Nico Di Angelo

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SOOOOO, @ffoodie gave the idea so THANK YOU FAM!

Nico's POV

"Neeks," Will purred through the phone. As sexy as that was I wasn't giving in. Will was proposing we meet after school and run away to the theme park but I reminded him that we had guests later. Then he asks if I want to invite my sister, Maria. Weirdly, he was talking to me on his phone right behind me and I have an explanation for that. The thing is, we agreed not to be the out showing people who express their true love to one another and Will respects my decision of privacy. Will and I decided to become the "secretly know each other" people.

I held the phone close to my ear as I inched closer to Will. "Want to know what my answer is after all that cuteness you try to throw at me?" Will also inched closer making the gap between our backs shrink.

"Yes." Will said in reply.

I closed the gap. "No." Then I walked away with a smirk leaving Will in a frustrated state.

"NEKO-CHAN!!!" He gave a frustrated shout on the phone leaving everyone surrounding him watch him throw a fit. Apparently, he threw his phone to the ground and it made a large smashing sound. I really should run and hide until he cools down which would probably be during class. See you in class!

I ran to my first subject which was English. Apparently my whole schedule was packed. Later in the afternoon, Percy was going to have a swim meet against this school. It's a surprise competitor which no one in this school, except me, Frank, Hazel, and Will, knows. But demigods are used to keeping secrets so there is nothing to worry about. So the whole "mystery competitor" raised the attendees because ofcuriosity of why resident goth is going to the swim meet. Here in school, I am literally the most unsociable person anyone could meet. When I go to lunch, I don't say anything to anyone except Hazel and Frank. Will and I catch up in the apartment we four share. Another agreement was to never bring anyone to our apartment after school. Risk of seeing all of us together is not good.

So after the swim meet, the seven plus me and Will, are going to meet at our apartment along with some friends from our school and Percy's fish-ahem-I mean friends. AKA house agreement broken. So our apartment isn't that small. Crystal helped us find a cheap and liveable place. Cheap as in charmspeak cheap. For a 20,000 USD apartment, we got it for 10,000 USD and it is like living in a house already. Two floors, four bedrooms, it is huge. One of the other reasons why we shouldn't bring people here is because they will question how rich our family is. Still, Crystal, the fourteen year old, is paying the rent every month. *facepalm* Nico can't even pay his rents and he's older. Well I'm sorry, I don't own stocks like she does.

"Hazel!" I heard Frank's voice from afar. I ran over to the voice and when I spotted him, Hazel had tripped over janitor's cleaning stuff in the middle of the hallway. Hazel's books scattered on the floor and people were kicking them even farther.

"Hey!" I shouted in anger. Everyone froze at the cold voice I gave them. They've never heard me speak so this was a shock to them, but they were going too far. "Pick up those books you were just kicking around and give it back to my little sister." Whispers broke out in the hall as the students who were kicking the books picked it up as I help Hazel up. One by one, they gave it to Hazel and we went to our classes, dropping Hazel at the freshman area.

Weirdly, I saw Will walking just in front of me but we passed the classroom he was supposed to go in. I heard him mutter about English being his first class. "Your first class is English too?" I asked which startled him a bit.

He nodded slowly. He seemed chill compared to a while ago. "Yeah. Mister Flannigan said the counsellor of juniors changed my schedule. Something about a little persuasion by someone. I think we have a more similar schedule." He brought out a neatly folded piece of paper. "Here have a look." I looked around and saw no one watching us. I mean it's weird that the most unsociable student suddenly talks to the brightest student (literally) out of nowhere.

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