3.02; returns

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Returning to the Palm Woods after a long tour ended up being much different than last time. The guys had come back to discover new kids moved in, not aware of who they were, and they threw a fit about having to "reestablish cred" with the new kids. 

Emily arrived about half an hour before the guys in their tour bus. She entered the lobby to be bombarded with the entire Palm Woods celebrating their returns with signs and confetti. She told the Jennifers and Lucy the guys were about 25 minutes behind her and could not wait to get in her own apartment and be alone in silence. 

Then she got chased through the lobby by Bitters on a small tour cart with fans claiming it was the Big Time Experience and a great way to make a profit from fans of BTR. Being their production assistant and new girlfriend, people actually took interest in her. 

Emily had been hiding out in the crib, talking with Mama Knight. Running from Bitters, she stumbled upon Camille in the hallway. They quickly agreed to meet up later and Camille offered to put her luggage away while Emily went to hide until the band showed up and the Big Time Experience lost interest in her. 

Mrs. Knight had skipped the concert in Canada and came straight back to L.A. while Emily promised to keep an eye on Katie so the girl could stay with the group. 

"I'm just excited to lay low and be alone in my own room," Emily said, sitting on the kitchen island. 

"With James?" Katie muttered, smirking. Her mom quickly turned to scold her and back to Emily, wondering the same thing, making the blonde blush. 

She shrugged, staring intently at her lap, a small smile on her face, "It's not easy sneaking around in hotel rooms with security outside every door."

The front door quickly flew open, the guys flooding in, out of breath, and stressfully relieved to be back in the safety of their home. 

"What is going on around here?" Kendall demanded, having just escaped Bitters and his cart no doubt.

"One, we're all famous now," Emily grimaced.

"And two, I'm jealous Bitters thought of the Big Time Experience before I did," Katie grumbled. 

"Three, welcome home hug!" Mrs. Knight cheered, holding her arms out for Kendall. 

Emily frowned in confusion, briefing greeting James who passed her to hug Mama Knight. The boy leaned against the counter, an arm around Emily as she remained focused on Logan who was covering himself in goalie pads. 

"And Camille will be crashing down the door any second for her welcome home tackle," he excitedly hummed. "And this year, I'm gonna let her."

"Wait, so you want to go out with Camille again?" James asked.

"Yup," he laced his chest in a covering. "But I'm going to let her make the first move, thus protecting myself from the dating disadvantage of being the pursuer instead of the pursuee. It's love science." 

"It's something," Mama Knight nervously smiled. 

"It's stupid," Emily scoffed, Logan quickly glaring at her. "There's no disadvantage if you make the first move."

"Uh, remind me again how your relationship thrived when James constantly made the first move," Logan remarked, giving the couple a knowingly glance. 

James nodded, "Yes, but she's the one who kissed me in London," James pointed out. 

Logan stuttered, "It's love science!" He snapped, turning to the door where Carlos patiently waited for it to fly open. He held his arms out, ready for Camille. The group watched in awkward amusement as nothing happened. Logan realized, slowly standing up, "She must have forgot what time we were arriving-"

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