Simon Cowell

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I'm a BGT fan of auditions so...I hope you guys like this. Just imagine, Percy never ages.


Simon Cowell's POV

2017 was a very rough year. A lot of auditions were good but not best. I almost lost the will to live several times on bad auditions, but, the good ones always bring me up to my feet again.
We all exhaled as a really bad audition ended.
"That's going be stuck in our minds forever," Alesha said rubbing her temples. We all had just experienced one of our worst nightmare audition.
Amanda nodded in agreement. "I can't believe he actually had the nerve to flirt...just, unbelievable." She raised her hands in expression. "Absolute NO."
"I think he was okay." David said twirling his pen.
I scowled and spoke, "That's because you were covering your eyes laughing the whole time while we had to watch him do his act." I wouldn't want to go into that subject. "I just hope this last auditions ends in a very polite mannered way. Something dashing like a celebration for the end of the auditions."
Just right after I said those words, I heard a scream of anger then out came two teenagers quarreling over something related to water. A girl and a boy apparently. They both had jet black hair and wore orange t-shirts under a blue hoodie jacket. Their eyes were the same sea green color, but the girl's eyes just seemed to change color from time to time. They couldn't have been a couple because the girl was just about thirteen years old while the boy was seventeen. They were probably siblings due to their extreme like features. Oh boy.
"I told you specifically not to bring the Stolls around because they will pickpocket everything they see." The girl scolded her older brother who was glaring at her.
He said in a hoarse voice, "And I told you not to bring Mrs. O'Leary to the auditions. You know how Chiron will stomp on you after this. Only the Stolls can cause so much distraction to make you let go of Mrs. O'Leary. Plus, bringing her all the way to Britain is not gonna make it better." Chiron? Stomp? This is just getting weirder and weirder.
"Touchè." The girl nodded her head as she pushed her brother off the stage and onto cold hard ground in front of us.
All of us four judges stood up and looked over the table.
Amanda exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
The boy stood up groaning. "Ack. Crystal, why do you have to be so strong?" he said rubbing his neck.
"Because, Percy," she said with a fake British accent. I found that very insulting. "Ever since Irene fainted and was not able to perform her duties, we had to be the ones who are sent here to perform while SHE gets to relax and wait for herself to wake up just because she screamed so loud because of your CYCLE SYSTEM. Idiots." I could say, she was quite a very head strong girl.
Percy was giving her a fake hurt look and said with another fake British accent, "That wouldn't have happened if. . . I got nothing."
Crystal smirked and gave Percy a hand to join her on stage. As Percy climbed back up, Alesha started the introduction with a big 'HI'.
Obviously, this was going to be a bad audition. At first glance, I could see storms in their eyes trying to fight each other. I would not have any choice but to just sit down and watch this madness.
They both blushed in embarrassment as they realized that they had fought in front of everyone in the background. Especially me. Their eyes were in shock that everyone heard their argument.
"Hi." Alesha said once again leaning forward towards the microphone. "What are your names young man?"
Percy stepped forward shaking. "I'm Percy Jackson and this is my little sister, Crystal Jackson." He paused for a good moment of time then continued speaking. "We are terribly sorry for the little argument. It's just that we came all the way from New York and my sister agreed not to bring our dog, Mrs. O'Leary, to this audition."
Crystal shook her head in disagreement. "I was unconscious when you asked me. That was a clear violation." She took a deep breath. "Can't you respect the fact that I just went through a traumatic time of my life that may affect all my friends? And I fell unconscious along with them a week ago. Since I was the first one to wake up, I had to take the audition alone." Traumatic?
Percy sighed and rested his hand on her shoulder. "You're never alone, remember that. We're here for you. No matter what happens. Why would I even choose to be here if I still had important work in CHB?"
Crystal eyed him weirdly. "Annabeth dragged you here, Percy. In a plane. You were screaming all the way from New York saying, 'The ship could've been a better choice.' while you were holding Annabeth's hands while sweating nervously."
A voice from the audience spoke loud and clear. "I did not do that." Then no one spoke since.
Amanda decided to break the silence and asked, "How old are you two?"
Crystal picked this question up in confidence. "I'm thirteen-"
"Fourteen." Percy said interrupting Crystal midway her sentence.
Crystal returned a glare at Percy and continued her answer. "I'm fourteen and my brother is eighteen. We came here to perform some tricks with our cousin. . . I mean best friend, Frank."
Amanda was wide eyed and looked around for another person. "Where is your friend Frank?"
As if on cue, a cute small furry black furred dog came running onto the stage and jumped into Percy's arms. His eyes were shining as he licked Percy in the face.
"Eww, FRANK, gods your breath stinks and it's gross to kiss me." Percy said looking through the audience while setting him onto the ground wiping of the drool. "Annabeth might see you kiss me." The dog just pouted and barked at Percy.
The dog had in actual microphone near his mouth. It was probably to sell the act. "I had to really sell it." The dog spoke in a Canadian accent. "I hate my job."
I was wide eyed and so were the other judges. A talking dog again, this was amazing.
Crystal picked him up and scratched his back. "Aww, come on, Frank. We know you like it."
"Being dragged from Camp Jupiter? No. Not a single satisfaction." The dog spoke again. "I had to leave my duties behind as a leader." He tried to cross his front legs in a sad manner.
Percy looked over at us who had open mouths. "Um...this is our friend, Frank. He usually isn't that cross."
"I WASN'T UNTIL YOU DRAGGED ME OUT OF THE MEETING ROOM." Frank then barked really loud that disrupted the whole audience.
Crystal sighed. "I guess we have to do plan B."
Percy nodded with her as Frank ran to the backstage again and I pressed my X button. I immediately received a few glaring eyes from the audience along with Percy too. Crystal just sighed in defeat.
"Let's go Percy. Plan B wouldn't have been a good one either." Then she ran to the backstage with a very sad face. "I thought Frank would've helped."
Percy gave me one last glare and ran after Crystal. The other judges glared at me like I just broke a little girls dream. "What?!"
They didn't answer and started standing up along with the audience. "They were really bad storytellers!"
Just before anyone exited through the doors, a really big furry dog blasted into the doors to the exit. Hellhound. I mentally face palmed. Yes, I'm an old demigod son of Apollo. I moved to Britain to avoid them but apparently, they came back. Sadly, I discarded my weapons years ago.
All my confusion went to the fact that the audience also seemed to see the same thing which was impossible because of the mist. They were screaming and running back to their seats.
"EVERYONE CALM DOWN." I said through the microphone. "DON'T MOVE." Even if I aged, I never failed to practice being a demigod.
The others shouted at me. "What do you mean calm down!?"
I ignored them and looked over to the hellhound. Everyone had fear in their eyes except a few teenagers walking to it. I immediately tried to warn them especially a black haired boy with very dark brown eyes. His looks matched with a goth. He was raising his hands trying to tame the hellhound.
Everyone's eyes went to the black haired teenager who was swimming in the drool of the hellhound. His voice echoed throughout the stage. "Go back to my father's lair." Surprisingly, the dog bowed to him and disappeared. But that wasn't the end. An Empousai appeared and tackled the boy to the ground and scratched his shirt making it smoke.
They battled and rolled until they were right in front of the stage. The boy brought out a long black sword and tried to attack it but it was too fast and disarmed the boy. The sword flew from his hand and stabbed judges table right at the golden buzzer making it rain gold confetti on the stage.
The boy crumpled and shook underneath the Empousai when Percy Jackson jumped out of the backstage and jumped so high towards the Empousai with a golden sword. He quickly stabbed it and it turned to dust.
"Where's Crystal?!" The goth boy exclaimed looking frantically around until his eyes landed on his sword. He immediately grabbed it and headed for Percy who was out of breath.
"She-she's-*huff*in the backstage attacking another empousai." Percy slowed down his breathing and focused on the walls that were now shaking. With one deep breath, he shouted with all his might. "TAKE COVER! DEMIGODS PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" Everyone obeyed him and ducked.
In came hundreds of monsters heading straight for them. At the same time, five people from different areas of the audience stood up holding weapons. From the stage, Frank the dog came holding a big bow and a cluster of arrows trailing behind him.
I couldn't believe my eyes of what I saw.
Frank morphed into a human with chinky eyes. He looked like a Chinese Canadian man. The bow was in his hands perfectly and his cluster of arrows slung behind him. He shot arrows at every monster in front of him. He could've been a son of Apollo but he shape shifts.
Frank used his power again and shape shifted into an eagle. He flew through the monsters constantly firing an arrow.
The others were fighting certain monsters that seemed to be resurfacing from the sewers of Great Britain. A few of them gave me dirty looks but focused on the younger demigods, probably because they had a common sense and attacked who are more of a threat.
Just then, Crystal came flying out of the stage when she was hit by a club from a big big minotaur emerging from the side. All I could think right now was about Ant and Dec who are the only ones backstage with the last auditioners. They could be in big trouble.
I shook my head focusing on Crystal who hit the wall of the stage, falling and bleeding from her side.
"Ow." Crystal grunted and tried to stand on her feet. "Who the Hades gave you that club?", she charged back at the minotaur with some water swirling at her fingertips forming a double edged sword. She threw it like a spear and immediately disintegrated as it passed through its heart. The weapon returned back to Crystal's hands and water started to make it up her body healing some scars.
Ant and Dec came out of the stage ducking beside us judges.
Alesha looked at them with worried eyes. "Ant, Dec, are you guys okay?" I could clearly see they weren't okay. There was blood on Dec's right arm dripping to the floor.
Ant shook his head 'no'. "We were in the backst-stage and then a bunch of monsters burst through the doors. We tried to be brave and told Percy and Crystal to stand back. Dec and I were shocked when they told us the same thing pulling out weapons of gold, or is it bronze? Anyways, they killed about fifty percent when Crystal told Percy to help the other demigods. She said she would handle them and I thought I was dreaming. A fourteen year old protecting us, but she proved us wrong. Her hands raised and water pipes burst wiping all of them out except this half man half bull with horns appeared and just smacked her out to the stage."
My eyes looked at their bleeding arms and immediately went Apollo Demigod mode. "Anyone have a hanky?" Alesha nodded and handed me a delicately folded handkerchief. I quickly dabbed it on Dec's arm. He squirmed but I held him tight. "Put pressure on it and you'll be fine."
Dec nodded squinting his eyes as we exchanged hands. "Thanks," he managed to croak and he closed his eyes.
I thought we were going to be fine when another Empousai landed roughly on the judges table on Amanda's side. It grabbed Amanda by the neck and lifted her making her choke. "Son of Apollo," the Empousai hissed. Her breath giving off an awful strong stench. "We haven't seen you for decades, ever since New York. Now, we shall take your fellow friends away." She squeezed the consciousness out of Amanda.
I acted quickly by standing up and punched the Empousai right between its eyes. Before it recovered, the goth boy stabbed it from behind making it pass through it's stomach stopping an inch from my very own stomach.
"We got this, son of Apollo." He growled pushing me to my knees stabbing a flying monster above my head. "The least you can do is make everyone calm down and stop the monsters attacking mortals." He disappeared into a blanket of shadows passing straight through a bunch of monsters who immediately disintegrate upon contact.
Who is your godly parent? I thought and ducked as a flying arrow passed just above my head.
"Oops!" A silver haired girl entered through the other side of the performing stage. "I'm really sorry!" She ran to my side and helped me up.
I looked into her silver eyes that glimmered under the light. Her hair was wavy and it reached to her shoulder blades. She stood about 5'4" and had a hunters outfit. . . literally. She wore a camouflage jacket on top of a black t-shirt. Her face was painted with two thick black lines on each cheek. She had boots for the worst weathers and thick jeans in camouflage color to endure possibly any weather.
"A hunter of Artemis." I whispered to myself crawling back as she stood up and handed me a celestial bronze knife she pulled out from her sheath.
She smiled and said, "Take it. We need every demigod's hand's on deck until our backup arrive." She saluted and jumped, doing a backflip onto a monster's back.
The knife was shaking in my hands. It's been a really long time since I killed those nasty things and I really have to now.
I took of my glasses and prepared a fighting stance. My specialty was bow and arrow, but I had to deal with this knife.
I charged and slipped while trying to slice a hellhound. There goes my first impression as an old demigod.
My feet immediately ran back to the judges table and saw the same silver haired girl chewing gum while shooting an arrow. She crossed her legs and stared at me boredly. "You can't handle a knife, can you?"
I nodded in shame and handed back the knife to her. My expectations were that she was gonna laugh or she would take pity on me and let me keep the knife.
She shrugged and grabbed the knife. "I thought so. Since you can't go jumping on monster's backs, I'll lend you my bow and arrows." Her hands settled the bow in front of me followed by the arrows. "Make yourself useful." She stepped on Alesha's chair and jumped, quickly stabbing a monster in the heart.
"I never got your name!" I shouted aiming the bow at three different monsters. One...two....
She looked back at me. "It's Mackenzie. Mackenzie Blue, I'm the eyes of Lady Artemis' hunters in Britain." Three.
I shot the arrows straight through the three monsters. "Thanks for lending me the bow and arrows."
Instead of saying 'you are very welcome', she replied with a slash at a monster's throat. "Pleasure. I believe everyone has the right of a second chance."
I looked over at my fellow judges, Ant, and Dec. They were wide eyed at my performance.
David managed to squeak. "Is that you Simon?"
"You don't know everything about me, David." I knocked an arrow right above his head were a monster appeared. After that, I looked around and saw many hunters bursting into the auditorium. "Right on schedule."
The other demigods were shouting at each other trying to communicate. "They're getting too many!" Percy said, who was in one of the aisles, slashing back and forth at a manticore. "Didn't I just kill you? A year ago?"
The manticore just roared and tried to sting, or stab, Percy, when an arrow zipped across the auditorium turning the manticore into golden dust.
"You're welcome Kelp Head!" A girl leaning by the entrance shouted sarcastically. She had short black spiky hair and blue eyes. Her clothes were just like Mackenzie's except a she had a black leather jacket and a 'DEATH TO BARBIE' t-shirt. "You promised me that I won't have to get your butt out of situations like this."
"Pinecone Face!" Percy ran to her with a big smile. "Why are you guys here? All the way from America!"
Pinecone Face frowned. "First of all, it's Thalia. Second, our newest recruit is a British girl who agreed to be the eyes of trouble in Britain. She called about a massive monster attack-" Her sentence was cut off by a Chimera tackling both Percy and Thalia to the ground.
I looked around and saw that everyone was preoccupied with a monster of their own. My hands picked up their pace and shot two more monsters with one arrow. I then ran to them trying to shoot the Chimera and not the kids until it kicked me hard in the stomach. My body was thrown two meter away from the Chimera.
I managed to raise my head and stared at the two struggling kids under the claws of the Chimera.
"Lieutenant Thalia!!!" Mackenzie was alarmed that two people were struggling under the claws of a Chimera but she herself was trying to tackle an Empousai. She immediately stabbed it and ran to our direction.
"Watch as I kill the most powerful demigod alive." The Chimera spoke in a rough voice.
Thalia struggled to speak. "Use your powers, Kelp Head."
Percy looked as if he had been a fool and disappeared out of the grasp of the Chimera. I saw him reform in front of me as he helped me up.
"What!?" The Chimera screeched. "Someone keep this boy busy so that I can kill this daughter of Zeus." It visibly tightened its fist around Thalia's neck while Thalia thrashed and kicked.
I was able to knock an arrow off but was immediately tackled by a hellhound and so was Percy.
"Hold on Thalia!!!" Percy said as he saw one last look of Thalia's eyes before the hellhound completely covered the view. I, on the other hand could still see Thalia struggling slower and slower.
I grabbed an arrow and stabbed it bare into the hellhound's heart. It whimpered then turned into golden dust.
I was in time to see Mackenzie holding out a wand like those in the Harry Potter Movies, twenty meters away from the Chimera. There was complete fierceness in her eyes.
"You chose the wrong place and person to hurt," Mackenzie was getting closer and closer. Monsters were trying to attack her but she seems to be protected. "I promised never to use this on anyone, but alas, I must."
Her eyes filled with tears but they dried as they dripped down her cheeks. "On behalf of Lieutenant Thalia. . ." Mackenzie took a deep breath. "Avada Kedavra." A spew of green light came out of her wand.
The Chimera released Thalia as it complained. "What is that noise?!" Then, she dropped down dead and disintegrated immediately along with every other monster in the room.
Mackenzie fell to her knees and dropped her wand crying.
She was a real wizard. And I just saw it.
Everyone recovered and started looking up at us bloodied demigods. Especially me. This was certainly a dashing way to end auditions.
Different hunters helped Thalia up while Percy visited other demigods across the room. Mackenzie was just on the ground stashing her wand away from our eyes.
"Oh my God, Simon!" Amanda shouted and ran to me followed by Alesha, David, Ant, and Dec. Ant and Dec helped me up to my feet. "What was that? You were slashing, stabbing, and firing arrows. Are you okay?" Everyone looked at me with concerned eyes.
I nodded without making eye contact and walked over to Mackenzie, who was absolutely depressed. "Hey, are you okay? That was quite a show for a wizard like you."
"I spoke an unforgivable curse, Mr. Cowell," she mumbled playing with her dagger. "I'm going to be expelled from Hogwarts. The minister will kill me for two reasons."
I handed her the bow and empty bag of arrows. "To be honest, without your help, I'd bet the Lieutenant would be gone for sure."
"PROBIE MACKENZIE BLUE!!!" A voice screeched.
I looked over to the Lieutenant marching to us. She seemed perfectly fine compared to ten minutes ago. Her face trickling with sweat and her bow slung behind her back. She stopped walking once she was in front of us.
"I understand I'm out of the hunt," Mackenzie said sighing. "No one would want a freak like me with other hunters. I'm truly sorry." She laid her bow in front of her.
Thalia's gaze softened when Mackenzie said this. She turned it into a smile. "What do you mean, Mackenzie? That was a great show of power. I've never seen anything like it!"
This just made Mackenzie frown. "That's the point, Lieutenant. I wasn't supposed to show my power, I only did it because of you. You were in trouble and I remembered about the last Lieutenant, Zoë Nightshade. I didn't want you to die either." She took a deep breath. "Forgive me, but now, I am a disgrace to my fellow friends. It was a pleasure to be in your service, Lady Artemis. I must leave."
A red headed fourteen year old girl in a silver cloak stepped forward. "Mackenzie, with out you warning us about this, the demigods would have a hard time. Without you, I would have to choose another lieutenant. Thank you, but it would be my honor if you can continue service to me, young wizard, as my second lieutenant directly under my command. You would be a great help to searching for new hunters here in Britain."
Mackenzie's mouth opened wide. "But-yes, it would be a pleasure." She looked around the younger demigods. "But, I cannot escape the punishment of my headmaster."
The redhead girl walked to her. "I will take care of that." Then she flashed out along with every hunter except Thalia and Mackenzie.
I noticed the eyes of the audience saw this whole show and before anything went bad, Percy Jackson stepped onto the stage and explained what just happened.
"Mortals of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, we are here to show you that Greek myths are true. The mist has fallen and we are out of hiding." No, it can't be.
Percy looked at the sea of eyes staring at him. He wasn't looking well either. "We come to explain weird happenings..." He explained about the two wars that just happened and how the mist fell. He introduced each and everyone of us, including me, as a son of Apollo, and Mackenzie, as a daughter of Athena. Wow, I am surprised.
Crystal took hold of the microphone. "You guys don't have to be afraid. When you find yourself in trouble, demigods around will help you." Then they flashed out bringing me to Camp Half-Blood.

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