Maria Reynon

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Maria Reynon'S POV
"I swear guys. They seventeen year old freshman bully kicked Elyza. Of course instantly, Elyza beats him up." I say to my friends Clarice Campi, Irene Callo, Steffi Gale, and Crystal Jackson.
Clarice raised her bow and knocked an arrow. "Duh, I mean we are demigods. Were supposed to beat them."
"That's it. We're demigods." I said. "Ever since Elyza beat the dude, she got respect and became distant with us. She revealed herself. Apparently, we aren't allowed to leave till all of us are disclosed. She doesn't even hang out with us. One time, I was checking our Facebook group with the school. She said pretty bad things about us and literally pranked us really bad."
Crystal was slumped on a Thalia's tree playing with a water yoyo. "I've noticed too. She doesn't even come to my afternoon tea with her in my palace."
Irene was just resting on the grass enjoying the sunlight. "She pranked me by killing my flowers. It's not even funny. She has changed."
Steffi looked up from her book in Math. "I can't believe it! They have a longer explanation rather than my short one! This is why people are having hard time understanding Math." Oh Steffi. "And don't be so harsh on Elyza. Don't stress."
The conch horn blew. Time for lunch.
"C'mon." I said. "Chiron won't like it if we were late. We have school tomorrow. Pack your stuff after lunch, were going back to our house."
They all nodded.
"Oh my gosh!!!" Elyza screamed. "I have one thousand followers." The rest of us groaned. We opened the door to the house.
"Fix up!" I ordered. "We have to be there in thirty!"
Fifteen minutes later, all of us were back in the living room except Elyza. All of us agreed that every Monday we should wear our torn camp t-shirt and jeans. When Elyza came, she was wearing a new outfit probably from Aphrodite cabin. It was pretty and simple.
All of us stared at her. "What? Too simple?"
"Listen, Elyza. We don't know you anymore! That's the problem!" Crystal said barging out the door. She was followed by Irene, Steffi, and Clarice. I stayed behind.
"What did I do?" She asked clearly confused.
I shook my head. "Oh, I don't know really. Maybe because you forgot to wear you CHB shirt."
"What's wrong with that? I can't wear torn shirts." With those words, I growled then shadow traveled to school.
-in school-
"Oof!" I was pushed to the side of a locker by the freshman queen bee. I forgot her name, started talking trash trying to make me feel bad.
"You should start bowing down before me. I have a demigod friend. Elyza's a daughter of Hermes. The god of speed blah blah blah..." She continued rambling on and on constantly hitting me. She stopped when she saw a new kid enter. He was wearing all black. To her he was a very handsome young boy. To me, well, it's just my annoying brother, Nico. He wore his war Camp Half-Blood t-shirt.
She dropped me and instantly approached him. "Hi! I'm Jackie Lawson. Are you free tonight?"
As the usual Nico says nothing and glares at her. "No."
"Hard to get? Very well. I'll see you later!" She ran back to my direction then kicked me.
"Holy Hades, what was that for?" I shouted. Man this girl could kick. Then she strutted out of sight lastly muttering. "Ugh, what is with that shirt they're wearing!"
When Nico approached me, I flipped him on his back to the ground. "Ouch! Watch the collarbones. It still hurts after I ran into Juniper. She hurts like a tree." People started gathering watching the weak emo girl flip the new mysterious boy.
"Watch your words, Nico!" I heard Juniper shout from the end of the hallway. She too, was wearing a war Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. "You wouldn't want me purposely hitting you, right?"
"I didn't mean a word I said!" Nico shouted back standing up. "I don't need Will singing to me about the dangers of running into a tree." I smirked at this while everyone else just stared in confusion.
"I remember. You couldn't cover your ears since it was too painful to move your shoulder. I can't believe I had to stay and keep you from getting away. Now, the song is permanently stuck in my head."
I started singing in a whispering voice. "There was a tree named Juniper. She was a goat's best friend. Then one day a boy, named little Nico ran into her-"
Juniper has sharp ears. When she approached us, she spoke. "Don't you think that's a little bit too literal for a song?"
"I had the same thoughts. But, Will is Will. If he doesn't sing, you'd probably die." I said.
"I'd rather die." Said Nico.
I looked at Nico. "C'mon Nico. We have to get going. Our homeroom is in Mr. Lassiter's classroom. Juniper, let's meet in lunch."
"Oooh! Is Elyza gonna be sitting in our table? We were supposed to get the latest gossips in Hermes cabin. I need it to protect some nymphs." Juniper asked clearly.
I sighed and looked at my shoes.
Nico suddenly became interested. "Is there something wrong?"
"Apparently, Elyza Teepers has left the group of friends for the populars. At least you guys are wearing the besties' uniform even if you guys aren't, you know, part of our group of friends." I smiled sheepishly.
"Of course! Why not!" Nico said. "The whole camp has heard your stories in the Campfire. We thought it would be appropriate if we wore your dress code to honor where you're staying. I mean, Calypso even made Leo a fire proof t-shirt that hides his flames when he accidentally lights up just so that he can come." He turned it into a whisper when he spoke about Leo.
I looked up in interest. "How many of you exactly are coming?"
Nico raised his hands then started counting. "Well, there's me, Juniper, Grover, Leo, Calypso, Will, Hazel, Frank-"
"Wait, Frank? I thought he was supposed to stay in CJ!"
Nico shrugged. "He said he was getting bored of the same things happening. Which reminds me, Reyna's also coming. Along with Piper and Jason, Percy and Annabeth. Hmmm, I think Malcolm's coming and Clarisse and Chris. Hmm, I think Coach Hedge and Coach Marve are our gym teachers. Oh! Oh! Right the Stolls are also coming. Also, forgot to mention. All of them, except me and Hazel, are coming here to teach Greek battle skills for the whole afternoon. Twelve o'clock to 4:30 P.M.. In the gym. Hazel and I will study with you in Eighth grade. We even got same schedule as yours!"
I can't believe this is happening. "And they'll all wear their war shirts?" Nico nodded. I was ready to scream but since I was a daughter of Hades, I simply nodded. "Cool, I'll take you with me. Where is Hazel?"
"Right behind you." A voice behind me said. She was also wearing the same attire.
"Wow, for you, Hazel, your using our creepiness powers. Finally. Only difference is that you have emotions." I said. Hazel laughed. "See what I mean?" She nodded.
The announcer spoke through the speakers. "Maria Reynon, please proceed to the principal's office. You're assigned to tour two new students. Thank you!" All the students stared at me. Probably thinking how I will scare the new students.
"Oh yeah, I'll just go get the new students then I'll meet you guys." I started walking away when Nico cleared his throat. I stopped in my tracks putting the pieces into place. Nico and Hazel, the new students. "Oh sorry, follow me." They both smiled following me.
–––––office––––– •_•
Three children of Hades walked emitting dark energy in the hallways suddenly entering the principal's office. I caught a few gossips that just happened.
One. Average people. "Oh my gosh. Emo girl has infected the newbs." Well, that's probably everyone's gossip.
Two. Popular girls. "Girl, that boy is hot but he shouldn't be hanging out with them."
Three. Jocks...hmm, they walked passed us literally pushing us out of the way.
Yup! Normal, normal school.
The principal jumped out of her chair after seeing us. Two gothic kids and a girl that looks so scary with golden eyes. "Ahh, Maria Reynon, I see you have met the new students!"
I nodded while she sat back on her chair trying not to make eye contact with us. "Nico-"
"-Di Angelo and Hazel Levesque." I finished her sentence. I may have given a sly grin.
Principal Daisypots looked at me scared. "Um, Ms. Reynon, Halloween ended three weeks ago. I'm pretty sure being the princess of the Halloween is still in you. But please..."
"Mar, you're scaring the principal!" Nico exclaimed and added in a fake tone. "And us."
Principal's head shot up. "Maybe, I can assign another student to them-"
"No!" We three children of Hades shouted.
The principal jumped back. "Please don't hurt me."
"Sorry, it's just that," I started. "Principal Daisypots, me and my friends, Steffi, Irene, Clarice, Crystal, want new recruits-"
"Then maybe I can call one of them instead."
"Ms. Felisha Daisypots, you're a grown daughter of Demeter. You should understand. We're tied together. Friends." I said without interest.
Her eyes shot open. Outside, the secretary of Ms. Daisypots entered and locked the door. All the blinds suddenly shut down, leaving us in a dark room. "And Ms. Kylie Morton, daughter of Hecate. A simple magic trick. For a thirty year old like you."
The next thing I know, i had a celestial bronze sword to my chest and Hazel and Nico were pinned to the floor by magic.
"How did you know that? Unless you three are monsters." Ms. Daisypots said. "Funny, your the first one to arrive this school year."
I flipped around, grabbed her sword, and pointed it at her. "Man, how long have you been away from camp? Release us then we will explain no harm will come to you from us."
"Promise on the River." She said in a deadly tone.
"I promise...on the River Styx." She let me go roughly as I stumbled backward.
Nico and Hazel were also released. "Okay, long story short. We're from Camp Half-Blood. Didn't you see our t-shirts?"
"I thought you guys just probably found those old t-shirts in dumpsters near CHB! Then you shared it to them. Plus, why would camp have such ripped shirts? We just stay in Camp and not fight monsters. Well, maybe if you went near Ares kids."
"Clearly, you have to visit camp. How lots changed. Two wars have happened and probably you should open that big letter from camp you received. I wrote with care! And maybe red ink..."
Hazel looked at me mortified. "I thought you said you will never use the blood from infirmaries again! That's a job for the kids of Ares."
"Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. I got this straight from the Ares kid who pushed us around. I used it to right all the letters to the schools." Hazel face palmed herself.
Ms. Morton spoke. "Wait, we can't place our finger on your parents. It's extraordinary."
"We're siblings. I'm Maria, daughter of Hades."
Both of them looked at us shocked. "But, the oath! Is one of you the child in the big three prophecy? Has both great prophecies been done?"
Nico shook his head. "We're not the half-blood in the first great prophecy. It's a certain black-haired son of Poseidon. He's coming to gym today. Although, Hazel is one of the seven. I brought her back to life."
They processed our words. "Wow, I guess there's no reason why camp won't have changes." Ms. Daisypots said.
"Yes," Hazel said. "CHB found our camp, Camp Jupiter, camp for Roman demigods. We all became friends after the second great prophecy. After that, the Mist faded because Ms. Morton's mother was captured by the earth and she's trapped. She won't fade, Chiron and some other campers are trying to get her out. But the rest will have to go undercover. Like me, Maria, and Nico."
"Is Elyza Teeper really a daughter of Hermes?" Ms. Morton asked.
I sighed at the thought. "Yes, she left for popularity. She revealed herself. Showed off to everyone that she's a demigod. Sadly, we can't leave unless all of us are revealed. Clarice Campi is a daughter of Apollo. Steffi Gale is a daughter of Athena. Crystal Jackson, daughter of Poseidon."
"Who also happens to be the sister of the most annoying demigod that ever existed. I couldn't take it. A clone of him!" Nico protested. "That was the worst day of my life."
"And my bestest friend of my best friends, Irene Callo...Ms. Daisypots' sister." She seemed excited.
"Why don't you just reveal yourselves?" Ms. Daisypots asked.
"My fellow demigod, I want to live a school life. I want to feel how normal it is."
"That is nice. We'll see to it that we visit camp later." Ms. Daisypots said. "At first, I thought Hades children were bad, but clearly you've changed our perpective." Ms. Morton nodded approvingly.
"Thank you, Ms. Daisypots-"
"Technically," Ms. Morton said. "We're family, so, call us by our first names."
"We'd be honored." Hazel said. "Felisha, Kylie. Thank you."
They both smiled. "It's nice to see fellow demigods especially when something has changed for the better. Here are your schedules. I guess the reason why we have gym as last subject for today is because demigods will teach, right? For today?" I nodded.
"Thanks, Felisha, Kylie." I said. "All the information you need about camp is in the letter. We have a get together in CJ. Just go to camp and then a portal will be there."
"Thanks guys!" Then we left. I can't help but think they feel like they're still kids.
We stood in front of the door. I noticed that students crowded Felisha's office wondering why the blinds were shut and the door was locked.
"Maria!" Steffi exclaimed running towards us followed by Crystal, Clarice, and Irene. "Where have you been?"
"Just showing the new kids around." I shrugged.
"Hazel!" They both waved and smiled.
"You're wearing the shirt too!" Clarice said examining Nico's shirt under his black Aviator jacket. My gods, he can't loose that jacket.
"Sure, going to the school where the Extreme Greek Gals go to we should respect your rules." Hazel said.
"Hello stranger that is smiling, good to see you out of that horrid Black Skull shirt! You stink in there! Have you taken a bath? When was the last time you took a bath?" Crystal spoke quickly if you didn't listen carefully, you would missed that she even talked.
Nico gave a glare. "Not funny. You know, I had tons of those shirts with me. Plus, of course I took a bath. Though I usually shower for two minutes."
"Gosh Nico! I didn't see you there. You kinda creeped me out when you smiled." Crystal joked punching him slightly in the shoulder.
Nico flinched.
"Oh, almost forgot the whole Juniper hit. Sorry." Crystal backed up. "How about we all head to our homeroom."
"Great idea!" I said unenthusiastically if you know what I mean. "We have-"
The door of Felisha's office flew open revealing Kylie holding two backpacks. "Maria, Nico, please don't leave your bags. We have the Lost and Found booth really packed."
I grabbed my bag and Nico's. "Thank you, Kylie. And these are my friends. Clarice, Crystal, Irene and Steffi."
Felisha walked out the door and to Irene. "Hey sis," she whispered.
Irene's eyes widened. "Really?!" She squealed.
"Yup," Felisha said in a normal volume. "Call me, Felisha." Students who were watching us gasped.
One student walked towards us. "Ms. Daisypots! I thought we had a special connection! I help you everyday! It should be fair that I only get to call you by your first name. They are not even decent to go to school. They wear rags!"
"No, sorry, Kate. These fellow students are from the camp I grew in since I was a baby. And to tell you they've gone through so much just to raise it back when it fell. Even these three." She pointed at us. "But next time, just use regular ink."
"Okay! C'mon, guys let's go. Steffi won't like it if she gets tardy. Bye Felisha, bye Kylie!" I waved as the students parted where we walked.
––Banana line!––
"Okay class!" The teacher said walking in. My gosh, it's Malcolm. I noticed him also wearing his shredded t-shirt. "I am Mr. Pace. Substitute teacher."
I groaned then shouted. "Is this reunion day? What the Hades are you doing here! Aren't you supposed to be in camp reading?"
"Um, sir, were you just picked on a curb?" A jock asked. "Just like these goofs." He pointed to us sitting in the back.
Malcolm glared at him. "No, I wear this shirt because it is a symbol of hardwork. And the symbol of the EXG."
"Aww!" I said unentusiastically, again. "Thanks Mal, I hope you still are friends with that sea spawn."
"Hey!" Crystal complained. "He's my brother!"
Then that's how studying started.
-gymmy time-
We walked slowly to the gym right after lunch. Inside, swords were stacked in one spot, targets were set up in the front of the gym, and demigods were settled down on the stage talking.
Once they saw us students walk in, they stood up holding their weapon of choice.
"Hello students of Loyola school, " Percy said with unneeded enthusiasm. "Personally, I would like to thank you all, for somethings your school has provided our families. I love the name, BTW, sounds like 'loyal'. I'm Percy Blofis, your main coach for this gym class. Today, we are learning how to use Greek battle skills. Specially because demigods have been known to exist." Gasps filled the gym. Students started asking questions.
Percy sighed while rubbing his temples. "Shush, please. No noise."
Chatters died down one by one.
"Thank you, all of you. Listen, we've been sent around the United States to teach students Greek battle skills since our camp is the only camp with Greek theme. So, watch the orientation video after our introductions then, we will immediately start." Demigods started introducing themselves with alias surnames. Think of demigods you know that are alive and good people. Mostly, CHB are here,
After their introductions, they played a collage of photos and videos of our current Greek world without blowing our cover. The song 'It's Time' started playing. Photos of the Greek gods showed. Videos of demigods battling each other in training. Especially Percy and Annabeth. Ugh, love. The song changed to 'Drag Me Down' by One Direction. The video showed a picture of me carrying the blue flag for Capture the Flag towards our red boundary line. The picture started moving into a video. The Extreme Greek Gals against the seven. The video hid my face. The next one was obviously Irene even if her face was hidden it also became a video. She was throwing a dagger, that was tied with a vine on it's hilt, towards a tree hitting the middle of a picture of Travis' face. She became a creepy dude there.
"She still held a grudge on that?" Travis exclaimed.
"Dude, you helped your sister prank her. Of course since you're sis was her BFF, she would get mad at you. Do you get it?" Leo said. "Though, I am thankful I was busy that time."
"When did this happen?!" Travis was freaking out.
"Yesterday." Leo said checking his nails.
Travis' eyes widened. "What?!" He ran around the stage to Katie. "Katie! Katie! Make her let go of that grudge! She'll kill me today."
"Travis, as much as I love you, my sister has the right to kill you. You did poison her side of the garden."
"But Katie!" Travis started crying like a little girl. Beside me, Irene was laughing, so was Crystal. Suddenly, the whole gym erupted in laughter. The next video played. It was about Steffi. Her face was also hidden or, unnoticeable. She was doing simple gymnastics except, she has to avoid arrows flying everwhere. Students stared at the presentation in awe. Next was Crystal. Face hidden. She was holding guitar in her hands and beside her Clarice, face hidden, was crying in laughter of the sound Crystal's playing. Just then, right behind them, an Ares kid appeared holding two spears.
"You guys don't know how long I've been waiting to do this." He laughed. Crystal immediately turned around holding the guitar in one hand just like a sword.
"What are you gonna do? Sing me to death?" Ares kid laughed. I can't keep track of these names.
Crystal gave a sly smile. "No, I'll beat you to death. Aron." Oh, Aron's his name. She hit him just like how she would hit with a sword. "Don't forget, Aron. This guitar was made from bronze. Dad gave it to me. Your Uncle's H, A, and HE helped modify it and it's sides can be just as sharp and hard as a sword." She hit him once more time. This time he fell. "And next time. Don't let me listen to your ideas." She held the guitar and strummed an eerie sound that if we were really there, we would bleed our ears out begging for the ringing to stop. Well, unless, Crystal haves mercy and wills the sound to bend away from chosen people. We would die. Anyhow, Aron was crying out mercy with bleeding nose and ears and Clarice flinched.
"Um, Crys, maybe next time warn me to cover my ears." Clarice said rubbing her ears. "Girl, you can kill the life out of music these days. Don't tell dad. He'll kill you with his poetry. Come on, let's bring Aron to the infirmary. You can say your speech when he wakes up. " Then the video ended. Next was Elyza. Face hidden duh. She was skateboarding around the arena slicing all the heads of the dummies with the faces of the Aphrodite demigods except Piper.
"Oh my gosh! That's Elyza!" A student shouted. Wow, she notices her.
"Pshhh." Jackie sounded. "Pretty sure Elyza is the best camper. She is a daughter of Hermes and she beats all of you losers."
Percy paused the video.
Meanwhile, I was sitting down, trying to keep my cool and failed miserably. I stood up grabbing a sword from the stack of swords. "Really! Then why don't you challenge me, daughter of Hermes." I asked venomously as dark aura was coursing out of me.
"Wow, Elyza got to her bad side." Percy said. "Good luck, Elyza! We can't help you here."
Anyways, I turned back to see Elyza's eyes with fear. "Well?" I grabbed another sword just her right size. "You do use a six inch hilt and three feet blade right?" Of course I knew the size of her sword. She was my best friend.
She nodded as I threw her a sword across the gym. Students screamed wishing it wouldn't land on them. Elyza caught it.
"Excuse me, Mr. Jackson." I said. "We need space." Students scrambled backwards. Once Elyza and me were right in front of each other, Jackie was shouting.
"Go Elyza! Skewer this mortal." Elyza took her stance as I just waved my sword. "Maria doesn't even know how to use a sword!" Oh that's it. Then I charged at Elyza.
I swung my sword three times then locked her arms and disarmed her. "Easy, peacy."
Below me, Elyza was crying. "I'm sorry, Mar. I'm so sorry."
There were lots of gasps through the gym, students tiptoeing just to see the scene. "Please, Elyza is just taking it easy on you. Right Elyza? And please, Maria, you will never fit in. You have no parents."
"I forgive, Eli." I said. "Don't forget I'm just half of Nico."
"Guys," Percy spoke. "Can we at least finish the orientation video." Students sat down again then the video continued. A picture of me and my five friends were showed. Our faces weren't hidden.
Gasps again.
"We lost thousands of friends." I remembered. "I remember talking to them in Elysium.."
Students who heard me speaking were snickering. They started gossiping but I didn't care.
I sighed. "We lost many friends."
Elyza was beside me. I knew she was nervous we were friends again. "I know, I miss mom."
The video showed a batch of pictures after the war. After the orientation video, Percy spoke.
"We have our youngest campers present here. Crystal, Irene, Steffi, Clarice, Maria, and Elyza. In short, Extreme Greek Gals. EXG." Percy spoke. Suddenly, thunder was rumbling outside the sunny skies.
Students were panicking. "It's Zeus!!" Ugh, mortals.
The gym grew dark and the demigods were blown off the stage. There stood the gods including Father and Hestia. Apollo was looking especially red today.
"Who stole my harmonica?!?!?!?!?" He was shooting out golden celestial bronze arrows from his bows. "Demigods! Hermes kids. Elyza."
Elyza was kinda enjoying the moment. "Herr Apollo. I would try to enjoy this moment but your harmonica kills the moment. Maybe try the lyre." Right at that moment, a shadow came out of nowhere and suddenly grabbed Irene and Clarice. Skeletons grabbed Elyza and Steffi. Students started screaming and running to the back of the gym. Amateurs.
Teachers were screaming at me. "Maria! Get back here!" I shook my head.
"Lester, Mika, unhand Irene and Clarice. Kit, Rose, same with Elyza and Steffi." I frowned. "Father, how many times did I tell you I will not change my mind about sticking with my friends?"
"4,620 times." Hades answered.
Students gasped and were surprised. "You're a demigod?"
I smirked and faced them. "Yes." I said. Darkening the gym. "Demigod daughter of Hades. Been beside you for quite some time." I did some little *cough* majestic *cough* shadow shows. They trembled in fear.
Crystal pushed me aside. "Hey!"
This time she smirked. "And I'm Crystal. Demigod daughter of Poseidon."
Everyone was shocked because they didn't know they were going to school with demigods not just demigod.
"Class suspended!" Felisha shouted. "And I'm afraid all of you will have a new principal and secretary. I have been personally addressed by my sister, a daughter of Demeter, which means I am too, that my home needs me in restoring the natural features of my home. And Ms. Morton will be assisting her siblings in repairing the camp by magic." Lots of students gasped. "Yes, you all have been under the care of demigods. Maria? You have anything to add?"
I nodded then faced all of them. I stared scarily at them. One person in particular. "Yup, just to curse a person." I stared beadily at Jackie. "You shall be punished, Jackie." Dark and dangerous aura surrounded me. "From here on Mother Earth upon death you will never, ever, find your love story. Aphrodite shall take your future love away. Even your present love. Nobody shall dare even look at you. I mean, you look even worse than the Aphrodite cabin. You wear times ten makeup than them. Most beautiful women are naturally beautiful. Aphrodite shall take away all your makeup. You shall-" I was rudely interrupted by a tap on my back.
"Don't you think she's had enough?" Felisha asked.
"She approached Nico!!! Will would've killed her in a snap. Luckily he ain't here." I shouted then turned back.
"Why do you care about him? You don't even know each other. I'm pretty sure I know him better than you." Jackie nervously spoke but her voice was pretty firm. "His last name is di Angelo. I know he lives in NY. He has three other family members. His father left him, now probably dead. His mother died too. And his sister, Bianca, died in a horrible accident." I turned to Nico who was staring at her with tears and anger. I didn't notice till he did it. "That's why he needs me.
He pulled out his sword and charged at her. I immediately ran towards him. "Nico! Stop! Just calm down." Nico stopped running as Will got his sword. Wait, he's here?
"Maria is telling the truth about killing. I'm Will. But I don't have any time for that. I just heard from an officer in CJ. It's under attack." Will said. "They need our help. I already sent the rest of the campers there."
This is my chance. "Suit up!" I commanded as me and Nico went around them giving emergency armors. "Percy! Give out the swords. Annabeth, Piper, onto checking if armors are properly in. Frank hand out the bows. Jason, prepare fifty arrows for each person using. Will, give them all healing potions. Leo, mechanical spears, give it out! Hazel, Nico, both of you and me will shadow travel them on the bridge. CJ will be safe in no time." Then my plan went on. When we were about to leave, Jackie was staring in awe at us. Tears in her eyes.
"Jackie, I'll forgive you." I lowered down to her. "I know about your parents. I talk to them every so often in my dad's palace. You're foster father is an actor, yes, but he wants you to act as he wants you to. You're not a free girl just like the rest. When your mother married him, she died in that car crash because of you foster father. She was worried for you that night. The rest of the days you spent with him alone, were worse, but when he married an actress, that was worst. Your real parents accepted you were you now, because of the actor. You can change. Change your destiny. You were always a prisoner in their hands. That's why you talk control in school. You never experienced love from parents like the others here. You shall not be punished if you be good." I raised my hand. And summoned two ghosts.
"Jackie?" Her mother's ghost exclaimed. Then she hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"You are most welcome." Jackie's father's ghost approached her.
"My beautiful girl has grown up."
Jackie smiled. "Father, Mother." I felt goodness in her heart.
They gym doors burst open and the foster father and mother of Jackie came in. "Jackie Lawson! What have we told you of being late?" They said together.
"It's 4:31!!! Your mother and I still have a photo shoot." Her foster father exclaimed.
The ghosts of the real mother and father of Jackie hovered towards them.
The foster father looked disbelievingly at them. "Hailey? But you're dead!"
"I am."
"Anita McForn and Harry McForn, I, Maria Reynon, hereby take Jackie Lawson from your hands and I will bring her to CJ. She is a descendant of Venus. Her Grandmother, Jennica Lawson. There, I will give permission to the souls of Jack Lawson and Madi Lawson to watch over her." I said.
"You can't just do that!" Anita McForn shouted.
"I just did. And with demigods lurking the worlds, anything can happen." I turned to Jackie. "Take my hand."
She took it. "Form groups!" Then we shadow traveled away.

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