration for this was my wamen friend who worked for my mom and dad for a few years. While she was here, we shared so much books to read(mind you all, I was a 12y.o. sharing books to a 20 y.o.). How much did I trust her? Enough to lend her my own original set of Percy Jackson books. She was so willing to watch me fangirl and share things about Percy Jackson. I even showed her my miniature Anaklusmos. (Sadly, we don't have any contact at all right now. So, Miss Joana May, if you see this, I'm waiting for you to show me a pic of the cat I gave you. Has he gotten even fatter??? Is he pregnant???)

2. Steffi Gale: My classmate since forever. She is one of the sweetest people you would ever meet. She is so kind. Like so so so kind. She's a definite diamond in the rough. It is very hard to find people like her. She's calm and reserved. I admire that about her. She perseveres through each day despite all the hard tasks thrown at us. She's so thoughtful and observant. I was really really down in the dumps one day and she kept asking me what was wrong and if I was okay. I didn't speak, but she still stayed by my side. Awesome awesome friend.

3. Elyza Teeper: Art goddess. *Drops mic* *picks up mic* Guys, this girl is amazing. Also my classmate since forever(but she moved school last year so I am sad). Her art skills are so admirable. She is responsible for the really awesome drawing you all see as my profile picture. I want all of you to know how amazing she is. She noticed my love for a certain character so she drew Nico Di Angelo for me. It was one of the best gifts I received.

4. Clarice Campi: She loves volleyball. Sporty. We were close at one point but we drifted away. Though, when we were close, she supported my back. There was this one time, someone said something about me. Gossiped about me. And basically bad mouthed me. This girl told me about it and told me that she knew I really wasn't like that. From her, I learned that being a kind and good person to people I meet goes a long way even if you aren't as close anymore.

5. Maria Reynon: Me. Just plain old dull me.

6. Sapphire Skye: Miss President of the class for six straight years. A truly admirable girl. She is a pillar of strength. She always held her beliefs firm and never got swayed by anyone's wrong doings.

7. Irene Callo: One of my favorite inspirations. I made this character to be the best friend of my counterpart in this fanfic. So you guessed it, it's zewujun. This girl stayed beside me and stood by my side for the longest time. She has been my best friend since Grade 6. How did we become BFFs? We both don't know. The origin of our friendship is the biggest mystery of our life. We shared fandoms, fangirled together and simped for certain characters. *cough* Kageyama, Daisuke *cough*. She plays the piano, and I am a wannabe who slowly plays the piano. We went through troubles and got past them together. All in all...it's well balanced between fun and drama. You could say that she completes me as my best friend. We've got each other's backs and we know this even without saying it. (I love you bro, no homo. You're the only one I can talk to quite openly.)

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