1.01; audition

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Do you want to ride in a big limousine?

Do you want to take a little bite of the fame machine?

A quiet night in and Emily Moore was writing words to match the catchy melody in her head.

The empty Palm Woods apartment held her, her music, and her comfort that night.

She'd gotten the past few days off work since her boss was out around the country searching for his new star.

Tonight was the last night. The last chance to find that star. She'd heard nothing, but kept the phone close by.

Most 16 year old don't get to live solo, especially in L.A. but if Gustavo Rocque offers you a free place to live, you don't say no.

She'd been working with him for almost a year. She hadn't written a full song yet, or even gotten the courage to ask to cowrite with him. For now, she'd comfortably sit in the studio and play with vocals and go on coffee runs.

Emily drank the last sip of hot tea as her eyes bean to grow heavy and the pencil couldn't write another lyric.

And she slept peacefully, knowing chaos was coming.


"A band?" Emily asked through the phone as her brushed her teeth the following day.

"Yes, it's a long story, but we're heading back today with the boys. Be ready to meet us in the studio at 4."

Kelly Wainwright. Gustavo's main assistant and talent scout. And person who keeps Gustavo in line, most of the time.

Emily sighed as she ended the phone call, knowing her relaxing vacation had ended. Rinsing out her mouth, she spit down the drain, and whipped her damp hair back.

A band. Of all boys. Who have never sang before.

Emily marked a note on her mirror to begin job searching.

She wasn't talented, or an expert, or super experienced in the industry, aside from her past employer and her time with Rocque Records. But she knew this was about to be a waste of her time and efforts.

Walking down the hall, to the Palm Woods elevator, she couldn't help but imagine what the boys would be like. Super nerdy? Attractive and down to earth? Immature and entitled? Or-

A blast of cold and wet water shot at Emily's face as she walked through the pool area. The chlorine stung her eyes and nostrils. A second shot came next at her torso, dragging her bag of notes and secret songs out of her grasp. The water dripped down her body, and under her shoes, dragging her feet out from under her and smacking her side into the wet concrete. A chorus of gasps and groans and shouts were all her senses picked up until she managed to open her eyes and see four boys she'd never seen before in front of her.

"We are so sorry, are you okay?" One of them asked, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. He had short dark brown hair, and wore dark sunglasses.

"I gotta get new friends," the other one muttered to himself as he grabbed my other arm. He had a pastel yellow polo on and his messy brown hair swept above his forehead.

Out of breath, and in absolute shock, the wet girl stood in disbelief as the third boy with a Hawaiian shirt and dirty blonde hair handed her the now soaking wet bag and ruined notes.

The fourth appeared in front of her, providing no apology or assistance, but instead opened his big mouth, "Hi, I'm James. I'm going to be famous and I'd like you to be the girl in the front row holding up an i love you sign," He said, winking.

Big Time Assistant | James Diamondजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें