Joana May

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          Many people hate you, my friend from another school had said through the phone, why are you acting all calm?
          I walked through the dirty school halls for the hundredth time in Hillside High School. Yes it is true, Greek gods and goddesses exist. Many people claimed they were demigods even though through their faces everyone can see they are lying.
          I wore a casual purple t-shirt and a pair of beige colored shorts. I had long dirty blonde hair and startling grey eyes. Every girl in school hated me for no reason at all. Sure, I'm smart, and had no pretty features. I am basically a nerd. Just because I looked like that built jock's girl. The jock's name was none other than Percy Watters.
          Every single day, his black raven hair and his sea-green eyes caught the attention of every single girl in Hillside High. Desperate for the tanned beauty to take them into his arms.
          Every single day, I got slammed to my locker. A bruise created on impact and lots of girl's mocking me. Telling me to break up with the hot boy.
          Today, I was especially early to avoid all hands of girls. Hoping for a little peace before things go back to normal.
          I wasn't much into boys. I'm more of a gamer. Lot's of books stored at the library in our house. I read them all over again when I finished the library books. We were rich at the start, my mom had told me, that was why we had a lot of books. My father bought them because he knew I love reading books. After he died fighting over his life, we became poor and had no money to buy much books. I read the whole library's books for about ten times ever since he died.
          Just as I walked to my English class, I saw the jock talking on the phone in another language. He seemed too kind for an average jock. He wasn't into girls since he had a deep relationship with the mystery girl, assumed to be me.
          I sat down farthest from him. Trying my best to avoid him. We were the only two people in class, so after his phone call he approached me.
          "Hey," he said. His voice was calm and warm unlike other boys.
          I wasn't prepared to talk to him. "Hey," I said trying not to look up but failed.
          "I'm Percy." He held out his hand for a shake. I shook it briefly then went back to my sad phase. He took quite a little notice with me. "Are you okay?"
          "Names Joana, listen," I didn't know whether to tell him but some courage has built up in me. "I don't know your mystery girl but please help. Girls hate me for looking like your girl. I get slammed to the wall every time I come in school. Please, stop lying and pick a girl."
          Percy's warm eyes looked down at me. "I'm sorry. But you won't have much to worry. I'll fix this." He pulled out his phone and started dialing.
          Yeah right. Fix it. More like ignore my situation and go back to social life
          Percy was speaking in the same language he used before. Though his last words were, "Thank you!"
          He turned back to me. "Can you still survive till our second period?"
          I nodded at whatever he is planning.

          -One period of terror later-
          Percy looked around for someone when the teacher came in. Well, a different teacher. He looked more like a very young teaacher. His name is Mr. Pace, Mr. Malcolm Pace is his full name. He said our original teacher was out sick so he took over.
          Percy was smiling and mumbling things about Mr. Pace. Mr. Pace just looked annoyed and started teaching Greek Mythology. He talked about a recent war of demigods. About the great seven, Perseus Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque.
          The most interesting of the seven was Perseus Jackson. He was our first topic. He jumped into Tartarus for a girl. He killed most monsters in that Tartarus.
          Percy wasn't listening to Mr. Pace. He was zoning out acting all gloomy while Mr. Pace was discussing about Perseus Jackson. Percy blushed when a girl from the corner screamed.
          "Percabeth forever!!"
          Just then, a girl with blond hair walked in. The whole class looked at her.
          "Ahem," Mr. Pace said.
          The blond girl looked at him. "Wow, just a coincidence. You set this up did you?"
          "I have no idea what you are talking about, Ms...."
          "Chase, Annabeth Chase." She said brushing her shoulder from golden dust. Everyone stared at her in shock. The Annabeth Chase had just walked in. "Oh, Malcolm, stop with all your faking. Seriously, you had to get me here."
          Percy shot up from his desk and went straight to Annabeth. He whispered something in her ear then kissed her passionately on the lips. They didn't break till a girl spoke up.
          "Percy, you're so dead to Perseus Jackson. I should be yours. You don't have to stick with her."
          Mr. Pace kept smiling. "Surely this class has seen too much PDA."
          "Shut up, Cake Pace." Percy warned. Then it clicked, blond hair, grey stormy eyes, tanned skin. She was Percy's girlfriend and she is Perseus Jackson's boyfriend, which means Percy Watters is Perseus Jackson. The hero of all Olympus. Oh...em...gee. No wonder he was dozing off when they were talking about him.
          All the class were just staring at them teens when a couple more teens entered. One boy had an immense sports body just like Percy. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He spoke to a girl who looked Cherokee and had feathers in her braided hair.
          "Soooo," a Latino boy spoke. "Have you guys been giving these teens a lot of PDA?"
          Annabeth and Perseus laughed. Percy turned to all the class.
          "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. I am a lot lot sure it isn't Joana. I'm Percy Jackson, this is Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, and Nico di Angelo. We are the seven plus my cousin who also helped us. Also, Mr. Pace, is Annabeth's brother, Malcolm. Who half hates me and half is okay with me. Well, Athena hates me so, he's fifty percent Athena-" oh, all seven is here.
          Annabeth punched him in the arm a little bit hard. "Not mom. I'm still trying to convince her to like us together. And your not helping."
          "Fine," he said. "But the reason why you guys are here, is to teach about the war. And to get rid of dirty hands trying to kill Joana."
          I laughed at his plan figuring out what he had planned. Then we became good friends since then. I still got to talk to Annabeth and his other friends every time they fetch Percy.
          That is why I am calm. I don't have anyone bugging me anymore.

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