Mia Cally

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          Mia's POV

          I walked down the hall towards a classroom in Mont High School.
          All of us just figured out about Greek gods and goddesses were actually real and demigods exist. I believe I'm a demigod child of Athena. Since I'm the smartest in almost everything.
          My dirty blonde hair was tied up into a pony tail and my glasses were wiped before Ms. Klasper entered the room. She was in charge of teaching Greek Mythology.
          "Class, apparently we have a new student." Ms. Klaper said opening a door revealing a beautiful blonde haired girl with intimidating gray eyes. "Class, Annabeth Chase." Suddenly, I find a new nemesis in school. for the first time in a million...I don't know.

          -time skip...cuz I know I'm awesome...not really-
          Ugh, when that girl came to school...my life basically crashed to pieces. Mia...second, second, second, and on and on and on. She always got first. Even in gym! Even with her dyslexia and ADHD. Then she has enough time to date any boy but she says she's taken from someone in New York. She always describes him like he was a greek god or something. Anything that sounds perfect is what describes him.
          Today, I'm gonna crush her grades and put her below me way down. Greek Mythology was her best subject, so I'm gonna crush her in that then she will cower in fear. I will learn harder in this new lesson we're about to discuss.
          "Who is the goddess of wisdom?" Ms. Klasper started the class everyday by popping a question to refreshen our minds.
          I fumbled through my brain looking for the answer when it hit me. Athena.
          As fast as I could, I raised my hand only to find out Annabeth has beat me to it. She was already standing up. She answered it correctly like everyday.
          "Good job! Ms. Chase. Just like everyday." Ms. Klasper smiled. Ugh, she stole my role as teacher's pet. "Let's begin our lesson with the last two wars. The Titan war and the Giant war. Please copy everything for I did not have time to study this specific topic."
          I saw Annabeth with no notebook or pen on her table. She thinks she can memorize it without notes can she?
          Ms. Klasper pressed a remote controller to turn on the projector. "In ancient times..." Ms. Klasper started. Annabeth looked bored to death. She didn't even think of studying. Ms. Klasper discussed about how Kronos was rising till the slide was a picture of a boy lying down and wiping his mouth in front of a girl with blonde hair. They looked twelve years old by that time. "This boy is..." She searched her book. "Ah, Perseus Jackson!" Annabeth's head perked up. Her eyes full of alarm. Then as if on cue, her phone started ringing. Lucky for her, she has to answer it on loud speaker in front of the class. This is better than embarrassing her in grades.
          "Annabeth, we have a strict rule. Answer your phone in front of the class, please." Ms. Klasper said stopping her teaching.
          Most of the class snickered when she answered her phone.
          "Hey, Wise Girl." A manly depressing voice came from the phone. Could it be?
          Annabeth looked worried. "Is there something wrong?"
          "Don't kill me."
          "I'll think about it." Right now, I think she doesn't care who sees her.
          Silence followed after. "Hey, Seaweed Brain! Don't leave me hanging!" Annabeth cried.
          "I'm dying." His voice was so soft like an angel.
          Annabeth's eyes widened. "No." She can't be taking this seriously.
          "-of laughter." The voice cried.
          Annabeth exhaled. "I swear. Please don't do that again. It reminds me of Tartarus. Of you being gone. Not that voice. It makes me worry. Just make sure your safe." Wait, isn't Tartarus like a place of the underworld.
          The voice softened. "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting. The reason why I called was because I was part of a prank lead by the Stolls. They dared me to do this prank and tell you about it."
          Annabeth looked confused. "What is the prank exactly?"
          "Phew," the voice sighed. "You haven't seen it."
          "Seen what?"
          "The rubber tarantula in your bag." Then the voice silenced. "Oops."
          Annabeth went to her bag and opened it for the first time today. She jumped back in fear. Surely, there was a tarantula but it wasn't rubber. It was real, alive, and walking. Annabeth shrieked. The tarantula was huge than any average sized tarantulas. It was walking towards Annabeth only.
          "Annabeth, is everything alright? You shrieked." The voice asked.
          "As much as a seaweed brain you are, this tarantula is huge and alive. And it's only going for me."
          "Ohhhhhh emmmmmmmmm geeeeeeeeeeeee!" Then the phone hung up. The tarantula was slowly advancing on Annabeth. Then the door burst open revealing a black haired teenage boy with stunning muscles. He looked like a god or something.
          He advanced towards the spider and quickly punched it. He knelt beside Annabeth who was just staring like she was experiencing flashbacks. "Don't hurt Percy. Take me!" She screamed as she punched randomly.
          The boy hugged her tight then kissed her on the lips. When they pulled apart, the boy spoke. "We're safe, Annabeth. We're out. My bleeding nose did not kill humanity." Annabeth jolted then slapped him. She turned to us.
          "When you find someone, don't tell them 'you drool in your sleep'. You won't hear the end of your terrors."
          The boy turned to the picture. "Hey! Who took that picture? Annabeth, my hair was messy!" Okay, now he was just talking crazy.
          "They're talking about the Titan war...then you had to ruin the moment."
          Ms. Klasper looked at them confusingly. "You know these demigods?"
          Annabeth nodded. "That's Perseus." She pointed at the boy wiping his drool.
          The boy smiled. "And that's Annabeth, Annabeth Chase. My sweet daughter of Athena and girlfriend whom I would never have survived my quests without her. Since the day we first met." They smiled at each.
          "I'm Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon, retriever of Zeus' lightning bolt, defeater of Ares, survivor of the Bermuda Triangle. I held the sky up for Lady Artemis to defeat the titan Atlas. I saved Annabeth and Lady Artemis. I completed a run through in the labyrinth. I am the hero of Olympus." He paused and turned to Annabeth. "Should I continue?"
          "Yes it is. Hera stole my memories and brought me to a roman camp where I became the founder of the twelfth legion and former praetor of Camp Jupiter. Bad for her, she couldn't remove my memory of Annabeth. I fell into Tartarus with Annabeth. Hero and savior of Olympus. Then this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase. We went through everything together since we were twelve. And it all started with that picture. If you flirt with her, I'm gonna drown you in a lake. And if she says she has a boyfriend whom she describes so impossibly perfect, that is true." Wait, what? This is the perfectly described boy?
          Then Percy's phone rang. "Percy here," he answered. "I'll have to talk to you later of the rubber tarantula...no. You gave me a real sleeping one. That's going beyond borders. I'll talk to you about Hermes cabin doused with water later.... Bye, Travis. Say hello to my pet by the way, I'm gonna convince Chiron to put you and Connor on Mrs. O'leary's cleaning duty for a year." Then we heard a soft 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!' on the phone. "Bye." Then he hung up.
          "Date later?" Percy asked.
          Before Annabeth could reply, a loud feminine voice boomed.
          "I still don't recommend that sea scum for you." A woman about in her mid thirties, appeared in front of the class. She must've been Lady Athena. She looked like Annabeth. "You should chose that Apollo boy in-"
          "Mom, we've talked about this.  You keep appearing whenever Percy asks me on a date. If you ever try to ruin any moment of ours, just drill this into your head. Percy never forgot me when Hera took his memories-"
          "Dear, I just came here to tease. Percy, thank you again." She laughed. "Aphrodite just wanted me to send you some clothes once she heard Percy asking you out for the thirtieth time. I do prefer you to wear the grey dress, it suits your eyes. And, FYI Aphrodite took that picture. She has eyes everywhere. Chiron will expect you later."
          Then surprisingly, the goddess turned to me. "You are lucky you're not my child. You just received my blessing because of what a great deed you're grandfather did. I gave you my blessing."
          Oh, no wonder I'm smart. "Thank you."
          And that's how I learned about Annabeth's true life.

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