Yvonnette Yippee Hanselton

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    Yippee Hanselton's POV

    First, I would like to make a statement. I am a girl. My parents named me Yippee because they wanted me to have a cheerful life, though that could not be possible because both of them died in a car crash just a couple of months ago and I was the only survivor.
    I am actually a princess in real life, but I live far away from my own kingdom after the assassination attempt on my whole royal family. Right now, Yippee Hanselton is deceased except to my godparents, Aunt Cassie and Uncle Freddy who are on my mom's side in Portland, the king and his son living in New Rome, and my royal informal bodyguard, Frank Zelton And some of his loyal fellow friends.
    On the day of the crash, my mother was actually the one who saved me. She knew practically everything to do when involved in a car crash. Her knowledge of these emergency tactics was not the usual for a queen. She could've gone out alive if not she had saved me first before the whole car erupted in flames, leaving no trace of who were in the car or how many bodies were found. All they knew was that the royal family was assassinated.
    No one came at first because we were driving in an uncommon road. My mother's last words was telling me what to do and where to go. She muttered an I love you then pushed me far from the car before it exploded.
    Tears streamed down my face as the heat of the explosion touched my face. Before I could mourn, I did what she told me to do. Call Aunt Cassie and tell her what happened before the police arrive. There, Uncle Freddy fetched me before he called the police.
    My other uncle, the royal one, Palios, was ruling my kingdom right now. Him being king is his greedy dream.
    Aunt Cassie was actually an unknown family member in the whole world. No one knew she was related to us except Mom and me. Mom warned me never to tell anyone Aunt Cass was related to me or the royal family.
    When my aunt and uncle took care of me, they used the word godparent so that I can have a proper relationship with them. It's just to answer the question How are you related?

    "Are you daydreaming again, Yvonne?" Frank, who was seated across me at the cafeteria, asked in concern. Our table was located at the opposite of the entrance of the cafeteria. It was the darkest table around. Not scary dark just a bit dark.
    You see, Yvonne Gilbert is a codename that people in school call me. I feel like an undercover spy right now. I was forced to dye my brown hair black and wear blue eye contacts to conceal the family eye color combination. My eyes are truly purple with a hint of fire in them. It's a rare combination and I was the first, so I have to lay low.
    Frank is a very handsome young man. He's always there for me when I get in trouble. For example, since girls swoon over Frank and I'm a nerd, literally, people bully me then Frank comes in to save the day. He had a talent of copying animal sounds such as a lion's roar.
    Frank is actually hand picked from Aunt Cass herself. He is about the same age as me, which is sixteen. He has black crew cut hair and His mom was actually a loyal soldier to my family so Aunt Cass recommended Frank follow me around in school. Since, coincidentally, he studies in Anderson High School. AKA where I'm undercover.
    To be frank with you, Frank can be annoying when he wants to be. Even if he doesn't know it. "Or should I say Pri-" I cut him off by shoving a slice of bread into his mouth. He spit it out in disgust and gargled some water. "That was stale bread from dinner yesterday night. I'm gonna tell you're aunt."
    I glared at him. "Okay, okay. You got my attention. What do you want?"
    He smiled warmly. "Remember I told you about my friends?"
    I nodded. How could I not? He talked about them every morning when we went to school together.
    Just to clear things up, I have absolutely NO crush on Frank. Neither does he. We both made it clear that we were friends and it stays like that because he has a girlfriend, I have never met her, and I'm actually betrothed to marry a prince in New Rome, where ever that is. I'm totally fine with that, I have actually met him before. Very sweet and well mannered. It just so happens that Frank also lives in New Rome a couple years ago. I just find it funny that the royal family doesn't rule New Rome but rather two praetors. According to Frank, the praetors were actually pretty young. As young as us. That's a pretty good achievement for them.
    Frank nodded munching on a piece of lettuce. "Sometimes I would wish to become a guinea pig just to enjoy this more." Fun fact, Frank is obsessed with things about shape-shifting.
    Literally, he would be doing something like running. At the end, he was the fastest, as usual, but he would mutter softly how if he were a cheetah he could've gone faster. As I've told you, obsessed.
    "Which reminds me," Frank said swallowing the chewed up lettuce. "My friends said they're coming over later. I haven't seen them in a while and I'd like to introduce you to them if you want to."
    I sighed. "Let me check my schedule. . .yup I have time because I'm not a princess full of work. I WOULD LOVE TO MEET THEM!" My voice ended sarcastically, forgetting that Frank was not a sarcastic person. It's like he's been hanging out with 19th century person.
    "Great, I'll see you later after dismissal. Just-"
    "ZHANG!" A voice echoed throughout the cafeteria expertly silencing the chatters. All heads turned to a girl wearing a purple t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. She had strikingly beautiful hair.
    As she walked through tables, she glared at everyone with really scary eyes, which made everyone cower in fear.
    I looked over to Frank who was eating his sandwich casually, shrugging at the fact that a weird scary girl walked in scaring the hell out of students.
    "Seriously?" I whispered a scold. This made him look at me. "A scary teenage girl is walking through the cafeteria looking for a nonexistent person in this school."
    Instead of taking me seriously, he stood up and shouted back. "It's ZELTON. Z-E-L-T-O-N." What the hell is he thinking about? His death wish? Why was he acting like a playboy now only? A million questions entered my head at once causing me to fall of me seat. Also because Frank's shout burst my eardrums to pieces.
    I tried not to look at the scene because the girl probably could've been an assassin and stab Frank to death, but luck and weirdness is on my side. My eyes looked at the scene unwillingly and blew my mind.
    The girl marched with pride towards Frank who was meters away from her. Once she was in front of Frank, she grabbed hold of his throat in one hand and tried to strangle him. Frank was quick and grabbed her arm. He immediately flipped the girl to the ground and now he was strangling her. My bodyguard can murder people.
    The girl side swept Frank of his feet and shouted. "First rule of strangling, avoid a position where the opponent can knock you out through their feet, SOLDIER!" She then pinned him to the ground with a dagger to his throat. Where the hell did that dagger come from?
    Everything was wrong with Frank today. He was laughing like a maniac, which was unusual because he's the reserved type.
    People were staring at the unusual Frank. One student even exclaimed. "ARE YOU ON DRUGS?"
    This made Frank alert and pushed the girl off of him using his feet. The girl flew a few meters away from him a bit closer to me. I'm pretty sure she should've broken some bones at least.
    "Rule twenty two, Miss, don't pin a position with opponents legs released." Frank stood up brushing some dust over his shoulders. He walked over to the girl and smiled, giving her a helping hand.
    Surprisingly, she took it with a great smile. Once she was up, she crushed Frank in a hug. "It's about time you get more practice. People in New Rome are worried you've gone off the radars. Even the rest of the seven is worried. Luckily they schedule to meet you later." What on earth just happened?
    Frank hugged back. "Nah, I'm fine. Seems like you need some practice too." He winked at her.
    The girl smiled. "Don't even try, Frank. We both know you can't pull a thing like that off." Then she looked down at her feet. "As a matter of fact, Hazel's pretty darn worried about you. She hasn't said a word about where you went."
    They broke the hug and then Frank handed the dagger of the girl. The girl took it gratefully and sheathed it on her side.
    Both of them had a silent conversation and glared together at all the students staring, making them go back to what they were supposed to be doing. They walked towards my table.
    My hands started sweating nervously because the girl was glaring at me as if I had done something wrong. I haven't, have I?
    "Reyna," I heard Frank whisper. "You're scaring my friend."
    Now I was blushing from embarrassment which was still visible when they arrived at my table. Once they settled down, I tried to start introductions.
    "Hi, my name's Y-y-y-y-y-y-" To be honest, I was sounding like a jammed register machine.
    Frank exhaled. "Reyna, this is Yippee Hanselton, betrothed to Sam Hunt. You should call her Yvonne for the mean time she's here."
    Reyna shrugged and whispered. "So you're the princess who lost her parents in a car crash. I thought you died with them, just being honest."
    "I find that quite rude," I said sarcastically. "But, my mother was smart enough to get me out safely." Once I realized what I said, I cupped my hand over my mouth.
    Reyna just laughed. "It's okay, you can chill. I'm not the spreading secret type. That's Aphrodite's job." Aphrodi-what?
    Frank face palmed. "Sorry, Yvonne. Reyna can be quite confusing from time to time. Especially is it involves her brother, Sam Hunt, getting married. They've been childhood friends." Wait, Sam Hunt is Reyna's brother?
    "I've never heard Sam say he had a sister nor a mother. He just said his mom died a few years back." I was really confused now. Even what I said was confusing.
    Reyna sighed. "It's okay, Yvonne. Only the people in New Rome know that. I'm just a bit protective of him, even if he's just a half brother to me. Typical sisters."
    Oh. I actually understand her feeling when my deceased sister married far away. I was against that so much I broke the law, but it still happened.
    Then I tried to cheer Reyna up. "Since you're his sister, doesn't that mean you're a princess too? Then you can help defeat my Uncle Palios so that Sam can be king. What's more better than being the king's half sister? You can become a Lady of power there."
    Frank and Reyna looked at each other and laughed.
    "I'm gonna have to pass." Reyna said bringing out her dagger.
    Reyna slowly explained. "I'm already in power. Plus, I'm not after that."
    "What do you mean? The king and Sam are the highest powers in New Rome. Other than the praetors I guess. Or so I've heard." I tried to figure out why was she so not excited about being a lady in power.
    Frank and Reyna had another one of their silent conversations then spoke in a different language.
    At last Reyna nodded. "I've decided to tell you who I am."
    "Um, duh, you're Reyna."
    Frank kept silent seeming to understand my sarcasm for once then he spoke. "Just please, Yip, just take her seriously."
    Reyna took this as a way to repeat her introduction. "Hi, I'm Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Yvonne. I have one half brother who is betrothed to Princess Yippee Hanselton of the kingdom of Xantier. I am not a princess, in fact, I'm not even being addressed princess in my nation. They address me as-" she unsheathed her dagger and showed me the big engravings on it. Praetor Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano. Twelfth legion.
    My mouth opened wide. I was speaking to one of the praetors of New Rome right now. I am freaking out.
    "You just had to shock her out of her minds." Frank said silently shaking his head.
    This snapped me out to reality then I pointed at Reyna and Frank with my two fingers. "And you guys are dating? Frank you're dating her?!"
    Frank blushed. "No, I'm actually-"
    That signals end of lunch but the announcement speaker, Ms. Jasmine, changed the meaning of that ring. "Attention students, please evacuate immediately. Remember to evacuate safely and do not panic. I repeat, do not panic. All teachers and staff please guide the students to the front lawn. It is a code M students so please watch out. I repeat, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY and SAFELY. Thank you and be safe!" Code M meant a monster was in school grounds. How come we knew about monsters? Greek gods and goddesses revealed themselves a few months back before my parents died. There was quite a big war that saved us.
    I looked at Frank worriedly and scared. "F-frank?" Frank and Reyna were again engaged in a different language then they both followed the students evacuating while pushing me too.
    "It's gonna be alright, Yip," Frank said reassuringly.
    I looked around and saw that a lot more students were having a crying session while they exited to the front lawn. Once I stepped out, a monster burst through the ceiling upwards into the air propelled by water. It landed on the hard ground just a few feet away from some petrified students. Including one of the popular kids, Natalie Gale. Before I could silently wish she would be murdered by the monster who was swishing and flicking its tail, Frank quickly saved her by pushing her away. He on the other hand was the one hit by the tail which made him fly just above the school doors into the cold hard wall.
    "Frank!" Reyna shouted running towards Frank who was groaning in pain.
    Natalie shrugged. "He deserved that for ignoring me." What a brat!
    "He saved you Natalie," I said trying not to shed some tears. "He was willing to risk his life."
    Natalie wasn't moved. "It's everyone's job to keep me safe."
    "WHAT ON EARTH MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIM?" I shouted in frustration. This girl was getting on my nerves. She had the will to say she's more important.
    "What do you think makes you are more important than me?" She walked up to me picking up my glasses and breaking them in half. "Nerd like you don't even have importance."
    I was sick and tired of this whole charade. My fists clenched as I told her the truth. Told everyone the truth. "I may not be important to you or anyone here. But I am important to those who lives in the kingdom of Xantier. Especially to royal family."
    One of Natalie's wannabes smirked. "Have you not heard? The king, queen, and their precious princess all died in a car crash. Your standing for ashes of history." I wanted to kill her, but that's not princess like attitude.
    "I may be standing on behalf of the ashes of the king and queen. But not of the princess." I took a deep breath. "I stand as the princess, for I am Princess Yvonnette Yippee Hanselton of Xantier." As I said this the monster's alert eyes focused on me and it growled. A hundred more monsters appeared behind it all looking at me.
    "Ah, Princess Yvonnette, it is finally a pleasure to meet you," a man in a trench coat formed from shadows in front me like magic. "I was devastated when I figured out you weren't in the Underworld. It took me quite sometime to find you, but you foolishly revealed yourself."
    I gulped. So this is how my life ends. With the words the girl who foolishly revealed herself engraved on my stone.
    "Kill her." The man hissed.
    The lead monster stepped forward slowly to me.
    "Your Uncle Palios is a great friend of mine. I owed him a favor and he wanted power. So it brings us to the end of your life."
    Before the monster could even touch me, Reyna stepped forward holding a spear. "Don't you dare take another step towards her."
    The man laughed. "Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano. Good to see you again, Praetor." He removed his trench coat and hat revealing a pale blonde boy with a panda teddy bear strapped to his side. "Where's your trusty co-praetor Percy Jackson?" Wait, the Percy Jackson.
    "Octavian." Reyna hissed pointing her spear at the so called, Octavian. "Percy's not my co-praetor anymore. He gave it up for someone else. And it's none of your business, as an augur. Oh wait, ex-augur."
    Octavian snapped his fingers and immediately two monsters pounced on Reyna, who quickly stabbed them both.
    "You see Reyna," Octavian said. "Your strong without those Greeks and traitors. But, I want to see you to your limits."
    Reyna glared at Octavian as all the monsters charged at her except the one who was supposed to kill me.
    I cried out for mercy and help. My heart was pounding on my ribcage so hard it made me scream. The monster jumped at me as I crouched backed up against the wall with closed eyes. But it never came.
    I opened my eyes to see a lion tackle the monster to the ground.
    "Ah, yes, Frank Zelton is it?" Octavian stared at the lion. Is he imagining things? "I overheard you shout your name."
    The lion growled. "It's ZHANG. My name is Frank Zhang and I am the protector of Princess Yvonnette." The monster underneath Frank the lion turned into golden dust. Then Frank the lion changed into Frank the Zelton or is it Zhang?
    The Frank Zhang is here and he's my bodyguard. "You messed with the wrong people Octavian." As if on cue, several teenagers from the front gate of the school walked in holding all sorts of weapons. I recognized them to be the demigod heroes of the war against Giants. One by one, they defeated the monsters showing the students a wonderful show of killing. Then only Octavian was left on his knees begging for mercy from a black haired teenager around fifteen.
    "Dad will be pleased to hear your plea." The boy said.
    The students were gaping at the demigods in front of us. I was tempted to say close your mouth honey, or you'll catch a fly. But there were to many of them to say it.
    Frank stood up like a real leader and explained what happened. "Hello, fellow students, let me re-introduce myself. My name is Frank Zhang and I am a son of Mars. This is our old friend Octavian, who tried to kill us for the nth time now. I was requested to protect Princess Yvonnette here at this school. And as a Praetor-" wait, PRAETOR?!"-I had to fulfill my duties of protecting my subjects. Lastly, we are the seven, Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, ex-praetor of New Rome; Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena; Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, also an ex-Praetor; Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite; Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus; Me; and Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, my girlfriend. And these a few of my friends, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades; Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano, daughter of Bellona. Princess Yvonnette is a descendant of the demigod daughter of Mars, Queen Liza of Xantier " He then kissed Hazel and Nico shadow traveled us to McDonalds.

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