1.05; love song

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You know in the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? 

How he just runs around stressed the whole movie because he's late?

Emily was the White Rabbit. 

She stumbled out of the elevator, struggling to keep her papers from flying away, and mumbling the occasional sorry when she bumped into someone. 

Gustavo told her to be at the studio 20 minutes ago, and after her water stopped mid-shower, she's had the longest morning ever. 

Emily crossed through the Palm Woods lobby, eyes zeroed in on her phone as she tragically tried to apologize to Kelly over text for being late. She'd wait to deal with Gustavo in person. 

Staring at her screen, her shoulder collided with a blonde girls, losing all her notes, and the girl dropping her suitcase. 

Emily groaned, bending down to pick it all up, "Ugh, I'm sorry," She told the girl. "It's been a rough morning." 

"No worries," The girl replied, a genuine smile on her face. At her level, she picked up Emily's lost papers and handed them back as they both stood up. 

Emily looked up to thank the person who was so kind to her, but couldn't recognize her. "I'm sorry, have we met?" She asked, never forgetting a name. It wasn't the way to work in business. 

She shook her head, a small smile, "I just moved in, today. I'm Jo," she said, holding out her hand. 

Emily smiled, shaking her hand, "I'm Emily." The girl quickly remembered she was already late enough to work, she heart rate flying high again, "And I'm so late! But let's hang out sometime if my boss doesn't kill me!" Emily said, walking backwards out of the Palm Woods.

Jo silently laughed, waving goodbye to her first friend in LA. 


"Woah, who's he?" Emily asked in awe pointing to the tall, dark-colored, and massive dude in the corner. 

She was mid-apology when he caught her eye. 

"That is Freight Train. He makes people do what I say," Gustavo explained, a smile on his face. "Also," He said, standing from his desk and walking out of his office, indicating Emily should follow. "Griffin wants a slow love song for the album and I'm not sure if this is the right song." 

Emily nodded, unsure of what was going on, "Okay..." 

"And I wanted your take on it." 

Emily stopped in her tracks. Frozen with shock and delight. Pinching herself in case it was a dream. "Me? Y-you want my opinion on a song?" She asked, hustling over to the piano where Gustavo had sat down. 

"That's what I said, isn't it?" He asked, confused at her slow actions. Seeing her open her mouth to speak again, he held up a hand, "Song time." 

She remained patient and silent, waiting for him to start playing. As Gustavo progressed through the song, Emily understood why he was stuck. It was great, but something was off. 

He turned to her, "Well?" 

Taking a deep breath in, Emily reminded herself it's okay to be honest. That's why he asked. "It's weird," She admitted, slowly to search for a reaction. "I think it's catchy and beautiful, but it sounds bad." 

Gustavo nodded, furiously in agreement, "Exactly! I can't figure it out!" 

Collective sounds and voices echoes through the studio hallways as the boys arrived with Kelly. 

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