Jackson Cole 2

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Jackson Cole's POV

I slowed down the Lamborghini, halting at the red light while the black van was able to cross before the red light. Luckily, there was another stoplight ahead. I could still catch up. Then I spotted hidden officers giving tickets to a mini cooper to my left that looked familiar.
A she figure wearing sunglasses was leaning back on the hood of the car, frowning as the officer wrote her ticket down. From the driver's window, I could see that she tried to flirt with the police officer who wasn't even moved.
Her eyes followed the Lamborghini when I stopped on the red light. I noticed the 'she' figure was none other than one of the students of my school, Fortney High School. Leah Smiths. One of the queen bee's in all of the school. I once dated her, but she cheated on me by flirting with Henry. Though, he said he had his eyes on someone else, so she went back to me after that scene I saw and I dumped her.
Leah pulled her sunglasses down as she stared at awe. The windows weren't tinted so much so she probably saw me as the driver. "Jackson Cole?" I saw her mouth move. The Lamborghini didn't let her voice pass through it's walls, but it was obvious what she said. Who wouldn't?
I pressed a button so that the driver's window would go down. I immediately scowled at her, "Finally getting yourself caught, right, Leah?"
Her fingers laced the outer shell of the window then it went to my face. "Sweet car, Mr. Cole." She said in her usual flirt tone. She bent her head to the window, showing things I should not have seen.
"MS. LEAH SMITH!!!" The cop called out before gawking at the white Lamborghini. "Woah. Is that Jackson Cole? In a Lamborghini?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes. Now, tell Dad I won't come back for the evening. I have to go somewhere." Dad was the head detective of New York City. He cracked the most cases in the whole world, counting the weird happenings in schools blowing up. Other police officers always led to Percy Jackson, but he alway's saw something they didn't. As if he was overprotective of him and tried the hardest to make him innocent. It's just plain weird.
"Babe," Leah hissed. "Take me with you."
I just stared at her in a confused look. "Um, Officer Jones, do you mind taking her away?"
Officer Jones smiled. "With pleasure." He said grabbing Leah by the shoulder. "Let's go missy." Officer Jones led Leah to sit in his squad car.
"I have one more request!" I shouted at him.
Officer Jones raised his eyebrow at me. "What is that?"
"Remember when you said you owed me a favor?" I asked. Officer Jones was a close friend of our family. His six year old daughter usually loved to play with Jessie. One time, someone had started a killer fire to our house on the day of his daughter's birthday. We were having the birthday party at our house at the time. Jessie didn't have scars yet but she sure did work herself tiredly to save everyone and I mean everyone including the kids who joined the party. She dragged us all out of the house until she collapsed. Officer Jones realized that his daughter was still in the closet because the fire started while we were playing hide and seek. I don't know why, but my sister gave me the courage to save her. I pushed through the burning building avoid falling pieces of burning wood. My instincts kicked in and so did my ADHD. I was able to save before the whole house even collapsed. That was one of the few cases my dad never solved, but he never gave up.
Officer Jones nodded snapping me back to reality. "How can I not?"
"Well," I said sheepishly. "Radio the other officers ahead not to give a speeding white Lamborghini a ticket. I really need to do something important."
Officer Jones nodded. "Sure." He then looked at me in the eyes. "And, one more thing."
"Go." He said and I quickly stepped on the gas. Following the same black van who was turning right.

---Delphi's Strawberry fields---
I was about a quarter mile away from the van speeding through the somehow seems like abandoned road when they halted. This is the embarrassing thing, I didn't notice and just zipped past them when I stopped half a mile from the van. I don't understand how, but it seems my senses are sharper than most people. I could hear laughter from the van as they all walked out. My eyes were also sharper because I saw different teens walk out the van.
My body told me to keep driving because I feel like this is their stop and so that they won't feel like I was following them. Some strawberry fields that connected to a forest.
My common sense was slapping me in my brain. How stupid could you be? Does this look like a camp to you?
I just waited for them to walk to the fields, deciding I should keep driving and come back in five minutes.
After five minutes, I saw the van heading into the woods. Oh boy, no turning back now.
Stepped out of the Lamborghini, silently praying that it won't be stolen. I turned back to make sure the Lamborghini was still there and my luck ran out. The engine roared to life and it drove to the opposite direction. Inside was a man with a black mask driving it seemingly laughing.
What am I supposed to tell Henry. I could just imagine our conversation right now when I see him again. . . if I see him again.
"Hey dude!" He would wave at me casually. "So, did you take my baby for a spin?"
I would look down on shame. "Yep."
"Did you like it?" He would ask.
I would nod being honest. "It was till it lasted." I would try to stifle a laugh but his bodyguards would already take me to prison with my dad as my prosecutor. Plain torture.
I shivered at the thought of this and shook it off as soon as I hit a square column made of cement and fell on my butt. "Ow." I mumbled rubbing my aching butt. I then whispered a rant. "Who the hell would place a random column in this area?" I looked up and saw three words. Camp Half-Blood.
Memories hit my head as I saw the past things were it was mentioned. CHB was Camp Half-Blood. No wonder they were using shortcuts. But this can't be a camp. I looked forward and saw trees, trees, and nothing but trees. I walked further through the resembling stone henge thing and saw a different world.
There weren't trees were I saw them, rather a really big house. I saw light from a big bonfire so far ahead. Once I started walking towards it, I heard the softest voice and at the same time scary voice.
"Jackson Cole?" A girl with black hair and eyes, about fourteen years old, eyed me curiously until she was now in front of me. She was previously leaning on the porch of the big house that I saw and passed by. She was holding a cup of cocoa and was wearing a thick jacket over her shirt.
I was scared because she knew my name but I didn't know her. And not to mention I was in a camp that was secretly hidden in the woods.
I began to hear screams from the other side of the camp. I stumbled back when I heard a distinct voice.
"LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!" My sister's voice echoed throughout the camp followed by screams of charging people.
I was frantic and panicking right now. Was she in the Hunger Games? Is my sister secretly in the Hunger Games? "Is this a secret camp for holding the HUNGER GAMES." I started hyperventilating. What if my sister died? I want more pancakes!
The girl laughed so hard as she wiped a tear. "I don't think maiming nor killing is supposed to be allowed. They'll be fine."
I sighed in relief. I've never felt this way before. "Wait, why aren't you competing?"
In turn, she sighed. "I wish I could but," she raised her hands and I saw that she was connected to a stand with a bag of IV fluids. (The thing they connect to you in the hospital if you're in a bad condition or just need it.) It was just on the porch where she used to stand. "But my brother lost to the doctor, his boyfriend. And allowed me to be under doctor's orders. Chiron agreed also considering that I have to rest. The rest of my friends also are on house arrest." Does that mean they're all sick?
I raised an eyebrow at her, not knowing what to say. She was walking while she was sick. Her figure didn't look really that sick. That was really weird. I decided to ask her what she was sick with. "So, what's wrong with you? You look fine to me, at least."
Her brows frowned. "I'm not sick, Jack. Just need a break from my dreams. This IV is not the normal IV fluids. We're under it to helps us relax our brains from all the things crashing into our minds. It hurts. But we can manage." She removed the needle from her hand and rolled it up neatly. She hung it on the stand and proceeded to walk to where my sister shouted. "C'mon, don't you wanna see your sister in action?"
No, not really, I wanted to say but instead I agreed following her through the grounds of the camp. We walked for a complete two minutes of silence until the girl decided to break it.
"Your sister likes to talk about you, you know." The girl sighed trying hard not to hit a dark subject. "She'd come back to camp singing how her brother follows her guidance for safety."
Really? I thought she only did that for pleasure.
"You see, Jack, campers here aren't normal. No one can just go through the barrier like you did, especially those mortals." Did I hear her correct? She said mortals.
"Mortals?" I asked confused of her choice of words. Honestly, I don't know why I'm following a complete stranger right now.
She stopped walking and looked at me with her big black eyes. "You mean you don't know?"
"Know what? That my friends keep secrets from me?" I looked at her suspiciously.
She shook her head in a clear no. "I meant that the Greek Gods exist an you're a demigod."
This time I shook my head no. "I'm a demigod?"
"How do you think you were able to read the greek letters on the stone entrance? Your dyslexia is just another fact that your mind is hardwired for the Greek language. And your ADHD helped save the police officer's daughter. Jessie's been bragging." She quickly explained.
"Why-" I was cut off by her hand that covered my mouth. I tried to make a sound but I couldn't. My eyes widened and I started panicking because I was about to hit a tree.
The girl looked at me annoyed. "Stop squirming and shut up. We're in the battle field. Climb that tree," she pointed at the tree I would've bumped into.
At that time, I had no idea how to climb a tree but I managed to once I realized an arrow zipped just to my right side. Once I was at the top, I saw a clear view of the scene that was happening.
A bunch of girls in hunter outfits were surrounding a flag that had a force field protecting it. They tried to brutally invade it but it didn't work. Then I heard the voice of Mackenzie echoing like speaking to a microphone hooked up to a speaker.
Mackenzie's voice boomed. "Before you get to our flag, a riddle to solve for your entertainment. Very easy but think wisely. To get to the flag, I have arranged two buttons a little far away from each other. Both pair of hands must hit each button at the same time. I hope you get this, tic toc, Hunters." She spoke slowly so that everyone could understand her.
Oh so they were the Hunters.
I saw every hunter try to reach each button at the same time but none of them could do it. The buttons were too far apart.
At the corner of my eyes, I saw my neighbor next tree laughing silently at them.
"What's so funny?"
"Think smart and not strong ladies!" A red headed fourteen year old came through the hunters.
The black haired girl's eyes gleamed in delight. "The clue clearly said both pair of hands. Not same pair of hands."
Someone must've heard us speak because they did exactly what she said and they got the flag. I was somehow angry, but the girl kept herself composed.
"Wait for it..." She hitched her breath. "3...2...1"
On cue, Mackenzie's voice came up again. "Well done, my sisters in the hunt, but see that we have already crossed the creek." The hunters heads turned to Annabeth who was carrying the flag of the hunters. Beside her was my sister, who was awkwardly positioned under my tree.
A centaur man walked up with great happiness and news. "The WINNERS! Camp Half-Blood!!! For the first time!" All the people cheered and carried Annabeth and another dude on their shoulders. The girl next tree also cheered but slipped of her branch and fell to the ground. She landed with an oof and groaned.
"MARIA!!!" Oh, so that's her name. A boy that similarly looks like her shouted. "WHY AREN'T YOU IN THE BIG HOUSE!? YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS IT IS FOR YOU TO NOT BE THERE!!!"
Maria coughed real bad and replied. "I'm older than you Nico. Even if you're fifteen and I'm like fourteen."
I shifted my position and it ended up making a lot of noise.
"WHO'S THERE?" The centaur bellowed as all the other people pointed their weapons up my dam tree. Crap.
I tried to climb down slowly but resulted to falling on top of Jessie. She really didn't look like herself. Her attire included armor and a mask that covered half her face. It was cool.
"Jack?" Jessie asked curiously ignoring the imminent pain to certainly come on her back.
I tried to manage a smile. "Thanks for breaking my fall sis." I said passing out.

PJO Mortals Meet the Demigods With No MistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora