3.03; bel air

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Life at the Palm Woods would never be the same after tour. 

Now that BTR was globally famous, everyone knew they lived in the home of the future famous. Fans, crazy fans, paparazzi... there was never a moment when they weren't been photographed or stalked. 

It was especially annoying for James and Emily. The just wanted their privacy and no one would give it to them. Emily had taken a lot of time to work in the studio where security was significantly better. She missed her nonsense hangouts with the guys, but she couldn't take the fame anymore. Most days, she wasn't even working. She'd just watch tv in the break room or reorganize the kitchen for the fifth time.

The guys finally had enough one afternoon. They stormed into the studio, ranting to Gustavo about the situation while taking shelter. Gustavo was slightly surprised. He knew one day this would happen, but assumed Emily would've said something for sure. He just thought she wanted to be helpful around the studio. 

"There comes a time in every bands career where I need to move you out of the Palm Woods," Gustavo told them. He gathered the five teens, the boys sitting on the couches in front of Gustavo and his assistant, who gaped in protest at his wild suggestion.


"We love the Palm Woods!"

"No, no, I am not moving."

"Not moving!"

Gustavo rolled his eyes at the boys dramatics, "The Palm Woods is the home of the future famous, and you guys are the now famous. And I need to move my investment- that's you dogs- to a place where you're better protected."

The girl narrowed her eyes, "What about me!"

Carlos nodded, sitting forward, "Yeah, all of our friends are at the Palm Woods," he reminded the producer, gesturing to Emily. 

"And girlfriends," Logan and James sighed. 

"Yeah, and paparazzi, and celeb-stigators looking for dirt, and crazed fans that can walk in off the streets!" Gustavo pointed out. Emily frowned, noticing a small girl approach the conversation, standing besides her. She had light brown skin with dark curls, a BTR hat, shirt, and a Rocque Records mug. 

"He's right guys. You really need to think about your safety," the girl told them. 

"Who are you?" Emily asked.

"Winnie Diamond," she smiled, flirtatious waving at James, "James' future wife." James slowly pointed to himself as Emily bit back a surprised laughed. 

"Out!" Gustavo shouted, corralling the girl out of the studio. Emily let out a small laugh watching the fan furious wave goodbye to the band. He quickly shuffled back, looking at Kendall who started to argue. 

"Gustavo, we know things have changed, but we don't want you moving us into some snooty gated community," the boy said, crossing his arms. 

"And nothing's gonna change our minds," the other three nodded. 

"I'm moving all of you to Bel Air," Gustavo told them. The five looked at each other in shock.

Not too upset with the idea of moving anymore. 


The worst part of moving wasn't packing. It wasn't saying goodbye. It wasn't going through all the nonsense in cabinets. It wasn't even loading the moving truck. It was the song. 

Ever since the guys heard about Bel Air, they'd been singing on repeat a rap that came up with about them moving out. Emily thought it was catchy and cute the first two times, but by the tenth she was ready to kill them all. 

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