4.02; scandal

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After making it on Britains Most Wanted list, Emily didn't think Big Time Rush could get press worse than that. But that was before Kendall got Swifted. 

Gustavo was giving the boys a run down about how more than ever they needed to avoid bad press. Humming the song she wrote after the events of the invasion, Emily crossed through the booth, down the steps into the main rehearsal room. 

"So throw your hands in the air," she mumbled. "Come on and make this count. It's only you and me– Where are your clothes?" Emily shrieked, dropping her music sheets. 

Standing in front of her, Gustavo shrieked in horror as well, seeing all four boys without clothes, standing behind music stands. Disturbing as it was to see her friends so exposed, her boyfriend didn't look anything short of hot. 

"What? We can't go jogging anymore?" Kendall retorted, moving around the music stand to grab his shirt, revealing all the guys had short running shorts on. 

"I want you guys to think of ways to get us good press and back to the top!" Gustavo told them, as Emily disappointedly watching James put his shirt on. At least it showed his arms. 

"How about James Diamond duets with Taylor Swift?" The boy suggested. 

Gustavo snapped at him, "The last thing BTR needs right now is to get Swifted."

"Swifted?" Carlos repeated. "What is Swifted?"

"It's what people call exposing breakup songs coined after Taylor Swift's trademark of the best break up songs in history," Emily explained. She looked to James, "I listened to a lot of a them because of you."

James smiled, "Aw. Thank you."

"Basically the song tells the entire world you're a total jerkface," Logan told Carlos. 

"Which will ruin your sweet and cute reputation and destroy the band!" Gustavo said. 

"Got it. No jogging, no Taylor Swift, and no scandals," James repeated. 

Kelly tumbled into the room, her hair flying in her eyes as she breathlessly attempted to deliver the news. "Guys. Your old friend, Lucy Stone, just came out with her first CD and everyone is raving about it."

Emily grinned, taking the CD from Kelly, examining the plastic with Lucy and her guitar on the cover. "Amazing," Emily gushed. 

"Yeah, and you should hear her new single: You Dumped Me For Her." All eyes turned to Kelly, smiles gone. "It's about how Kendall dumped Lucy for Jo and is a total jerkface."

"Oh, no. I've been Swifted," Kendall realized. 

As silence washed over the room, Emily quietly mumbled, "Well, is it wrong if we listen to it or...?"

"I want to hear it," Gustavo agreed. "Dogs, put on real clothes."

The boys rapidly dressed themselves, meeting Kelly, Gustavo, and Emily in the booth as the song ran back into the second chorus of the song. 

"You dumped me for her. You gave me your word," Lucy sang. Kendall frantically stared at the lyrics on the inside flier in shock as the song carried on. Emily had excused herself to the back where no one could see her subtly rocking out. It wasn't a good situation, but it was a good song. 

"You kissed me in an elevator. Then you said see you later. How could you do that to me?" Emily quietly sang in the back, bouncing. Gustavo cut the music, leaving her voice echoing in the room. She froze seeing the team shaking their heads at her in annoyance. 

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