1.02; school

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Since her time at Rocque Records, Emily has gotten the most interesting educated imaginable.

At the School of Rocque. A school run in the studio by Gustavo. Student population: Emily Moore.

Until today, she'd never had any classmates. 

Said classmates were showing her how easy it is to fool James. They had moved his sleeping self on a lawn chair into the pool. The boys were going to shout something, and James would roll into the water. 

"Is it time?" Logan asked. 

"It's time," Kendall confirmed. 

"He's not actually going to wake up," Emily said, unsure of their full proof prank. 

Kendall merely gave her a knowing smirk, "Carlos," he turned to his friend, "do the honors."

"Woah!" Carlos shouted, "Free hair gel!" 

As promised, James awoke immediately and rolled off crashing into the water. The boys and Emily all let out laughs as the boy resurfaced, an annoyed look on his face. 

"Yeah, real funny. Now where's the free hair gel?" He yelled, not getting it was all a lie. 

"How sweet is this?" Carlos said, excitement in his voice. As he spoke, Emily gave James a pitiful shrug letting him know there was no free hair gel as he so believed. Rolling his eyes, James began exiting the pool. "It's like a vacation with singing. It's a sing-cation!" 

"Okay, guys," The voice of Kelly echoed from behind. "Dry off and get dressed, it's time to hit the studio," Kelly said, motioning for Emily to go get her stuff before leaving for the day. 

Normally Emily would have a car pick her up, or she'd insist on riding her bike. Kelly's around all the time to get the boys to the studio since they're so new to Hollywood and likely to run wild if left unattended. 

"Kelly!" Kendall greeted, "What does the great Gustavo Rocque have in store for us today?" 


"Breaking down some new dance moves?"

"A big Hollywood party to get us some Red Carpet exposure?" 

Emily stood back, her mouth shut tightly knowing these boys were about to be very disappointed. 

"Close. You're going to school," Kelly informed them, causing the four boys to huddle close in fear and scream. 

10 seconds and they were still screaming. Waiting for them to finish, Kelly turned to Emily, "How long can they go for?" 

Unsure herself, Emily gave a helpless shrug as she stared in awe at their ability to scream for so long, "I don't know if we have time to find out," She thought aloud. She patted Kelly with intentions of good luck, before going into the lobby solo and waiting for her friends to stop by for their morning "hellos," and check-ups, and of course the daily free coffee in return for free access to any events at the studio. 

All the students of the Palm Woods began walking through the halls. Jennifer, Jennifer, and Jennifer all linked arms together, giving Emily a big smile upon seeing her. 

Curly hair Jennifer handed Emily her decaffeinated coffee, as usual, "Good Morning, Em," she greeted, stopping in front of the girl with her two friends. 

"Hey girls," Emily replied, taking a long overdue sip of her coffee. 

"Are you taking the new Backstreet wannabes to school today?" Brunette Jennifer asked, sarcastically emphasizing "school," fully-well knowing what Emily actually endured. 

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